
"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

author:Xiao Xiao Yu

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the film and television drama market and the audience's demand for diversified themes, more and more new faces have begun to emerge in front of the screen, including some young post-00s flowers, who have successfully attracted the attention of the audience with their excellent performances and unique charm, and have become a beautiful landscape in film and television dramas. With the rise of the post-00s Xiaohua, it has also aroused the attention and discussion of the new generation of artists from all walks of life, discussing their growth path, market influence and competition with previous artists, as well as the far-reaching impact on the entire film and television industry.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

The rise of post-00s Xiaohua has sparked heated discussions

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

Recently, the rise of post-00s flowers in the film and television industry has caused heated discussions, they either became popular with a hit drama, or showed their outstanding talents through variety shows to gain the audience's love, whether it is Zhao Jinmai, Liu Haocun and other representatives of the first-line flowers, or Wang Yinglu, Sun Zhenni, Zhuang Dafei and other high-profile Mesozoic flowers, have successfully left their own unique presence in the film and television industry, and have become one of the hot topics of public discussion.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"
"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

The presence of post-00s florets has been enhanced

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

Compared with the previous artists, the post-00s Xiaohua's presence in the film and television drama market has been significantly improved, and the types of works they involve are also more diversified, which can be divided into two categories, one is the Xiaohua that represents "hard power", such as Zhao Jinmai and Liu Haocun, who have been recognized for their excellent acting skills and ability to control the content of the series; The other type is the small flowers that represent the image of "fresh and sweet", such as Wang Yinglu, Sun Zhenni, and Zhuang Dafei, who have successfully attracted the attention of the audience through their unique temperament and image, and have become the favored objects of many crews.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"
"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

The reason for the post-00s florets

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

Post-00 Xiaohua can emerge in the film and television industry, in addition to personal efforts and talents, it is inseparable from the market's demand for new faces, and the audience's choice of film and television dramas is also more inclined to be young and diversified, paying more attention to the quality of the content of the drama series and the performance ability of the actors, and the post-00 Xiaohua can successfully serve the table with their excellent performance and unique charm, also because they can seize the opportunity to choose those works that can better highlight their acting skills, and win the recognition and love of the audience through excellent performance.

The rise of the post-00s Xiaohua has had an impact on the predecessors of artists

With the rise of post-00s Xiaohua in the film and television industry, their outstanding performance and unique charm have gradually had a certain impact on the predecessors, especially those "midstream flowers", their roles in the series are not too topical, and the rise of post-00s Xiaohua is more like being a "catfish" for them, so that they can more clearly feel the gap between themselves and first-line artists, and also have more conjectures and understandings of their own development path.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

A touch on a senior artist

The rise of the post-00s Xiaohua has not only touched the predecessors in the selection of roles and starring works, but also in their own cognition and improvement, they began to pay more attention to the selection and shaping of roles, hoping to leave a deeper impression on the audience through continuous efforts and breakthroughs, and also take each work more seriously, and prove their strength and charm with actual performance.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

The age advantage of the post-00s florets

In the film and television drama market, the adaptability and age factors of the role have always been important factors affecting the artist's superiority and popularity, and the age advantage of the post-00s Xiaohua makes them more advantageous in the shaping of roles and audience cognition, especially some youth campus dramas and fresh and sweet dramas, which need artists with youthful vitality and sunny temperament to perform, and the post-00s Xiaohua is more favored and recognized by the market in this regard.

The rise of the post-00s floret reflects the development trend of the industry

The post-00s Xiaohua can emerge in the film and television industry, not only because of their personal efforts and talents, but also because it reflects some of the current development trends of the film and television industry and changes in market demand, and also brings certain inspiration and influence to the development of the industry.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

The emergence of a new generation of artists

The rise of the post-00s Xiaohua reflects the gradual emergence of the new generation of artists in the film and television industry, their unique charm and outstanding performance have been loved and recognized by more and more audiences, and have also become an indispensable part of film and television dramas, which also means that the film and television industry may have more diversified and forward-looking conjectures when cultivating newcomers and selecting actors, and pay more attention to the personal charm and performance strength of actors, rather than simple traffic and popularity.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

Changes in the content of film and television dramas

With the rise of the post-00s Xiaohua, it may have a certain impact on the content and theme selection of film and television dramas, and the audience's demand for film and television dramas will also change, pay more attention to the quality and depth of the works, and the performance requirements for actors will be higher.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

Changes in the model of artist training

The rise of post-00 Xiaohua may also have a certain impact and change on the traditional artist training model, their growth path and development path are relatively vague, and it may require the industry and the platform to carry out more exploration and practice in cultivating new talents, giving artists more growth space and stage display opportunities, and also paying more attention to the all-round training and guidance of artists, so that they can have a more long-term development in the future film and television drama market.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"

Influence on senior artists

The rise of the post-00s Xiaohua is also inseparable from the silent dedication and efforts of the senior artists, and the excellent performance they show will also have a certain impact on the senior artists, which may prompt the senior artists to work harder to improve their performance, and also bring them some inspiration and encouragement, I believe that through the joint efforts of the senior artists, there will be more excellent works and roles presented in front of the audience, and they can also get more love and support from the audience.

"Du Hua Nian" was launched, and the new version of Huang Rong caused controversy, and a batch of 00 flowers began to be "on the table"


The rise of the post-00 Xiaohua has undoubtedly injected a fresh vitality into the film and television industry, and their unique charm and outstanding performance have successfully attracted the attention of the audience, and also brought some inspiration and conjecture to the entire film and television industry. I also hope that the audience can look at artists of different generations with a more inclusive attitude, each artist has their own unique charm and shining point, I believe that through everyone's joint efforts, there will be more beautiful works and stories to show in film and television dramas, and can also get the audience's warm love and support.

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