
After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

The heart is an important part of the human body, if the heart is wrong, then it will have a certain impact on other parts of the body, if serious, may lead to sudden death due to insufficient blood supply.

Cardiovascular disease is closely related to factors such as arteriosclerosis, hypertension, inflammation and so on;

Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the fact that it is recommended to maintain a good lifestyle and healthy eating habits in daily life to prevent the occurrence of underlying diseases such as hypertension and avoid heart damage.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

What situations should middle-aged and elderly people pay attention to in their daily lives?

1. Eat less salty food

If you regularly eat foods with a high salt content, it will increase the risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, which will affect the health of the heart.

In addition, limiting the daily intake of salt is also a necessary factor to prevent congestive heart failure, so it is necessary to pay attention to diet in daily life, and it is recommended that each person can only eat a maximum of 6 grams of salt per day.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

2. Proper aerobic exercise

Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function and fill the body with enough oxygen to enhance blood vessel tissue.

Proper aerobic exercise can reduce the probability of suffering from diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and hyperlipidemia, thereby reducing the chance of heart disease. Aerobic exercise includes walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and much more.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

3. Learn to release and regulate your mood

Long hours of work, or a disturbed mood, can secrete hormones that are not good for the heart, which can lead to an increase in the amount of fat in the blood, which can cause damage to the heart.

So learn to release stress, control your mood reasonably, try to breathe deeply when you want to be angry, and when you are stressed, you can do something relaxing, such as listening to music or running.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

4. Quit smoking

The harmful components in tobacco will affect the blood vessels, so that the blood vessels will contract, which in turn will lead to an increase in the viscosity of the blood, thereby increasing the probability of thrombosis blocking the coronary arteries, which will induce heart disease if it is serious, in addition, smoking will also cause cancer, so it is recommended to avoid smoking in life.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

5. Drink less alcohol

Moderate alcohol consumption can promote blood circulation, but excessive alcohol consumption will reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, promote garbage and toxins on the walls of blood vessels, resulting in the incidence of heart disease, so it is recommended to reduce the number of drinks for the health of the body.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

6. Feed on fish

People who are inseparable from meat in life can choose to eat fish and meat instead of pork in the choice of food, which is also a good way to protect the heart.

Salmon and sardines are rich in W-3 fatty acids, which can play a role in stabilizing the heart rate, it is recommended to eat fish at least twice a day, the effect will be better.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

7. Eat more oranges and grapes.

Oranges are rich in cysteine, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Grapes contain a lot of flavonoids and resveratrol, these ingredients can effectively protect blood vessels, morning and evening eat more oranges, grapes and other fruits, great help to the heart.

After middle-aged and elderly people, to develop these 7 behaviors, or to avoid heart damage, may wish to understand

In addition to the above points, if you want to play a role in protecting heart health, you can eat more coarse grains in life, coarse grains contain a lot of fiber, regular consumption, can reduce the chance of heart disease, at least twice a week to eat coarse grains, can play a good role in protecting the heart.

In addition, cooking food with olive oil instead of peanut oil can also play a role in protecting the heart, because it contains a large number of antioxidants, which are often supplemented for the heart.

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