
Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

author:Module Life

In ancient times, would someone take the initiative to lose weight? Will they be bothered by weight gain?

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

The variety of agricultural products in ancient times was far less extensive than the current ones, and the productivity was relatively underground, and most of the people lived in relative hardship.

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

Different from modern times, in ancient times, when materials were relatively scarce, most of the people who could grow fat were either rich or expensive: they wore silk silk and ate brocade. In this case, people who eat more and exercise less naturally gain weight like modern people.

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

So how did the ancients control their weight?

In the pre-Qin period, wealthy people lost weight by drinking crucian carp soup.

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

In the Han Dynasty, it was the method of internal and external use to lose weight.

In the Tang Dynasty, some people used the peach blossom bath method to help lose weight, which was similar to the current sauna.

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

Song Dynasty lost weight by rubbing cold compresses on towels, which could speed up metabolism.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty used "hundred button clothes" to lose weight, that is, to tighten the waist and abdomen with a relatively tight belt, a bit like tightening the belt of the pants.

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

Of course, there are also ways to lose weight by hunting, bowing, practicing martial arts, dancing, etc.

In general, weight loss belonged to the aristocratic movement in ancient times. At that time, materials were scarce, productivity was relatively backward, and it was all green food, and it was not easy to gain weight.

Did the ancients worry about weight? Did anyone lose weight in ancient times?

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