
Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

Every Harry Potter: Magic Awakening player will brush up on some fun and interesting fanwork in their daily lives! From paintings, texts to videos, fans are constantly generating electricity for love! Nowadays, there are also a lot of excellent works on the Internet, and the popular characters are very hot, and the new style like the Q version image will always make players can't help but watch, like, and collect

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

For example, recently Miss Luna's popularity is very high, and then you find that you can always brush up on the relevant content, indicating that big data has remembered your preferences, see more, brush more, infinite cycle, happy boundless ~ not so much big data remembered, but rather that the players themselves are also relishing in it ~ the pictures in the mobile phone have collected a lot of it

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

The front row explains that the new shape of the super cute in the picture above is from the B station gangster Yile Qing ~ In fact, there are many very out of the circle before, I believe everyone has seen it! The in-game style itself is more grotesque, but at the same time it is very delicate, and occasionally look at this Q version of the image also feels novel!

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

Although the content in the video is simply twisted, it is inexplicably full of charm. The lovely Little Sister Luna twists and turns with the rhythm of the music, which is very cute. Long blonde hair, black dress, this is the player's heart of Miss Luna, so there will be a different flash of light bursting! The cute shape can also become the avatar of the player's game, which is unique and cute.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

This twist is also a series of authors' two creative content! Luna's second look, wearing a school uniform, but the face is a domineering cool drag, so that at a glance even feel a little bit of the arrogance of the card sister ~ the various elements on the body are also eye-catching, cute strawberry earrings, books and wands in hand, and cute sniffing, which is very academic, and very contrasting cute.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

A Q version of the image card sister that was very popular before was also from the hand of this big guy. The color matching is also very essence, and I have to say that Ka Jie is really suitable for green, making it very easy for people to brain up that she comes from Slytherin Academy.

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

A cold face of "no one should enter", holding a very cool chest and twisting again! The strong contrasting vision makes people look more heartwarming!

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

The twist of "different skins", the card sister who released the lightning storm, the gentleman on the expression is still a bit "sinister", but the players who like it still can't stop her charm!

Harry Potter Mobile Game: There is a fierce sniper to the heartbeat point! Big data has kept your preferences in mind

In the hands of players, Ka Jie always has a variety of different styles. I don't know which one you like the most!

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