
Zhou Xuming‖ Liu Yali and her "Weishui Shallow Yin"

Zhou Xuming‖ Liu Yali and her "Weishui Shallow Yin"

Liu Yali and her "Weishui Shallow Yin"

Zhou Xuming

Accepting a gift from one is a very honorable thing; but it is indeed a great sin to slow down this gift.

I got Ms. Liu Yali's new prose work "Weishui Shallow Yin" for two years, in fact, it was three or four months, but due to the complexity of various things recently, I did not read it quietly, but fortunately, I finally squeezed in time to read it, and I couldn't help but make a little unrealistic complaint.

A beautifully framed volume of "Weishui Shallow Yin" is actually a deep singing of the hot land of the Xi Emperor. The book is divided into five series, each of which is a dozen short and good compositions, which read like a cup of tea, fragrant but not colorful, bright and not turbid. The first series, scenic spots, the author traveled to the places of interest, wherever he went, eyes and ears, thinking with his heart, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, everything, writing about the magnolia flowers of the ancient city, writing out the charm of flowers, human temperament, really flowers have a posture, people have talent. Writing about the culture of the god of wealth in the South Mountain and writing about the unforgettable trip to Miaozhai can be described as a matter of hand and water. The second series is deeply affectionate and profound, mainly describing a group of ordinary people who can be seen everywhere in life, in fact, all sentient beings, the most fireworks, only to help the hearts of ordinary people. For example, "With the posture of a lotus, be a warm woman"; such as "There is a girl named Qingzhi", all of which write the true and most good feelings and righteousness in the world. The third series of Sangzi feelings, looking back at the hometown, nostalgic for the homeland, stopping in the field, walking through the Shijia River, and recording the place where the Shijia River passes, cooking smoke, rising sun, branches and forsythia, leaves and leaves. In the article "The Tianshui City Museum in My Mind", the author also tells the story of the Red Wall inside and outside, the ancient Cypress Towering Fuxi Temple, like several family treasures, a few more true feelings, a few more emotions, both scenery and things, but also the author's fist heart for the unit where he works. The fourth series of original spiritual songs, from the heart, from life experience to life experience, as far as the eye can see, what the heart wants, all written into words, written into texts, free singing, unrestrained, self-reliant. A lively literary event, a college in winter, will be inadvertently taken by the author, a few words, is a philosophical, sincere beautiful prose. Although the fifth series of poems is only three poems, the changes in genre do not affect the overall beauty of a book, and these three modern poems are clearly like the author's carefully selected finale after careful consideration. A song "Heart to Jingchu" recreates the retrograde feat of Gengzi Spring Festival Wuhan being shrouded by the new crown epidemic, and the white clothes across the country are firmly and resolutely supporting Wuhan. In particular, he focused on the moving scene of Tianshui medical staff relaxing their aid to Wuhan.

Five series of articles, sixty or seventy articles, sprinkled with more than 200,000 words, the pieces are sincere and sincere, although they cannot reach the level of golden jade and words, but the energy contained is like a blowout well, urging people to forge ahead and inspiring people' hearts. Rude and reckless people like me get a good book on this snowflake winter day, just like picking a flower in the spring and drinking a bowl of tea in the hot summer. This winter is therefore warm and auspicious, because of the companionship of books and the continuous fragrance of words. Even though he was tired all day, the road ahead was bright, full, and meaningful.

With both fists in hand, I am truly grateful for the unexpected encounter with a good book.

Zhou Xuming‖ Liu Yali and her "Weishui Shallow Yin"

About the Author:

Zhou Xuming, male, Han ethnicity, born in 1973, Gansu Tianshui people. He is a member of the Gansu Provincial Writers Association. Since the publication of poems in the "Southern Poetry Newspaper" sponsored by the Guangxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles in 1994, and the poetry published in the "Southern Poetry Newspaper" sponsored by the Guangxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles in 1994, more than 100,000 words of literary works have been published. In recent years, some of his works have won awards, among which the essay "Back Shadow" won the Outstanding Work Award of the National Back Shadow Essay Contest organized by The People's Literature Magazine for "Commemorating the 110th Week of Zhu Ziqing's Birth". The essay "Five Grain Farmers" won the Gold Medal of Literature in the Culture and Art Category of the First Human Contribution Award, and was selected for the "Chinese Art of the World Art Department". The poems won the highest nomination award of the "60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Chinese Poetry Comprehensive Competition" and were selected for the "National Day Gift of Chinese Poetry for the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China". The novel "Cang Mang" won the key literary and artistic creation funding project of the "100 Seeds of Literature and Art Project" of the Propaganda Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2016. In November 2017, it was jointly selected by the Gansu Provincial Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and the Reader Publishing Group as the "Cultivators and Readers" of this year. In 2018, the theme of the novel "Aozuka" was selected for the realistic theme creation of the Propaganda Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee. In October, he participated in the first special training for young and middle-aged writers held by the China Writers Association.

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