
The annual overall champion of the Avenue of Stars Is Huang Qiwen, an employee of Linfen Water Supply Company

author:Three Farmers
The annual overall champion of the Avenue of Stars Is Huang Qiwen, an employee of Linfen Water Supply Company
The annual overall champion of the Avenue of Stars Is Huang Qiwen, an employee of Linfen Water Supply Company
The annual overall champion of the Avenue of Stars Is Huang Qiwen, an employee of Linfen Water Supply Company


The 2020 finals of the "Avenue of Stars" came to an end not long ago, and a Linfen girl won the annual championship after fierce competitions of weekly championship, monthly champion, six final sub-competitions and a final.

Soon, Huang Qiwen's name was reported by the People's Network, Guangming Network, China Daily, International Online, The Paper, and other media, and was known to more people. Out of affirmation and support for their fellow villagers, many Shanxi people have sent out "Linfen Pride" messages on media platforms such as the video comment area of the competition and Douyin.

Born in 1996, Huang Qiwen is the youngest overall champion on the Walk of Fame. As a staff member of the front line of water supply production of Linfen Water Supply Co., Ltd., she has no professional training, but because of her unique voice with great recognition and explosive power, she has won the title of "Pump Voice" on the "Avenue of Stars", and also won the title of "Chinese Small Song Library" because of the performance of improvising songs and controlling various styles. At the scene of the finals, Chen Linchun, the general director of the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, issued an invitation to the champion.

On January 21, Huang Qiwen, who was preparing for the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing, was interviewed by a video interview with a reporter from Shanxi Evening News. On the screen, the girl with qi bangs emits a hearty laugh from time to time, and her musical story, her dream-chasing journey, and her grassroots hope are shown in detail for the first time after the "Fame Avenue" "became famous", making people feel the ordinary power behind the starlight.

The starlight stage came to the "pump voice" and exploded

"This fate, like a bridge, the story to see, go to the end of the world, you and I take off the battle robes, dream back to the Great Wall ballad..." On the stage, a girl's angry shouting and singing and constantly changing the true and false tones back and forth on the edge of the broken sound, interpreting "A Bridge of Fate" into a magnificent interpretation. After the song was sung, the applause from the audience continued.

On November 6, 2020, the "Walk of Fame" weekly competition scene, the No. 5 player Huang Qiwen made a stunning debut, and the host Zhu Xun was surprised: "Her voice is very energetic, with the power of the pump!" Judge Jin Tingting called out such a unique voice like "pump voice". As a result, this front-line female worker from the pump room of Linfen Water Supply Co., Ltd. got a word to describe her voice on this stage - "pump voice".

What's more, in the subsequent scene sketch "Grab the Wheat", several singers with good singing skills were successfully "grabbed the wheat" by Huang Qiwen, whether it was the "Faith" of the continuous G4 bite, or the "I am a little bird" with the high pitch soaring to the extreme, as long as the microphone grabbed huang Qiwen's hands, she did not need any prelude to "directly soar", full of domineering on the stage! Not surprisingly, Huang Qiwen won the weekly championship with absolute strength.

At the scene of the competition of the impact month champion, the judge Zhu Hua said bluntly: "Huang Qiwen has a natural attraction, and there is a very powerful explosive force in her voice!" In this program, in addition to continuing to sing strong singing, Huang Qiwen also showed a good ability to adapt to the scene. Whether it is an interactive session or a "tricky problem", she responds with wit and ease. The host, Nigmat, couldn't help but praise: "Huang Qiwen is so powerful!" Host Zhu Xun also can't hide her love: "She not only has strength, but also a sense of humor!" ”

In this way, from the weekly champion to the monthly champion, all the way to the final, after six final sub-matches, Huang Qiwen finally reached the finals. At the "Avenue of Stars" finals broadcast on January 10, the lineup of guests and judges was strong - Chen Linchun, general director of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, composers Zhang Hongguang and Bian Liunian, singers Yan Weiwen, Wei Song, Tong Tiexin, Yu Wenhua, performance artists Xiao Xiangyu, Li Mingqi, Lei Kesheng, cross-talk actor Li Jing...

Finally, Huang Qiwen sang "The Most Beautiful Sun" to the accompaniment of the Symphony Orchestra of the China Opera and Dance Theatre, and the magnificent and high-pitched singing made the whole stage boil. In the song, full of strong feelings, Huang Qiwen said that this song is sung to all ordinary ordinary people, including themselves, who have dreams and struggle in various positions, and hope that everyone will have more strength on the road to pursuing their dreams. In the end, Huang Qiwen and Zhang Xinxin, who studied in the conducting department of the Central Conservatory of Music, were tied for the "double champion", Yan Weiwen presented awards to the two, and Chen Linchun, the general director of the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, awarded the champion the "Spring Festival Gala Pass".

Owes a lot of "class" during the game, also

Many people are curious, how did a Linfen girl get on the stage of "Avenue of Stars"?

In April 2020, Huang Qiwen received a WeChat message claiming to be a director of the "Avenue of Stars" program group, asking her if she wanted to be on the show. Huang Qiwen's first reaction was to "meet the scammer", until the other party sent all the personal information again, and Huang Qiwen "verified" it before believing it. She decided to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, Beijing suffered a wave of clustered new crown pneumonia epidemic at that time, and the "Avenue of Stars" incident was "no news for several months". In the summer, Huang Qiwen made an appointment with her friends to travel, and the tickets were all bought, at which time she received a notice from the director... Everything is so dramatic.

"At home, I went through a video interview and finalized. Then, I hurried to Beijing and met the director of Zhou Sai's issue. ”

Participating in the "Avenue of Stars", Huang Qiwen initially did not tell the unit, only changed shifts with her brothers and sisters in her post, plus annual rest, and took half a month's vacation, "I am afraid that I will be eliminated at the first level." This worry is obviously superfluous, after the weekly competition and the monthly competition are completed together, Huang Qiwen returned to Linfen with two championships. During the competition, she owed a lot of "classes", and during that time, Huang Qiwen was "returning to work" every day.

"Later, the leader knew, and blamed me for not saying it earlier, I can vigorously support it." I said that the food, accommodation, and travel expenses program group was reimbursed, and I wore my uniform and sang without spending much money. "When I go to Beijing to compete, Huang Qiwen doesn't have to worry about taking leave." My original position was inseparable from people, and the leader helped me temporarily adjust to the civilian position to facilitate leave. Really appreciated the support of colleagues and leaders. ”

On the stage of the "Avenue of Stars", Huang Qiwen has always been proud to be a pump house worker in "Linfen Water Supply".

When she first participated in the competition, she introduced herself like this: "I am from the beautiful flower and fruit city of Linfen, Shanxi, and I am a water supply worker of a water supply company";

During the monthly competition, Huang Qiwen also brought a "hometown specialty" - a cup of tap water produced by her participation in the water supply, and after tasting it, the host Zhu Xun praised it as "sweet";

In the final competition, the staff of "Linfen Water Supply" cheered huang Qiwen on the cloud connection, and she still "spared no effort" to introduce the work that made her proud: "Did you see it? My colleagues are all dressed differently, the same as mine is responsible for the production of water supply, and the other side is responsible for paying for water in blue uniforms...";

At the scene of the finals, the "three generations of water supply people" of Linfen Water Supply Co., Ltd. took the stage. The older generation of water suppliers helped on the stage, and Huang Qiwen said that she wanted to show the best spirit of workers in the new era.

In the show "Avenue of Stars", which shows herself, Huang Qiwen always brings her hometown water and hometown feelings to the stage.

The mother and daughter shed tears on the stage and cherished each other

The stage of "Avenue of Stars" is not only musical dreams, but also dream chasing stories.

When she first took the stage, Huang Qiwen recounted an experience of her own, "When I was a child, my mother raised me alone... Now I have a happy home. I wanted to sing this song to my mother, hoping she knew that I had grown up and was tired to take a break and that I could protect her. The folk song "Thirty-Year-Old Woman" is more like a kind of pouring out in Huang Qiwen's singing, Huang Qiwen's mother stepped onto the stage, and the mother and daughter embraced with tears.

In Huang Qiwen's impression, her mother has always opposed her going out and wandering, "When I graduated from college, my mother said, 'You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't go out of Linfen'. She felt that I had a big grin and was more likely to be cheated on the outside. After I went to work, I still wanted to go out and sing, and my mom said, 'How old are you when you come back?'"

At the finals scene, after accompanying her daughter all the way through the barriers and seeing her daughter's seriousness, persistence, persistence and hard work towards singing, Huang Qiwen's mother expressed her guilt as a mother: "Children love to sing since childhood, but I have no consciousness and no ability to cultivate my girl, which is my biggest regret... Our stage gave her the opportunity to realize her dreams. Thank you. ”

What makes Huang Qiwen happy is that her mother finally let go after the game. "She said I could have some development out there. I think she came out this time, saw my ability to deal with people and make friends, saw my more mature side, and felt relieved. ”

Huang Qiwen said that in the past, she was more willful in front of her mother, but now her mother has become needy and dependent on her.

Where there is a harvest, there is regret, look forward to

"Walk of Fame" is a stage for the people, but not all the players who come are "grassroots". There are many professional players competing with Huang Qiwen on the same stage this time.

Zhang Xinxin, who also won the finals, is a senior student of the Conducting Department of the Central Conservatory of Music, studied piano at the age of 3, obtained the piano ten certificate at the age of 11, danced and sang well, and won the finals of the Miss World Tourism Culture Contest in Beijing in 2020... In the semifinals and national finals, Huang Qiwen and Zhang Xinxin became competitors twice. But no one expected that these two players who had repeatedly PK actually walked hand in hand to the end.

In fact, competing on the same stage with professional players, Huang Qiwen is under pressure inside, and she once made such a voice before singing "Freedom like a Dream": "Although I am not professional, I am working hard. However, she has never studied music professionally, which makes Huang Qiwen a little unwilling, "If I can study professionally, I may not have so many regrets, at least less regrets." ”

However, she feels that she is lucky again, "Fortunately, not only to win the championship, but also to meet many teachers who are willing to teach me." This is important to me! "Therefore, Huang Qiwen cherishes every comment she makes on the stage." Teacher Yan Weiwen said that the basic skills of singers must be solid. Like when I sing three songs in a row, there will be small flaws in the heavy load of the voice, which is that the basic skills are not solid. In the program, judge Zhu Hua pointed out that Huang Qiwen needed to improve, "I think very seriously about what the teacher said, and in the later competitions, I also think more about what emotions I use to sing." ”

What is rare is that a 25-year-old girl who has just won the championship and is preparing for the Spring Festival Gala has her own clear cognition in the face of fame: "The definition of 'fire' is still quite vague, I only count at the beginning, after winning the championship, I have to do more, otherwise others will think that you are high and low." Who doesn't like to show off? Everyone has vanity, but my vanity needs to be supported by strong strength, and I hope that I can step onto a bigger stage. ”

This can't help but remind people of the way this girl looked when she sang "Teenager" on the stage, it was the first time in her life that she entered the Central Radio and Television Station, and the first time she came to the "First Hall"...

Behind the many "firsts", it is the first time that Huang Qiwen is so close to her musical dream, and it is also the first time that she has such a strong feeling about "professional music study"!

The 2020 "Walk of Fame" has come to an end, and Huang Qiwen's "Walk of Fame" has just begun.

Shanxi Evening News reporter Li Peipei

(Editor-in-charge: Li Lin)

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