
Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

The joy of March in Harry Potter: Magical Awakening has not yet been fully experienced, and everyone has received the official "major revelations". The new content, which will go live in April, sparked heated discussion. Have you all seen it?

The performance in fashion is remarkable. Two sets of fashions with very different styles have super high looks.

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

The first set, the men's suit style is very "playboy", but in terms of appearance, it is also the best in the current suit. The unique floral design is particularly eye-catching, and the warm colors have a spring atmosphere. As we just entered the spring month of April, this fashion theme is really suitable!

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

The overall appearance of the women's model is very "Miss Luna" style. The bells and whistles are weird, but there is no lack of female brilliance and innocence. A light-colored big wavy hairstyle has also received a lot of attention, and players have expressed the hope that the "hair volume" aspect is really "explosive" like the original painting

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

It is worth mentioning that the inspiration for this set of fashion is the same model of Luna's father and daughter in the original book. The elements of floral flowers, the color scheme of yellow tones, and the atmosphere of the whole temperament. However, designers have added a lot of "modern trend" elements when designing, and I have to say that the performance of new fashion in appearance is indeed worthy of praise, and the new style that makes people shine is believed to be loved by many players.

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

The second set, pure original style fashion, is also very different. The fantasy and mystery brought by the black and purple color scheme are balanced, and the design of the dress is very flamboyant. The style of men's and women's clothing is full of novelty, whether it is the women's short skirt and long hem design, or the men's tunic robe, the more bold design is still full of elegant noble temperament. This set of fashions is favored by prom players!

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

At the same time, the two sets of modern fashion performances are also very eye-catching. The academy style of art students and the daily casual denim are very much in line with the theme of "Spring Day". The performance of several sets of new fashions has made players very much looking forward to it, and April is the time to show "high value" ~ NetEase Artist is indeed a bit aesthetic on the body, and the bright eye of clothing design and the high-quality restoration of modeling have been highly praised by players.

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

Of course, there is another very heavy content in April's big update. That's the "new map" – Hogsmeade Village will be officially launched. From the year before last year to the present, there has been a lot of speculation about the new map. Now players are finally waiting for it to go live! I don't know what kind of style the new map is, and what are the hidden Easter eggs?

Harry Potter mobile gamers would hate to cross? The April Update hits the new map with Luna

After reading the april news, the classic quotations once again brushed across the major forums: "I don't want to stay at all this March" "Directly fast forward to April I wear new fashion to visit the new map"... In short, Harry Potter mobile game players really need the super power of "time travel" ~ the new content is still in the news, everyone pay more attention to it!

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