
Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

Spring is the season of fashionistas, after all, the cold winter wind temperature is difficult to have, and the hot summer also hinders the play of dressing skills.

The temperature in spring is just right, and it is possible to make the shape richer and more attractive by mixing and matching or stacking. However, for wearing a small white, you need to master more collocation skills in order to wear the ideal effect of personality and fashion. To say that female celebrities are very good at wearing, but there are very few who really have a very personal character.

Qi Wei is such a existence, in the collocation has its own ideas, fashionable and recognizable, eye-catching full of personality, and she learned to dress accurately, minutes into a fashionista.

Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

Qi Wei early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner wear is really stunning, Qi Wei's wear is very popular, completely because it will never be vulgar, will wear and dare to wear is a very prominent feature, it is easy to stand out from the crowd.

This point is very worth learning from everyone, through different innovative attempts, will make the seemingly ordinary pieces, combined with unexpected good results. Carefully observe the fashionistas around you, although you can wear a personality and a foreign effect, but in fact, there is a sense of uniformity, but it is difficult to wear your own style characteristics.

The shape of Qi Wei is completely different, it seems to be a very popular piece of the season, but it can match the effect of unique charm, and the personal characteristics are very prominent and recognizable, and it is difficult to be submerged in the crowd.

Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

But her outfit is not through the alternative to attract attention, a very sexy at the same time, does not affect the presentation of the sense of luxury. When choosing a single product, it is usually based on simplicity and atmosphere, and through different collocation combinations, to achieve the needs of fashion personality.

Like this set of shapes is very typical, the long denim jacket design is very simple, without any decorative embellishments, a large area of the use of a color, combined with the design of the straight barrel type and the characteristics of the material is quite wide and stylish, creating a simple and advanced modeling effect.

Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

In order to make simple pieces not boring, you need to use accessories to embellish them. The use of accessories will also be a little better for Qi Wei, from shoes to hats and bags of sunglasses, all of which add luster to the style.

The pointed pile boots are personality and very handsome, which directly makes the denim jacket have a very different feeling. The backpack enhances the sense of luxury of casual styling, and the black super wears a star fan at once, even if the plain face goes out, it does not affect the personal aura.

Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

The visual effect is very rich in shape, but also conducive to creating a very eye-catching effect, so the clothing with fashion elements is more attractive than the solid color. However, in order to avoid the problem of wearing a messy, we strictly follow the combination of complex and simple collocation techniques, resulting in some too tight hands and feet on the collocation.

That's why it's possible to wear a sense of fashion, but it's hard to surprise. Qi Wei, on the other hand, is very bold, and the two fashion elements are used at the same time, and the spark of collision is more prominent. Of course, it still follows the technique of combining complexity and simplicity, and different fashion elements balance each other, and also achieve the effect of complexity without chaos. While not destroying the sense of high quality, it also makes the visual effect of the shape more abundant.

Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

In addition, good clothing is also a very important point, even if you choose all the basic items, it will highlight your personal taste. The simple way is to create a very neat feeling, while creating a perfect body proportion, but also conducive to enhancing personal charm, while making the shape more eye-catching.

The tailoring fit has a certain degree of looseness, which can not only meet the neat and stylish effect, but also ensure the comfort of the upper body, using a simple and clean sense of line to achieve the role of showing height and thinness. At the same time, pay attention to create a high waist line effect, so that the lower body looks more slender.

Qi Wei's early spring fashion look, long denim shirt looks unremarkable, with the inner layer is really stunning

Of course, when choosing to wear, to do a good understanding of their own characteristics, many people can master the collocation skills, for the fashion trend is also enough to understand, but it looks full of violations, this is the obstacle to becoming a fashionista.

Therefore, instead of blindly pursuing fashion, we should analyze ourselves well, in order to use clothing to highlight their own advantages, and then combined with the use of collocation skills, in order to highlight their personal fashion taste.

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