
What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

Every day, the driver who got up early and greedily made hard money was angry this time.

"After running for three months, the average monthly turnover is not as high as the (car) rent. Doing lala is really a loss to the white steamed buns can not afford to eat! At present, there are drivers in the market who have angrily written down the unfair treatment they have encountered on the black cat complaint platform.

According to the driver, the running goods Lala "step by step". In addition to the deposit of 10,000 yuan for car rental and the deposit for 1,000 yuan for car stickers, the high membership fee and commission have also become the cost of pressing on the driver. What makes the driver collapse is that even if he has paid real money to Lalala in the early stage, the result is that he can't grab the order at all.

This is not an isolated case.

Nowadays, the lala drivers who are constantly emptying their wallets by lala have begun to launch a counterattack, pointing out the membership system of lala, the lack of orders, and the non-refund of deposits.

At present, on the black cat complaints, Lala has received more than 16,000 complaints, according to incomplete statistics, about 10% of the complaints come from C-end users, and 90% of the complaints are from the driver's end.

What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

As an early player in the field of same-city freight transport, Lalala has already occupied a dominant position in the market. As of September 30, 2021, the total transaction volume of Lalala reached 20.5 billion yuan, with a market share of 49.6%, ranking first in market share.

As a freight platform that supports nearly one-half of the market share, the basic disk of Lalala is undoubtedly those drivers who are willing to serve users on the platform. However, judging from the frequent complaints from the driver's side, Lalala may be losing the popularity of its "basic disk".

In early April, insiders in the industry revealed that Lala was planning to raise US$500 million, with a valuation of about US$10 billion, considering an IPO in Hong Kong. Earlier, Lalala had planned to list on the U.S. stock market, but it did not end.

According to Tianyan, Lalala has completed 8 rounds of financing before, and there are many investors such as Sequoia China, Hillhouse Capital, Shunwei Capital, Xianghe Capital, Qingliu Capital and other first-line investment institutions at home and abroad.

Today, the $10 billion unicorn may be dancing on a tightrope rope.

The driver defected

"If you don't join the membership, the platform won't send me a single." In the rules of Lalala, drivers who do not join the membership will send drivers up to two orders a day.

Under this rule, drivers who want to rely on lala to make money must accept the rules of the platform, and if they do not run, they will first provide membership fees to lala.

According to lala's membership rules, its membership fee is divided into three levels, after the driver joins the membership, you can receive unlimited orders, the proportion of the platform in the commission (information fee) is different: silver membership fee 189 yuan, the proportion of information fee charged is 11%; gold membership fee is 349 yuan, the proportion of information fee charged is 8%; diamond membership fee is 519 yuan, and the proportion of information fee charged is 5%.

Master Qin, the driver of the goods lala, said, "This is the overlord clause of the platform, forcing us to join the club, there are many platforms that pull people to pull goods, people are only drawn, only the goods Lala also has to pay a part of the money first." ”

In order to get the right to receive orders on the cargo lala platform, the drivers do not have the slightest choice and can only obey.

But what is outrageous is that many drivers feedback that even if they pay the membership fee, it is still difficult to grab a single.

On the black cat platform, a large number of driver feedback platforms restrict orders, even if it is tens of meters away from the owner, it is not successful to grab orders. "I paid more than seven hundred membership fees a month, and I couldn't receive orders." Advertising all day long said that the income is high, I thought I could support my family, and even life was difficult to guarantee after buying a car in installments. ”

What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?
What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

Secondly, the platform is suspected of arbitrarily deducting the driver's behavior points, which is also an important factor that causes the dissatisfaction of the driver. It is understood that the driver's behavior score will affect the single snatching rate.

What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

@Driver's face genius said: "After falling from 5 points to 4.95 points, grab a single 1 meter not hit, 20 meters not hit, 300 meters not hit, grab to numb, but also empty car back." Helpless, insomnia at night, and sometimes taking medicine to maintain the spirit. ”

What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

The drivers have been bitter for a long time and have begun to turn against each other.

Under the group portrait of driver complaints, Lalala also exposed the ills of extensive management. Continuing to increase the exploitation of drivers, according to the surging news, the membership fee of Lala "rose three times a year, up to three months of membership fees of more than 2,000 yuan." ”

In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Lala said that the membership fee adjustment belongs to the normal business behavior of the enterprise, and the purpose is to make the network freight market bigger and stronger in the future and help drivers improve their efficiency.

This, obviously, is not convincing enough.

What cards are left in the hands of the "gambler" Lala?

As early as April 30, 2021, due to outstanding problems such as unreasonable pricing and unfair operation, the Office of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on coordinated supervision of new transportation formats conducted interviews with platforms such as Lalala.

On May 14, 2021, the national regulatory authorities conducted joint interviews on issues such as high percentage of commissions on platforms such as Lala, maliciously lowering freight rates, and arbitrarily increasing membership fees, and clearly required platforms to take the initiative to reduce the percentage, reasonably set and take the initiative to reduce information fees, and rectify business behaviors that infringe on the rights and interests of employees.

On January 20, 2022, in response to the arbitrary adjustment of pricing rules, increase in membership fees, and other suspected infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of practitioners. The Office of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on the Coordinated Supervision of New Transportation Formats interviewed platforms such as Lala.

Gamblers lose their cards

In fact, in addition to the "exploitation" of the driver, Lalala is also suspected of compliance with the driver is also to open one eye and close one eye.

According to the requirements of the traffic management department, truck drivers must have a truck driver qualification certificate, an operating vehicle operation license, a vehicle compulsory insurance, a vehicle driving license, and a driver's driving license.

However, for a long time, in the review mechanism of drivers on the Lala platform, the conditions for joining are only to have the corresponding motor vehicle driver's license. There are no further requirements for the comprehensive evaluation of the driver's personal quality, whether he has an operating certificate, whether he is a compliant operation, etc.

Until February 2021, the incident of "The death of a 23-year-old girl in Changsha jumping out of the window on a freight cart" triggered public opinion, which also made many chaos in the online freight industry surface.

In the processing announcement, Lalala admitted that there were obvious problems at three levels, including the lack of safety warnings, imperfect product safety functions, and slow follow-up, and stated that it would be rectified.

However, a year has passed, there is still no shortage of problems in safety and compliance, and the rectification effect is not obvious.

According to the investor network, in the process of actually registering the goods Lala, the cargo Lala will verify the driver's driver's license, whether there is a case and other information. However, on some buying and selling platforms, it is almost possible to bypass the various thresholds of cargo lala. According to a shopkeeper, even if his driver's license is revoked for hit-and-run, he can register successfully as long as he can provide identity information such as name.

In addition, the industrial chain around the registration compliance of Lalala has also surfaced.

For example, if the driver's behavior drops, there are merchants who can lift the platform restrictions for the driver. There are also merchants selling plug-in software for grabbing orders, recycling old goods Lala accounts, uploading car stickers, false face recognition and other services.

Although Lalala has always positioned itself as an "information matching platform", in fact, whether it is for users or drivers, Lalala's role is by no means as simple as information matchmaking.

In the eyes of the outside world, in recent years, security compliance has become the top priority of the platform, but Lalala has been slow to promote security compliance and other actions.

In January this year, the Shanghai Municipal Traffic Law Enforcement Department, together with the public security traffic police department, interviewed the online freight platforms such as Lalala, and reported the illegal acts involving the online freight platform in recent years, requiring the online freight platforms such as Lalala to strictly review the qualifications and prevent non-compliant vehicles and personnel from engaging in road freight operations.

In addition, there are also loopholes in Lalala's review of users' release of car information. In March this year, according to Xiaoxiang Morning News, zhejiang Hangzhou netizens broke the news that someone was using the lala platform to release a "new tea" code order, and noted their own WeChat signal, suspected of being involved in pornography.

Why there are still non-compliance and other phenomena on the platform, from the perspective of cargo lala, the logic behind this is not difficult to understand.

One of the most important reasons may be that Lalala urgently needs to write beautiful financial data on the prospectus before the IPO. In the industry, the listed companies have set the tone for the freight industry, and the fast dog taxi is also on the way to the IPO.

But the more anxious, in the industry's view, the more lala's gambler mentality is exposed - in order to hand out more beautiful data to investors in the short term, it may gamble on long-term user interests and driver interests.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Shengfu, the founder of Lalala, is very good at gambling.

According to public information, founder Zhou Shengfu was a well-known professional Texas Hold'em poker player in Macau casinos before he founded Lalala. For up to 7 years, I was addicted to it and could not extricate myself.

Zhou Shengfu, a media interview, said that in order to improve his card skills, he often opened eight tables online, accumulated rich experience, and became a small gambling god in Macau. According to public information, in the fifth year of Macau, Chow Sheng Fu was able to win more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars a month, and at the peak he could even earn millions of Hong Kong dollars in January. By the seventh year, Chow had won HK$30 million at the table.

Zhou Shengfu's winning gambling funds became the first bucket of gold for the lala family. In the following short period of 6 years, Lalala conducted 8 rounds of financing, and the investors were shunwei capital, hillhouse capital, sequoia China, etc., which are very well-known in the industry.

This gambler mentality has created Zhou Shengfu's entrepreneurial legend, but it may also cause Lala to fall into a quagmire.

After all, the basic issues of user trust and driver interests should have been an important chip for the cargo lala station to get on the "same city freight" table. But at present, it seems that Lalala is losing its cards and folding its cards, and the drivers and users who have grown up with it are gradually drifting away.

(Source|.) AI Blue Media Collection Author| Yang Lei)

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