
Zhang Xinxin and Huang Qiwen - the youngest overall champion of "Avenue of Stars"

author:Bright Net
Zhang Xinxin and Huang Qiwen - the youngest overall champion of "Avenue of Stars"

Every year, the annual championship battle of "Avenue of Stars" has attracted much attention, because this is a stage that really provides professional performance opportunities for ordinary people, and it is also a rare opportunity for ordinary people to appear on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. In 2020, "Avenue of Stars" passed 6 competitions and 1 final, and finally the highly anticipated annual championship was won by Zhang Xinxin and Huang Qiwen, two young girls, and Chen Linchun, the general director of the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, also sent them an invitation to the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal. (Courtesy of Avenue of Stars)

Zhang Xinxin and Huang Qiwen - the youngest overall champion of "Avenue of Stars"

Zhang Xinxin is a senior student from the Conducting Department of the Central Conservatory of Music, conducting is a very difficult major, need to study for 5 years to graduate, Zhang Xinxin's current conducting department has a total of eight students, including her, there are only two girls, Zhang Xinxin feels that the female conductor with the baton is particularly attractive, but also the direction of his own hard work. This time to participate in the "Walk of Fame" Zhang Xinxin did not have confidence at first, although she loves music, the piano is from primary school to adulthood, but she has no professional training for singing, but she likes to sing very much, many people around her, including the mentor Xia Xiaotang, encouraged her to try, and did not expect her to reach the finals all the way. (Courtesy of Avenue of Stars)

Zhang Xinxin and Huang Qiwen - the youngest overall champion of "Avenue of Stars"

Huang Qiwen, a 24-year-old front-line employee from the pump room of Linfen Water Supply Co., Ltd. in Shanxi Province, has been very fond of singing since she was a child, but has not undergone professional training, and during college, she participated in the campus singer competition for singing to her classmates, and since then she has found that she can sing on the stage to others. Although after graduation in the water supply company on the three shifts of work, but for the "singing" thing Huang Qiwen still did not give up, in 2018 began to sing in the street with equipment, get a very good performance effect, her inner dream of singing is getting bigger and bigger, she applied for an account on the live broadcast platform to do live broadcasting, the number of fans is more and more, she found that there are so many people like to listen to their own singing, Huang Qiwen is more and more determined to sing this matter. (Courtesy of Avenue of Stars)

Source: Bright Pictures

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