
C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

With the rise of self-driving travel, trailer-mounted RVs are also more and more, most of the current owners are choosing to use ordinary family cars to pull trailer-trailer RVs, the main car plus the total length of the trailer are much more than 6 meters, and many owners are holding C licenses, in fact, the quasi-driving type of C1 driver's license is within 6 meters. In addition, traction trailers are very different from ordinary small cars in overtaking, steering and reversing operations.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

Therefore, the Ministry of Public Security announced the latest revision of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses" last year, adding the C6 driver's license category, and the quasi-driving type is a light traction trailer, which refers to: a car train with a total mass of less than (excluding) 4500kg. Obviously, most of the trailers fall into this category. The new C6 driver's license regulations will be officially implemented from April 1 this year.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

In other words, from April 1, only the C6 driver's license or A2 driver's license can drive a trailer motorhome. If you don't have these two types of driver's licenses, if you want to drive a trailer-mounted motorhome, you have to add a driver's license.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

Recently, we learned from ZTE Automobile that the first C6 driver's license coach car created by ZTE Automobile has been officially launched. The new car is based on the previous ZTE Little Tiger pickup truck, with the addition of a rear tow trailer.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

From the perspective of the real car, the main car is consistent with the previous ZTE Little Tiger C1 driver's license coach car, which is an ordinary double-row pickup truck, the front face is simple and handsome, and two rearview mirrors are added on both sides of the engine cover.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?
C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

The biggest highlight of the new car is the rear tow trailer, which adopts the traction caravan shape produced by ZTE RV itself, which is basically the same as our common trailer caravan model, and the maximum total mass is 1230kg.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

In the power part, this ZTE C6 coach trailer is equipped with a 1.6L gasoline engine, which is matched by a 6AT gearbox, which will be easier and more convenient to drive, and it is more in line with the current needs of Chinese people.

C6 driver's license from April 1 to implement, the first C6 coach car came, ZTE once again cut Chinese demand?

For more than 20 years, ZTE pickup trucks have been one of the main models of driving school coach cars, and many people's C1 driver's licenses are tested with ZTE pickup truck coach cars. ZTE Automobile has always been closely following the market demand, from manufacturing the first SUV of its own brand, the first pickup truck with independent intellectual property rights, and then to the first domestic full-size large pickup truck listed at the end of last year, and this time it launched the first C6 driver's license coach car, which can be said to be once again in line with the needs of the Chinese people.

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