
【World Sleep Day】Let the baby sleep peacefully and give the whole family a good night's sleep

In addition to the need for adult sleep to pay attention to, the quality of children's sleep can not be ignored. In addition to nutrition and exercise, good quality sleep is also extremely important during children's growth and development. Sleep helps to improve immunity, promote physical growth and intellectual development, so if children want to have good growth and development, they must ensure good sleep. So, how do you get quality sleep?

【World Sleep Day】Let the baby sleep peacefully and give the whole family a good night's sleep

The arrival of the second and third children has brought happiness to some families and also brought troubles.

【World Sleep Day】Let the baby sleep peacefully and give the whole family a good night's sleep

For example, children have difficulty falling asleep, night terrors, and crying in the middle of the night, but many people think that this is a normal phenomenon of infants and young children, but it is not. According to statistics, in the group of children aged 0 to 5 years, 20 to 30% of children will have sleep disorders.

【World Sleep Day】Let the baby sleep peacefully and give the whole family a good night's sleep

According to doctors, the sleep disorders of children aged 0 to 2 years are mostly manifested as night awakening, and children aged 2 to 5 years are mostly difficult to fall asleep, and the main factors affecting children's sleep are environmental factors and feeding factors.

【World Sleep Day】Let the baby sleep peacefully and give the whole family a good night's sleep

According to the doctor, in addition to these factors, allowing children to develop good habits of regular sleep from an early age is also an important guarantee for the formation of high-quality sleep.

【World Sleep Day】Let the baby sleep peacefully and give the whole family a good night's sleep

Children's sleep is not a trivial matter, it is related to the growth and development of the baby, at the same time, the baby sleeps well at night, and the parents will have more energy to take care of it.

Know how to rest, in order to have a better life, we also wish everyone a good sleep on the day of sleep!

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