
This book auctioned 81.65 million yuan, let's try it, let's take a look

author:Geng Zhibin

Wen Zhengming's poem "Miscellaneous Songs", a total of ten poems, is what he went to Xishan, Dongting Lake and other places to play, and what he thought in his own Cloud Pavilion, the final auction price was as high as 81.65 million yuan, today we will come to appreciate it. Then still use my "point 38", still A4 paper, and find the feeling of 81.65 million yuan together. [Laughing and crying]

I made a segment in the following interpretation, the ninth of which, I did not understand the same as the Internet, and my understanding was given later.

The original is below. #Calligraphy##Calligraphy Appreciation##练字 #

This book auctioned 81.65 million yuan, let's try it, let's take a look
This book auctioned 81.65 million yuan, let's try it, let's take a look
This book auctioned 81.65 million yuan, let's try it, let's take a look

(Please turn your phone right and enjoy it horizontally)

This book auctioned 81.65 million yuan, let's try it, let's take a look


Miscellaneous Chants

(1) Spring day with friends to tour the Western Mountains

Do not teach the dust negative to travel to the green, out of the Guo chat for a laugh plot. The new water has become a floating boat, and the good mountain rogue is frowning. The wind (here is a typo "cover", crossed out with dots) plucked the sideburns of the spring shirt thin, and the tree stream was shady and thick. A dock of peach blossoms is biased into the mind, and the small lian stay by the Gangchon Bridge.

(2) Boat trip to have a family, remember the cross bridge from the sand. Looking at the wind and smoke in the south with the birds, the west comes to the ruins with the mountain slope. Warm new green first returned to the willow, the water reflected the red suddenly saw flowers. Residual wine did not wake up the spring sleepy drama, Ji Xi chatted about trying tea before the rain.

(3) Rain foot new Pu Long Bi Bud, Wild Pond Ten Mile Hugging Village Oblique. Youth whisper swallow peeping boat, daytime clouds and shallow sand. The eyebrows on the lake are far away from the mountain color, and the thin-faced peach blossoms before the wind. Where the old man returns, the deep tree chicken song has a hermit.

(4) Mai Long wind slight swallow oblique, rain and sunny clouds lijiang sand. Haruka searches for the temple in the smoke, and sees the flowers on the Balance Road for the first time. Over the eye of the creek mountain Lao; Fang Chun grass trees glow. The sunset and half of the mountains return to public opinion, ashamed of having their own home in the city.

(5) Sunrise Wushan is foggy, and the flat radius is ten miles under the Hengtang. The color of the grass should be far away, and the flow around the bamboo stream is not felt long. A dock of people from the flower willow, a thousand wheat vegetables between the green yellow. Not because of the Guo for personnel, negative but the scenery of February strong.

(6) The cave court will be assigned to this

The city is far away from a snail, and it is still from a township here. Xiaogu is across the creek as a fishing city, and the autumn wind blows oranges and walls. The famous mountains are more dependent on the lake to increase victory, and the reward has just come to the moon and there is light. Zheng'er would be empty-minded and go again, so it was better for the monk to live in the bamboo room.

(7) Su Wang's other business

Back GuoTong village small house, Ren Xin still happy. In the mountains, the old industry is a thousand heads of bamboo, and the water surface is newly rented ten acres of fish. Attempted conspiracies to avoid the vulgarity, do not forget the ambition to have a collection of books. Phi Yu once borrowed the Xi Zhai Tata and recalled the inscription poem for more than ten years.

(8) Again

The pen bed book is rolled around the pot, and here I gladly forget everything. Self-laughter frequently comes to non-ordinary guests, only sad but busy. The pond listens to the rain and is disturbed, and the sills are drunk and cold in the wind. The green trees are silent, and the rivers and villages are found from where.

(9) Shuyunguan Yan sits in the arms.

No one in the mountain hall was left behind, so they did not wear a crown all day long. When the tea bowl drove away the drowsiness, there were books left to edit Yan Huan. Desert yellow plum raw wet, slim white tortuous test light single. The small bricks of biwu are as promised, and they are not allowed to rely on the king. ("Desert Yellow Plum Is Wet" and other sentences are my understanding, "You" word is written wrongly, the bottom with dots crossed out, here the author stamped a seal "YulanTang", should also mean this.) The Internet is solved as "leisurely desert yellow plum life, moist fiber white ramie test, light single biwu small brick yin, such as Xu can not be jun to rely on the appendix", do not understand what it means [cover your face])

(10) Xi Yin

Sweeping the floor and burning incense to Xi Yanqing, Xiao Ran's room will be welcomed. Sit and move the shadows between the flowers in the daytime, and sleep with the sound of spring birds and bamboo. The heart may be far away from the human situation, and the Tao is deeply aware of the lightness of the world. But he could not pity Lian Xizi, and could let the grass in front of the window grow on its own.

(Inscription after the text) Long rain xinji, feelings are refreshing, burning incense to make tea, but also happy things in the world. There is a roll of chalk, plain and lovely. Aid pen long record miscellaneous chants, on the occasion of Li Qingzhi, that is, with the holding, not enough for the exhibition to read the ear. Signify.