
Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!

author:Wellness Club

Dog days are here! Quickly turn your physique around, drain dampness, cold, and stasis, and drive away the cold and evil in your body. Ten people and nine wet, cold and damp, all kinds of diseases; The heavy dampness that enters your body in spring and summer, if you don't force it, it won't run out on its own! Bringing it into autumn and winter will become a big disaster!

Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!

What is cold and stasis?

  • Dampness and cold: It refers to the poor metabolism of water in the body, which leads to the stagnation of water in the body or the whole body, causing heaviness, pain, swelling and other discomforts.
  • Stasis: It usually refers to the accumulation of blood stasis and toxins due to poor blood circulation, which is manifested as dullness and pain.
Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!

How to get rid of cold and bruises?

  1. Rational feasting
  • Eat more warm food: Although dog days are hot, avoid eating too many cold drinks and cold foods to avoid hurting the spleen and stomach and causing dampness and cold. You can eat more warm foods such as ginger, garlic, beef, and mutton.
  • Eat spicy peppers in moderation: A moderate amount of chili pepper can promote blood circulation and help dispel cold, but be careful not to overdo it so as not to cause gastrointestinal burden.
  • Avoid sticky foods: Cold drinks, sweets, fried foods, etc., are prone to moisture and should be avoided as much as possible.
  1. Exercise appropriately
  • Improves blood circulation: Moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can improve blood circulation and help eliminate congestion and toxins.
  • Yoga stretching: Some stretching movements of yoga can help the body relax, promote blood circulation, and are good for removing congestion.
Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!
  1. TCM physiotherapy
  • Cupping and scraping: These two traditional Chinese medicine methods can effectively promote blood circulation and have a significant effect on eliminating congestion and dampness and cold, but they need to be carried out under the guidance of a professional.
  • Moxibustion: Moxibustion-related acupuncture points (such as Zusanli, Guan Yuan, etc.) can warm the yang and drive away cold, enhance the body's metabolic function, and help eliminate moisture.
  • Massage: The massage itself helps to relax the muscles, improve circulation, and reduce physical fatigue. Baiyun Mountain Weiyi Plant Essential Oil contains a variety of plant extracts, some of which may have the effect of warming the meridians, dispelling cold and dehumidifying, and helping to promote the comfort and health of the body.
Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!

Summer treatment of winter diseases is a therapeutic principle of traditional Chinese medicine, which refers to the prevention and treatment of diseases that are prone to attack or aggravate in winter. Common winter and summer diseases include respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis, as well as arthritis and rheumatic diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer is the best time to treat winter ailments due to its strong yang energy.

Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Baiyun Mountain Weiyi Plant Essential Oil may help to dispel cold and dampness and treat winter and summer diseases, but please be sure to consult a professional doctor or physiotherapist before using it to ensure that it is safe and effective. At the same time, maintaining good lifestyle habits and dietary structure is also an important aspect of preventing and treating these diseases.

  1. Lifestyle habits
  • Get enough sleep: A good night's sleep helps the body recover and repair, and boosts metabolism.
  • Avoid overexertion: Overexertion can damage yang energy, making it easier for the body to accumulate dampness, cold, and stasis.
  • Dress appropriately: If you sweat a lot on dog days, you should choose clothes with good breathability to avoid being exposed to wind and cold after sweating.
Dog days are coming, fight a turnaround battle, drain the dampness, cold and poison, and drive away the cold evil in the body!
  1. Psychological adjustment
  • Maintain a good state of mind: Excessive mood swings can affect the operation of the qi and lead to stagnation of qi and blood, so maintaining a calm mind is also very important to eliminate congestion.

Dog days are an excellent time to maintain health, through a reasonable diet, appropriate exercise, the assistance of traditional therapies and good lifestyle habits, you can effectively eliminate dampness, cold and stasis in the body, and fundamentally improve physical fitness. In this summer, let's start the battle of physical fitness and welcome a healthier lifestyle!