
The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

author:Chase the drama with great joy
The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

"Riding the Wind 2024", as a talent show that has attracted much attention, is about to usher in an important moment - the announcement of the group list. This moment is not only the result of years of hard work by the players, but also the focus of attention and anticipation of the audience. However, the announcement of the list of groups did not calm the heated discussions among the audience, but set off waves of discussion and controversy.

For ordinary viewers, "forming a group" may just be a seemingly simple word, but the meaning behind it is really not simple. You see, every time this kind of selection is the result of a desperate fight, and each contestant has to squeeze out the last drop of sweat to get on stage. This is not just talk, it is a real dream and a test of strength.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

In this big discussion, netizens really expressed their opinions. Someone said, "This list doesn't mean that you can get in if you want to, it depends on whether you have real skills." "It can be seen that everyone's requirements for these players are quite high, not ordinary serious. Someone else said, "Don't just look at the surface, the effort behind it is not simple, how can it be so easy to get ahead?" "That's true, if you know how many runways they've run and how many storms they've been through to this dream, you'll understand.

It's behind this complexity that every name has a story. For example, Miao Miao didn't go in, and there was an uproar on the Internet, "Her performance is obviously good, why didn't she enter?" "It's a hot topic. Even Sun Xialing, Zheng Nicole and Wanida didn't come, which made people think, "What's going on?" "It's not something that can be said casually, there must be something we don't know.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

After the list of the group was announced, the audience's reactions were mixed. Some viewers expressed strong anger and doubts about the contestants who failed to make the cut, such as Miao Miao. They feel that these players are obviously doing well on stage, but in the end, they do not get the recognition and opportunities they deserve. Miao Miao, in particular, has attracted a lot of praise for her wonderful performance, but she can't stand on the list, which is unacceptable.

In addition, some players who have previously attracted much attention, such as Sun Xialing, Zheng Nike and Wanida, chose to be absent after the list was announced, and the news also sparked an unusual atmosphere and widespread discussion. Their absence made the audience wonder what made them finally decide not to participate? This sudden change makes the exposure of the entire group list even more confusing.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

On the Internet, the discussion about these situations is also becoming more and more intense. Some netizens believe that the jury's evaluation of these contestants may be biased, which leads to the unfairness of the list. They questioned the transparency and fairness of the selection, arguing that real strength and performance on stage were not given the attention and rewards they deserved. These views have raised more questions about the selection criteria and the judging process, making the true meaning of "forming a group" more complex and controversial.

However, there is another part of the audience that has a more rational attitude towards these controversies. They believe that the selection of each show is based on a combination of factors, not only the performance of the technique, but also the ability to work as a team, stage performance, potential and market acceptance. Therefore, some viewers have an understanding and supportive attitude towards the final result of the list, believing that the selection of the program group is deliberate.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

As far as the list of formed groups is concerned, the ranking and performance of each member is undoubtedly the focus of attention of the audience. The appearance of names such as Han Xue and Joyce Jonathan not only aroused the curiosity of the audience, but also prompted them to have more expectations and attention to the future of these players.

Especially those members who are at the top of the rankings, such as Chen Haoyu, whose unexpected rise and winning the annual championship are undoubtedly the highlights of this group list. And artists with rich backgrounds such as Shang Wenjie and Chen Lijun, their performance on stage and the recognition of the audience have also paved a broader path for their future. However, the highlights and shortcomings of each member on stage have also become a topic of conversation among the audience.

In addition to music, Chen Haoyu is also actively involved in public welfare. She doesn't just stay on the stage with a glamorous image, but has sent warmth and love to those in need by singing for charities many times. Chen Haoyu's public welfare activities have been widely recognized and appreciated by all walks of life, and her behavior not only shows the social responsibility of an artist, but also sparks widespread discussion and praise on social media.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

On the Internet, many netizens expressed their support and admiration for Chen Haoyu's public welfare behavior. A netizen left a message on social platforms: "Seeing such news, the mood is really warm. Chen Haoyu not only performed well on the music stage, but also used his voice and actions to help more people in need, which is really worthy of respect. Such comments reflect the public's positive attitude and positive evaluation of the artist's active participation in public welfare activities.

Another netizen shared his feelings: "I have always been a fan of Chen Haoyu and know that she is not only an excellent singer, but also a caring person. She not only pays attention to her career, but also finds time to participate in public welfare activities and contribute to the society. This positive energy is really touching! "This conversation shows the public's recognition of the artist's active participation in the public welfare and the appreciation of his personality.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

In addition to praise, some netizens also put forward suggestions and expectations for Chen Haoyu's public welfare behavior. A netizen left a message: "I hope Chen Haoyu can continue to adhere to his public welfare line, not only singing, but also considering more practical help and support, such as sponsoring poor students or participating in environmental protection activities." I hope she can be a role model for more young people! This kind of constructive comment shows the public's expectation of the artist's public welfare activities and the concern about its future development direction.

Overall, Chen Haoyu shows a public figure's sense of social responsibility and positive energy through his actions. She has not only made achievements on the music stage, but also played an active role in public welfare undertakings, influencing the hearts of more people. This kind of social responsibility not only makes her more popular in the minds of fans, but also brings positive energy to the society.

To sum up, the list of "Riding the Wind 2024" is not only a list, but also the audience's deep thinking about the contradiction between dreams and reality. The announcement of this list has triggered feedback and expectations from the audience on the ranking of members, whether it is for the players who have joined the group or those who have not been selected, it is a deep review and reflection. In the future, as the stage of "Riding the Wind 2024" continues to unfold, how these members will respond to the expectations and challenges of the audience will also become the focus of attention and hot topics in the future.

The list of "Sister Lang 5" is released: Han Xue is the last, Qi Wei is the fourth, and the first depends on strength!

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