
31 provinces and cities 2024 college entrance examination score line summary full version! The scores of many provinces have risen sharply!

author:Zhihu Zhou Rui talks about university

Source: Network News

31 provinces and cities 2024 college entrance examination score line summary full version! The scores of many provinces have risen sharply!

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With the full opening of the 2024 college entrance examination scores, various provinces and cities have announced this year's college entrance examination score line and provincial control line. For the majority of candidates and parents, this is undoubtedly a tense and full of anticipation moment. In order to better help you understand the upward and downward trend of this year's score line and the score line of previous years, we have compiled a comparison chart of the upward and downward trend of the undergraduate batch score line in the regions that have announced the score line of the college entrance examination, and analyzed them one by one.

31 provinces and cities 2024 college entrance examination score line summary full version! The scores of many provinces have risen sharply!

Data source: Pocket College Entrance Examination

First of all, let's pay attention to the overall increase in the score line of each province and city in 2024. Among the many provinces, Jilin and Anhui have seen particularly significant increases. Jilin Province's college entrance examination undergraduate line has risen sharply, of which the history undergraduate line has reached 369 points, an increase of 28 points from last year; The undergraduate line of physics is 345 points, and the increase is as high as 53 points. This increase not only reflects the fierce competition in the college entrance examination in Jilin Province, but also reflects the improvement of the overall level of candidates. At the same time, Jilin Province's special recruitment line also showed some fluctuations, with the historical special recruitment line falling by 6 points to 479 points, while the physical special recruitment line rose by 20 points to 483 points.

Compared with Jilin Province, Anhui Province's score line increase is equally eye-catching. The historical special recruitment line reached 512 points, an increase of 17 points from last year; The history undergraduate line was 462 points, up 22 points. The physics special recruitment line and the undergraduate line also rose significantly, up 32 points and 38 points respectively. This increase shows that candidates in Anhui Province have performed well in this year's college entrance examination, and the overall level has improved significantly.

In addition to Jilin and Anhui, the score lines of other provinces also showed different trends. Some provinces have seen a slight increase in their scores, others have remained stable, and some have even declined. These changes reflect the differences in the competition situation of the college entrance examination in different provinces, the distribution of educational resources, and the overall level of candidates.

So, why has the cut-off score in some provinces risen sharply this year? First of all, with the deepening of education reform, the difficulty of high school courses has gradually increased, and the requirements for students' comprehensive quality have become higher and higher. This makes it necessary for candidates to put in more effort and time in the preparation process, which improves the overall level of achievement. Secondly, with the increasing number of applicants for the college entrance examination, the competitive pressure is also increasing year by year. In order to stand out from the crowd, candidates have to work harder to prepare for the exam, which also drives up the cut-off score.

Of course, an increase in the cut-off score does not mean that all candidates have achieved better results. On the contrary, it is undoubtedly a heavy blow for those candidates who fail to meet the cut-off score. They may face difficult choices such as repeating their studies or choosing other paths. Therefore, while paying attention to the score line, we also need to pay attention to those candidates who fail to meet their expectations, and give them more care and support.

In addition, we also need to see that the college entrance examination score line is only a reference index, and it does not fully reflect the actual level and ability of a candidate. When filling in the volunteers, candidates and parents also need to consider their own interests, specialties and career planning and other factors. At the same time, colleges and universities also need to formulate reasonable admission score lines and enrollment policies according to their own characteristics and discipline advantages, so as to provide a stage for more outstanding candidates to show themselves.

The announcement of the 2024 college entrance examination score provides an important reference for candidates and parents. While paying attention to the score line, we also need to pay attention to the reasons and trend changes behind it, so as to be fully prepared for the future college entrance examination preparation and voluntary application. At the same time, we also hope that every candidate can make reasonable plans and strategies according to their actual situation and goals, and strive for their future.

31 provinces and cities 2024 college entrance examination score line summary full version! The scores of many provinces have risen sharply!

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