
Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

Players who know the Harry Potter mobile game know that this game has a lot of interesting ways to play, and players can also discover new fun in a variety of interesting ways to play, today we will talk about the most popular fun ways to play in the Harry Potter mobile game.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

The mini wizard gameplay is a new way to play some time ago, this game is called "Magic Academy Fighting Landlord" by players, but the principle is really bad. In the mini wizard gameplay, the player will be randomly divided into two factions, the wizard and the challenge wizard, and then the two camps will duel, as the challenge wizard player can randomly choose their favorite character, and then divided into two camps to fight the wizard and challenge the wizard for duels. There will be three players to challenge the wizard, and there is only one player to face the wizard, but the strength to face the wizard is stronger than the challenge wizard, which is the same as the three-dozen-one concept of the landlord.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

There are many characters to choose from in the two camps of mini wizards, each character has its own unique skills, and before the start of each game, players can choose the role they want to use in the battle from the given characters, and choosing the right character to fight will be more effective.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

In the mini wizard gameplay, some of the characters are very powerful and interesting, so they have been loved by many players. For example, Professor McGonagall, who is facing the wizard, is simply the strongest of the strong, and after the stone pier army is released, the blood volume of the challenge wizard drops directly, and he simply wants to be happy. However, if the battle against the wizard is Luna, Then McGonagall may be a little confrontational, luna will have a natural advantage in hitting McGonagall, 2 fees of night qi clear stone piers are not very fast, you can also try to use Luna to fight McGonagall.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

The divination class gameplay of the Harry Potter mobile game is also very interesting, and the divination class gameplay is simply that you draw me and guess. Players need to draw the corresponding pattern according to the requirements of the question, and then the game will evaluate the degree of restoration of the player's work, at the same time, the player also has to guess what other teammates draw, and there will be a generous reward in guessing.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

In the divination class gameplay, the Harry Potter mobile game player really played his own brain-opening strengths, and some players "drew well" and could not guess what he was drawing without looking carefully. For example, the owl drawn by this player looks like a frightened sparrow at first glance, and there is an inexplicable sense of joy that makes people cry and laugh.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

Some players are abstract painters, and the works drawn according to the pattern prompts are fundamentally different from the original painting, such as the player's painting of the hit willow, if you don't give the option, who can guess that this is actually a hit willow? This is probably the soul painter.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

In addition to the mini wizard and divination class gameplay, the dueling arena gameplay in the Harry Potter mobile game is also highly sought after by players, and many players are immersed in the joy of playing in the dueling arena every day, and PK in the dueling arena almost every day. These players like the thrill of dueling arena competition and the sense of accomplishment after winning, and they also study various decks to cope with each duel, which is probably the current situation of many dueling field enthusiasts.

Which of the ways to play that Harry Potter mobile gamers are addicted to is your favorite?

Each gameplay in the Harry Potter mobile game is very entertaining and interesting, and the gameplay of each event is also very attractive, and players will discover more interesting new ways to play while participating in various gameplay. During the exploration process, the player's game experience is satisfied, so the player has always maintained a high enthusiasm for harry potter mobile games, I don't know which of your favorite gameplay?

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