
These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

Arteries refer to blood vessels that occur from the ventricles, the walls of the tubes are very thick, and there are more elastic fibers, with strong contractility and elasticity.

However, with the gradual increase of age, coupled with many people will have some bad dietary habits, resulting in less and less elasticity of the arteries, it will cause the emergence of arteriosclerosis.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

Arteriosclerosis refers to atherosclerosis, which is a relatively common slow-progressing vascular disease and is also the main cause of a series of cardiovascular diseases such as aortic aneurysms and coronary heart disease.

Therefore, in daily life, we must do a good job in preventing arteriosclerosis. In addition to not smoking and drinking, and eating too much high oil, high sugar, high salt food, you should also eat more foods that enhance the elasticity of blood vessels.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

Which foods have the effect of preventing arteriosclerosis?

1. Deep-sea fish

Deep-sea fish contain a lot of high-quality protein, but the fat content is very low, which is a high-protein and low-fat health food.

Moreover, deep-sea fish are also very rich in amino acids and various mineral elements. In addition, it is also very rich in fatty acid components.

These substances can enhance the metabolic function of the body, promote the metabolism of some lipid components such as cholesterol in the body, and have the effect of reducing blood lipid concentration and reducing the pressure on blood vessel walls.

It can also improve the blood viscosity phenomenon and has the effect of preventing arteriosclerosis.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

Second, legumes food

Whether it is soybeans, black beans, or mung beans, red beans and other legumes and legumes food, contains a lot of plant protein components, but also contains a very rich vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin B family.

These ingredients are able to dilute blood viscosity and also enhance the toughness and elasticity of the blood vessel walls.

Moreover, the dietary fiber and unsaturated fatty acids contained in legumes can accelerate the excretion of some cholesterol substances in blood vessels, and have the effect of preventing arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

Third, purple potatoes

Purple potatoes not only contain more vitamins A, B, C, but also contain particularly rich anthocyanins, which are antioxidants and can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels.

And can speed up the body's blood circulation speed, and also contains a large amount of mucus polysaccharides and mucus proteins in the purple potato.

These ingredients can promote the excretion of some lipids on the blood vessel wall, and enhance the elasticity of the cardiovascular system, which can prevent atherosclerosis and some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

4. Seaweed food

Including kelp, sea cabbage, sea cabbage, wakame, hair vegetables, etc., these foods are not only rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and other mineral elements, but also very rich in seaweed polysaccharides.

These substances can prevent the body's excessive absorption of fat and cholesterol, and can play a role in lowering lipids, blood pressure, sugar and preventing arteriosclerosis.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

Fifth, a variety of vegetables

Whether it is green leafy vegetables, white vegetables, yellow vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, or some mushroom vegetables, all vegetables contain a lot of vitamins, various mineral elements and dietary fiber.

These ingredients increase blood flow and promote the excretion of lipids in the body. It can not only stabilize blood lipids, blood sugar and blood pressure values, but also prevent various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

These 5 types of foods are eaten appropriately, or can prevent arteriosclerosis and stay away from cardiovascular disease

All in all, the above 5 types of foods are properly consumed, which has the effect of preventing arteriosclerosis and stabilizing blood lipids, blood sugar and blood pressure values, etc. It can be appropriate to eat more in daily life.

In addition, if you want to prevent arteriosclerosis, you should also properly replenish some water every day, such as drinking some green tea appropriately, and increase a certain aerobic exercise, which can accelerate the speed of blood circulation and enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, and has the effect of preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

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