
Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  Healthy arteries are elastic, and as they age, the arterial wall gradually thickens and hardens, causing luminal narrowing and lipid build-up problems, and over time, atherosclerotic troubles are formed.

  The threat to human health has always been quite large, especially when the sclerosis plaque suddenly ruptures, and once the secondary thrombosis problem is developed, it is likely to lead to acute myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction.

  Therefore, for the prevention of arteriosclerosis, we must pay full attention to it, and in this process, the idea that taking cold water baths can be away from arteriosclerosis can be widely spread. So what's the reality?

Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  In fact, the reason why taking a cold water bath can prevent arteriosclerosis is mainly because the cold water bath can exercise the body's ability to adapt to cold stimuli, which is indeed helpful for improving the elasticity, toughness of blood vessels and enhancing the ability of myocardium to shrink.

  Therefore, taking a cold bath is not useless in preventing arteriosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

  However, for the vast majority of people, the maintenance of blood vessels is achieved by taking a cold bath, and the result is often accompanied by adverse symptoms such as body colds, colds and runny noses, or decreased immunity. Therefore, when it comes to preventing atherosclerosis, the more extreme practice of taking a cold bath is usually less recommended.

Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  So what should you do if you want to stay away from arteriosclerosis in a healthy and safe way?

 1. Active exercise

  For people who are often sedentary and inactive, the risk of developing atherosclerosis tends to be higher. This is mainly due to a significant slowdown in the rate of blood circulation during prolonged sedentary periods.

  Over time, it is easy to cause a sharp increase in the incidence of vascular diseases. Therefore, for the sake of good health, especially blood vessel maintenance, it is recommended that everyone must pay attention to active exercise.

Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  At the same time, however, it is important to be clear that active exercise is not the same as excessive exercise.

  In fact, according to the different physical conditions and actual needs, the exercise intensity and total exercise amount applicable to each person per day need to be reasonably controlled and adjusted, for this, we must pay more attention.

Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  2. Reasonable weight control

  Being overweight is one of the key influencing factors that contribute to the dramatic increase in the incidence of atherosclerosis. Therefore, if you want to stay as far away from the atherosclerosis problem as much as possible, you must control your weight reasonably.

  Usually, if you want to ensure a healthy weight, you must pay more attention to the BMI index. That is, only when the BMI index remains between 18.5 and 23.9 can the weight be considered to be up to standard.

Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  3. Healthy eating

  In the prevention of atherosclerosis, it is also very important to actively pay attention to whether the daily diet is maintained to maintain health.

  For example, the three meals of food must follow the principle of low oil, low sugar and low salt, and it is necessary to increase the proportion of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, otherwise it is likely that the incidence of vascular disease will increase significantly due to improper diet.

Can a cold bath prevent arteriosclerosis? Doctor: Unreliable, want to stay away from it, may wish to do these 3 points

  The above is an introduction to the common ways to help people effectively avoid the troubles of atherosclerosis, that is, active exercise, reasonable weight control and healthy diet. For such important knowledge, we must pay more attention to it.

  Especially after the increase in age, with the gradual decline of physical fitness and the continuous reduction of vascular elasticity, the incidence of atherosclerosis often increases significantly, and at this time, we must pay full attention to the maintenance of blood vessels.

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