
When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

With the gradual decline of body functions as they get older, many elderly people will have some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and insufficient blood supply to the brain is one of the more high-incidence diseases.

This disease and cerebral artery circulation is not smooth or cervical spondylosis, as well as atherosclerosis and other diseases are closely related, after the onset of the disease patients will appear dizziness, headache, insomnia and other uncomfortable symptoms, when the body appears these 3 "signal lights", you should seek medical examination and treatment in time.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

What are the signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain?

1. Abnormal mental consciousness

At the beginning of the onset of insufficient blood supply to the brain, the body will have some omens, the more common is the loss of consciousness or intellectual decline, many patients will also have memory loss, impatience, isolation and other problems, and there will be a situation of not being able to sleep all night.

The whole person has a groggy feeling every day, which actually has a lot to do with insufficient blood supply to the brain, and it is best to seek medical examination in time.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

2. Face hemp, lip hemp

Insufficient cerebral blood supply is particularly harmful to physical health, and once the disease is developed, it will cause great harm to the nervous system;

This leads to tingling in the brain, face, and lips, and is accompanied by sensations such as numbness in the limbs, blurred vision, and tinnitus and dizziness.

Therefore, once the body has these omens, it should cause a high degree of vigilance, and actively go to the hospital for examination, and then treat the symptoms according to the actual condition.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

3. Crooked mouth drooling

Once the patient with insufficient cerebral blood supply has a crooked mouth and drooling disease, it means that the disease has reached a more serious degree, and the best treatment time must not be delayed at this time, otherwise it may have a great negative impact on the patient's life and health.

Due to insufficient blood supply to the brain, it interferes with motor nerves, which is also a major cause of behavioral or behavioral disorders in patients, and only aggressive treatment can alleviate the condition.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

How to alleviate the harm of insufficient blood supply to the brain?

1. Correct bad living habits

Whether it is the elderly or young people, usually should develop good habits of work and rest, in addition to not staying up late often, usually should also play less mobile phones, watch less TV, and do not use higher pillows when sleeping, otherwise it may induce the problem of insufficient cerebral blood supply.

Especially for the elderly who are relatively weak, more attention should be paid to ensuring adequate sleep time.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

2. Eat more antihypertensive foods

Atherosclerosis and high blood pressure can be said to have caused many elderly people to suffer from it, so if you want to stay away from the harm of these two diseases, you should usually eat more anti-arteriosclerosis and hypertension foods.

For example, bananas with a very rich potassium content, and garlic with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, these foods can be a good prevention and alleviate the shortage of cerebral blood supply.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

3. Do more exercise

Insufficient cerebral blood supply is not an exclusive disease of the elderly, for young people who sit at work or drive for a long time, we must take more time to do exercise, only in this way can we stay away from the harm of insufficient cerebral blood supply under the premise of enhancing physical fitness.

For example, you can participate in more long-distance running, playing ball and other sports, which can not only effectively prevent insufficient blood supply to the brain, but also improve the body's disease resistance.

When the blood supply to the head is insufficient, the body will have 3 manifestations, pay attention to observation, and check as soon as possible

The above introduces the causes and specific diseases of insufficient cerebral blood supply, although the elderly are a high incidence of this disease, but for some young and middle-aged people, it may also become the harm object of insufficient cerebral blood supply.

Therefore, if you want to stay away from the harm of this disease, you should pay more attention to diet and exercise and fitness, only in this way can you avoid the problem of insufficient cerebral blood supply.

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