
The chinese women's volleyball team's selection standards have been questioned, and the weight of physical fitness indicators is too high to give up the suspicion of the end

The Chinese women's volleyball training camp has been open for more than a month, but the big list has not been released, and the fans do not know why, so various subjective speculations have stepped on. Until the Xinhua News Agency's "Chinese women's volleyball team big list is about to be selected to produce physical fitness test as an important basis" report was published, fans suddenly realized that the original Chinese women's volleyball team has been exercising physical fitness for more than a month, the purpose is to use the physical fitness test results as the basis to screen out the team big list. The physical fitness test includes sports related to volleyball such as running and touching heights, 30m sprint, 3000m running, body fat ratio test, solid ball throwing, mid-thigh and sustained explosiveness.

The chinese women's volleyball team's selection standards have been questioned, and the weight of physical fitness indicators is too high to give up the suspicion of the end

According to Cai Bin, the selection basis of the Chinese women's volleyball team's big list includes physical fitness test results, training attitudes, stadium experience, development potential, and the bright sword spirit that dares to challenge strong hands, among which physical fitness test results are an important basis. From these bases, it is not difficult to see that except for the physical fitness test results that can produce a solid and clear data, the other bases are empty concepts that do not have exact results at all. Therefore, rather than saying that the results of the physical fitness test are an important basis, it is better to frankly and directly say that the physical fitness test results are the only basis, and there is no need to be so vague.

The chinese women's volleyball team's selection standards have been questioned, and the weight of physical fitness indicators is too high to give up the suspicion of the end

It is undeniable that physical fitness is an important foundation for all athletes, and naturally the better the better. The Chinese women's volleyball team has strict requirements for the high physical standards of players, but it needs to be targeted, scientific and reasonable, in order to be conducive to the progress of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Is it reasonable to use physical fitness test data as the criterion for the selection of talents on the team, or even the only criterion? Scientific? Probably not. For example, the 30-meter sprint and 3000-meter run are reminiscent of the men's football team's Haigeng test a few years ago, is it that it has been confirmed by the men's football team 20 years ago that it is not a desirable physical fitness test, and today after 20 years, it will be picked up by the Chinese women's volleyball team and enshrined as a guigao?

The chinese women's volleyball team's selection standards have been questioned, and the weight of physical fitness indicators is too high to give up the suspicion of the end

The Chinese women's volleyball team has set sail again, and it is the right way to consolidate the foundation or make up for the shortcomings in a targeted manner, but it is not advisable to spend more than a month of hard training physical fitness in order to select players. Because physical fitness is used for competition, it needs to be accumulated in training at ordinary times, and it is not a one-time thing at all. And the physical fitness indicators are not fixed, even if the current physical fitness standards of the players do not dare to guarantee that the physical fitness can still be up to standard when participating in the World Women's Volleyball League in two months, is it necessary to determine the lineup before each competition? If that's not possible, then what's the point of selecting players through a fitness test?

The chinese women's volleyball team's selection standards have been questioned, and the weight of physical fitness indicators is too high to give up the suspicion of the end

In addition, physical fitness is important for players, but how is it important but technical indicators, and the Basis for the Selection of Talents by the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team does not include any technical indicators, try to ask whether this is the selection of volleyball players, or the selection of track and field athletes? Why haven't you heard that there are indicators of slam efficiency in the selection criteria of the Chinese athletics team? The art industry has a specialty, requiring volleyball players to have a certain physical fitness is a must, but it is really not necessary to deliberately pursue physical fitness to reach a certain level, and so far the Chinese women's volleyball team has not affected the game because of lack of physical fitness.

The chinese women's volleyball team's selection standards have been questioned, and the weight of physical fitness indicators is too high to give up the suspicion of the end

In summary, it is doubtful whether the Chinese women's volleyball team uses the physical fitness test as the basis for selecting materials is scientific and reasonable, but the essence of the end of the line may have been confirmed. More than a month of training camp exercise, are exercising physical fitness, the biggest gain of the players may be that the physical indicators are better, and the technical indicators are not necessarily any progress. And even if the physical fitness indicators are raised to a world-class height, the help to the team should not be too much, otherwise, the African team would have won the Olympic championship long ago. But if the technical indicators are improved, the overall strength and thickness of the Chinese women's volleyball team will definitely be improved, which is lighter and heavier, who is the last and who is the last at a glance.

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