
It's been almost a year since the auto show roof rights protection case was filed! Female car owners voice: Tesla still does not give full data

On April 19 last year, during the Shanghai Auto Show, female car owners in Anyang climbed on the roof of Tesla vehicles and shouted "Tesla brake failure" to defend their rights, which attracted the attention of netizens across the country.

However, to this day, the rights protection case has not yet come to fruition, and the female car owner's appeal has not changed, and she is still speaking out on the Internet, hoping that Tesla can provide the original data at the time of its car accident.

It's been almost a year since the auto show roof rights protection case was filed! Female car owners voice: Tesla still does not give full data

Today, the rights defender woman advocate posted on Weibo that Tesla blatantly violated the order of the Regulatory Authority and has not yet provided it with complete data on the time of the accident:

Tesla dodged CCTV around 315 Tesla has been continuously recalled in China, the United States, and South Korea due to various safety hazards, and has been recalled in large quantities.

It has been almost a year since the 4.19 Shanghai Auto Show rights protection incident, and I have been to the State Administration for Market Regulation many times, and the phone calls have been made and called. Please ask the State Administration of Market Supervision, on April 21 last year, Tesla issued an order: "Unconditionally and directly provide complete driving data to the owner."

However, Tesla blatantly violated the EAA's orders by providing me with only a selectively deleted and incomplete data, and in September last year I also submitted to the General Administration of incomplete data which data was missing and what was importantly related to the brake system.

To this day, I still have no complete driving data that belongs to me. According to the provisions of Articles 1035 and 1037 of the Civil Code, the driving data of the car belongs to the owner himself, and the owner can request Tesla to access or copy his personal information in accordance with the law, and the data is an important basis for testing and identification.

Relying only on the identification of traditional fuel vehicles, it is impossible to identify the correct problem, that is to say, consumers cannot find the truth of the accident without complete data.

It's been almost a year since the auto show roof rights protection case was filed! Female car owners voice: Tesla still does not give full data

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