
The girl's eyes suddenly could not see clearly, the parents thought it was pretend, delayed for a week, and almost went blind

Ran Ran, a 9-year-old girl in Wuhan, was writing winter vacation homework when she suddenly told her mother that her eyes could not see the homework book clearly. The mother initially suspected that the child did not want to do homework and made excuses.

After a week of delay, Ran Ran could not see the situation of the homework book did not improve, and then the mother panicked and quickly sent the child to the hospital for examination, and the doctor said that Ran Ran was suffering from ball posterior optic neuritis.

The girl's eyes suddenly could not see clearly, the parents thought it was pretend, delayed for a week, and almost went blind

After a week's delay in getting to the hospital, Ran Ran's vision had deteriorated so badly that she could only see her fingers dangling in front of her eyes. At present, after a large dose of hormone treatment, Although Ran Ran's condition has improved, it has not yet returned to normal levels.

Posterior optic neuritis is a common eye disease, but it occurs more often in young people and in children, but relatively rarely. The occurrence of this disease is related to long-term fatigue, mental stress, poor control of diabetes, long-term colds, sinusitis, optic nerve myelitis, etc., such as Ran Ran's onset, which is caused by a long-term cold.

If retrobulbar optic neuritis can be treated in time, most of them can restore normal vision, and there will not be too many sequelae, but if it is not treated in time, it will cause permanent damage to the eyes, such as permanent loss of vision, optic nerve atrophy, and even blindness. So if the child's eyes have the following symptoms, parents must pay attention:

Decreased vision

The child's vision in one or both eyes suddenly decreases, even within a few hours, or within 1-2 days there is a serious blurred vision, or even complete blindness, parents must quickly take the child to the hospital, do not delay.

Eye rotation pain

In 80% of patients with retrobulbar optic neuritis, the pain is very pronounced when the eyeball is rotated, especially when looking upwards or inwards.

The girl's eyes suddenly could not see clearly, the parents thought it was pretend, delayed for a week, and almost went blind

The field of view is reduced

That is, when the child is looking at things, there may be a feeling that something is blocking the line of sight on the left and right sides, not as much as before, and when doing the eye examination, it will be found that there are dark spots near the child's visual center or center. The child's field of vision is narrowed because of these dark spots.

Not as sensitive to light as before

Normal children's eyes will be more sensitive to light, but if they have retrobulbar optic neuritis, they will react to light slowly, or even completely unresponsive.

Fever, headache, cough

Some patients with retrobulbar optic neuritis will also have symptoms such as fever, headache, cough, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms while their vision is reduced, and parents should pay attention to observation.

At present, the treatment of retrobulstron optic neuritis is mainly based on the use of glucocorticoids and antibiotics throughout the body, but if it is because of some diseases caused by retrobulbar optic neuritis, at the same time of treatment, it is also necessary to treat the diseases caused by the cause, such as if the child is because of rhinitis, sinusitis These conditions caused by the retrobulbar optic neuritis, may consider surgery, first cure rhinitis, otherwise, it may recur again.

The importance of the eyes to a person needs not be said much, so no matter what the situation, we must teach children to protect their eyes, parents usually at home, pay attention to these aspects:

Let the child exercise well, enhance the resistance, and prevent colds and other diseases.

The girl's eyes suddenly could not see clearly, the parents thought it was pretend, delayed for a week, and almost went blind

If the child has rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases, we must treat it in time and do not delay, because these diseases not only affect the child's breathing, but also affect the child's vision, and even the child's growth and development.

Let the child develop good eye habits, do not read in the bright light, look at the mobile phone, play mobile phone or watch TV when the screen is not too bright, will affect the child's vision development.

If your child's vision is a problem, you must not delay and take your child to the hospital in time.

If the child has vision problems, such as myopia, astigmatism and the like, supervise the child to insist on wearing glasses and actively treat.

Take your child for regular vision check-ups! Take your child for regular vision check-ups! Take your child for regular vision check-ups! Say important things three times.

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