
The sudden "blindness" of a 13-year-old girl is a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus
The sudden "blindness" of a 13-year-old girl is a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus

Chinese New Year's Eve suddenly "blinded" and traveled all the way from other places to Shanghai for medical treatment, and this New Year, Zhu Zhu, a 13-year-old girl, spent an extraordinary holiday in Shanghai Children's Hospital. Today, the good news came, and the child's condition improved significantly! After a long vacation of treatment, Zhu Zhu's originally blind right eye finally saw the light again.

On the morning of January 30 Chinese New Year's Eve, Zhu Zhu woke up and found that his right eye was not clear, and by noon, it gradually worsened, becoming completely invisible, and his vision was black. This frightens the family.

That night, Zhu Zhu was transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Shanghai Children's Hospital for treatment. "At that time, the child's right eye was still blind, and even if he took a flashlight, he did not respond at all." Kuang Xinyu, deputy chief physician of the Nephrology Department, who happened to be on duty that day, recalled that considering that Zhu Zhu had a history of systemic lupus erythematosus, he was transferred to the renal rheumatology and immunology department for treatment Chinese New Year's Eve the same day.

After the detailed examination, Kuang Xinyu believes that the primary disease of Zhu Zhu does not have a tendency to be active or suddenly aggravated, but the eye lesions urgently need to clarify the cause, after urgent communication with the Affiliated Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital of Fudan University, the other party opened the green channel, Zhu Zhu completed the eye examination, suspected to be optic neuritis, but must do MRI examination to exclude intracranial mass and cerebral vascular lesions.

It is reported that systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, which can affect the system and multiple organs of the whole body damage, can cause kidney, blood system and other lesions; optic neuritis is a relatively rare complication, usually bilateral or unilateral painless vision loss, can be accompanied by pain during eye movements, severe cases will lead to vision loss, often need timely diagnosis and timely treatment, in order to obtain the best period of vision recovery.

The sudden "blindness" of a 13-year-old girl is a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus

At this time, it is Chinese New Year's Eve night, and thousands of families are reunited. After contacting the imaging department through the medical department, the two technicians could not afford to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal and rushed from home to do an expedited head VAS examination for the child.

Sure enough, the examination results suggested that Zhu Zhu did not see mass lesions in the skull, no abnormalities in the intracranial blood vessels, and her painless optic neuritis was considered a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus, and the administration must be started as soon as possible to increase the chance of vision recovery.

Huang Wenyan, director of the Department of Renal Rheumatism and Immunology, arranged the Spring Festival "strengthening class" to guard Zhu Zhu for the first time.

"After the symptomatic medication, Zhu Zhu's right eye intermittently reacted to light in the early morning of the first year, and began to feel a sense of light on the fourth day of the new year, and this morning finally ushered in the moment of witnessing the miracle - the child can see the doctor's fingers at close range." Niu Xiaoling, deputy chief physician of the Department of Renal Rheumatology and Immunology, introduced.

At present, Zhu Zhu is receiving follow-up treatment, and the medical staff of Shanghai Children's Hospital will continue to pay attention to it, expecting her to truly "see the six roads".

Author: Li Chenyan

Editor: Li Chenyan

Image source: Courtesy of the hospital

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