
【National Anti-drug Publicity Month】Hengdong County's 2024 anti-drug theme publicity activity of "Preventing Teenagers from Abuse of Addictive Substances such as Narcotic Drugs" was officially launched

author:Hengyang anti-drug
【National Anti-drug Publicity Month】Hengdong County's 2024 anti-drug theme publicity activity of "Preventing Teenagers from Abuse of Addictive Substances such as Narcotic Drugs" was officially launched

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On June 25, the launching ceremony of Hengdong County's 2024 "Prevention of Abuse of Addictive Substances Involving Narcotic Drugs and Other Addictive Substances" by teenagers was held in the county vocational secondary school.

【National Anti-drug Publicity Month】Hengdong County's 2024 anti-drug theme publicity activity of "Preventing Teenagers from Abuse of Addictive Substances such as Narcotic Drugs" was officially launched

At the ceremony, everyone watched the publicity and education video of "Preventing Teenagers from Abuse of Addictive Substances such as Narcotic Drugs", the performance of the anti-drug song "Wake Up", etc., and some teachers and student volunteer representatives took the anti-drug oath.

Li Jianhua, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, pointed out that in recent years, our county has been guided by the creation of a "drug-free county", scientifically coordinated the tasks of anti-drug work, upgraded and strengthened the crackdown on drug-related violations and crimes, innovatively launched anti-drug propaganda into 10,000 homes, and carried out in-depth "safe care" for drug addicts, constantly consolidating the foundation of anti-drug work, expanding the results of anti-drug work, and comprehensively promoting the in-depth development of anti-drug work in the county; The drug situation in the county is stable and improving. In the past five years, it has been rated as "Advanced County in the City's Anti-drug Work".

【National Anti-drug Publicity Month】Hengdong County's 2024 anti-drug theme publicity activity of "Preventing Teenagers from Abuse of Addictive Substances such as Narcotic Drugs" was officially launched

Li Jianhua demanded that all townships and departments in the county must further enhance their political awareness, deeply understand the necessity and importance of carrying out this theme publicity activity, earnestly assume the main responsibility for drug control, educate and guide the masses, especially young people, to firmly establish a sense of prevention, do a good job in the control of drug addicts in society, strengthen the crackdown on drug-related crimes and rectification, extensively carry out anti-drug socialization propaganda, and earnestly fulfill the responsibility of defending the territory and fulfilling their duties, so as to make due contributions to the county's social peace construction and economic development.

County leader Li Yunlong presided over the ceremony.

Third trial: Lei Nanhua

Second trial: Luo Shuai

Written by: Hengdong County Financial Media Center

Editor: Yang Qian

【National Anti-drug Publicity Month】Hengdong County's 2024 anti-drug theme publicity activity of "Preventing Teenagers from Abuse of Addictive Substances such as Narcotic Drugs" was officially launched

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