
The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

Counting the time, many fans think that the Chinese women's volleyball training camp has been trained in the past few days, including the author thinks that the Chinese women's volleyball team has finished training, but who knows, a recent news makes the author somewhat unexpected, the Chinese women's volleyball training camp seems to be not over.

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

Fans familiar with the Chinese women's volleyball training camp are well aware that the training camp has been quite "mysterious" recently, basically there is no news coming out, but there is a blogger who has updated the news of many Chinese women's volleyball training camps, which is regarded as an "insider" by many fans, but unfortunately, the blogger deleted the information of the previous training camp, which is somewhat surprising, but today, the blogger a message makes the author a little surprised, she revealed two points of information, one is that the Chinese women's volleyball training camp is not over, Second, there are several physical fitness data in the Chinese women's volleyball training camp that are not up to standard and cannot end the training camp to form a national team. I am afraid that this is all unexpected by everyone.

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

Judging from the information revealed by the blogger, this can completely refute many rumors from the outside world before, of course, Gong Xiangyu himself has personally refuted the rumors not long ago, she served as the captain, changed to the main attack is probably a rumor, but before, the outside world had a set of 26-person Chinese women's volleyball training list, which also attracted the attention of many fans at the time, but now look at it, this online training list can basically be determined to be fake, after all, the Chinese women's volleyball training camp has not yet been trained, then the training list naturally cannot be released. Everyone wants to see the new issue of the Chinese women's volleyball team training list, I am afraid that it will have to wait for a few days.

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

In addition, the reason why the Chinese women's volleyball training camp did not end the training is that the physical fitness has not yet reached the standard, which reminds the author of a dynamic of the blogger before, she once wrote: This collective ball game is going to completely change the sky. At the same time, it was written in the comments section: True physical fitness is king. In the case that the author thinks that the Chinese women's volleyball training camp has been trained, the author once thought that there were Chinese women's volleyball heavy players who failed to select the training list, and the player who met the heavy players and the physical fitness was Not excellent was Li Yingying, the author once had the worry that Li Yingying was not selected for the training list, but now look at it, the blogger has such a feeling, it seems that it is because the training camp is not physically good enough to have a sense of training.

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

Of course, if the fact is really as the blogger said, due to physical reasons and not trained, I am afraid that it will cause many people to be dissatisfied, thinking that physical fitness does not represent strength, if you only look at physical fitness, do not look at others, then it is better to find some physical athletes to form a national team, but the author has a different view on this, of course, physical fitness can not be used as the only criterion for evaluating players, but physical fitness is also a condition that every player must pay attention to, although it cannot be said that there must be outstanding strength with good physical fitness, but there is no good physical fitness. Once the game enters the glue, the rapid decline in physical fitness is likely to deform the player's technology and lose the capital to win, and the physical fitness and technology are equally important.

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

Of course, whether the blogger is really an "insider", the author is not sure, but in her past dynamics, the credibility of the Chinese women's volleyball training camp due to physical fitness is not up to standard, if many players do not pay attention to physical fitness, there may be really heavy players who have failed to be selected due to physical fitness. The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp is afraid that it has not completed the training, the reason is suspected that the physical fitness is not up to standard, and the online list is basically false

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