
Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

Also a medium-sized SUV of Volkswagen, the starting price of the fuel vehicle Volkswagen Tuang is close to 300,000 yuan, while the pure electric car Volkswagen ID.6 X starts at less than 240,000 yuan. In addition to showing that in the field of fuel vehicles, Volkswagen does not have much premium ability, competitive pressure from the market also forces id.6 X to dare not sell high prices. But even so, the sales performance of the lowered Volkswagen ID.6 X has always been average, far less than the ideal ONE of the new car-making forces at the same level. However, recently in the terminal market, the sales of Volkswagen ID.6 X have shown certain signs of recovery, is it because the terminal discount has begun to increase? Next, we will talk about this topic in combination with car purchase discounts and car purchases.

Volkswagen ID.6 X has triple-digit monthly sales nationwide, and single-store sales are in single digits

According to the data, the Volkswagen ID.6 X sold only about 170 units in February this year, and the cumulative sales volume from January to February this year exceeded 1200 units. Its rival Ideal ONE sold more than 8,000 units in February this year and more than 20,000 units in January-February this year. Overall, Volkswagen ID.6 X sales are less than a fraction of the ideal ONE, and they are not on the order of magnitude at all.

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

By investigating the sales data of SAIC Volkswagen's 4S stores in Beijing, we learned that the total sales of a 4S store id.6 X + ID.4 X last month were only more than 20 units, of which ID.6 X was only in single digits, compared with the hot fuel vehicles in the store, the proportion of in-store sales of ID.6 X was very low.

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

In the Volkswagen ID.6 X series, the best selling is the "2022 Zhixiang Long Endurance Edition", mainly because as a high-endurance version of the high-end model, there are more parallel assists, reversing side warnings, automatic parking, HUD head-up display, front wireless charging, front seat massage, rear seat heating, rear independent air conditioning and other practical configurations than low-end models, and the price is only 13,000 yuan, which is very cost-effective. Compared with the top four-wheel drive version of the model, although the "2022 Smart Long Endurance Edition" is not as powerful, the pure electric endurance is longer, which is more suitable for daily use, so this car sells better.

The hot sale of 270,000 yuan landed, and it is difficult to pick up the car as soon as possible

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

According to our understanding of SAIC Volkswagen's 4S store in Beijing, volkswagen ID.6 X preferential range is several thousand more than before, and the landing price of hot models is about 270,000 yuan, as follows:

First, buy a car in full

The whole system offers 21,000 yuan, taking the "2022 Smart Enjoy Long Endurance Edition" as an example, the hard cost includes insurance costs (about 7,000 yuan), license fees (about 1,500 yuan), and the final landing price is about 270,000 yuan.

2. Replacement subsidies

Replacement buy Volkswagen ID.6 X has a subsidy of 6,000 yuan, counting the cash discount, buying the "2022 Smart Long Endurance Edition" landing only 260,000 yuan. Details can be found in the following table:

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

In terms of vehicle source, Volkswagen ID.6 X currently has no existing cars in the store, and most of the inventory cars have been booked, and the booking cycle is almost 2 weeks or so, and from the current manufacturer's production capacity, it is mainly to clean up the inventory cars before March.

There is no new force fire, but the news of the upcoming price increase has stimulated the short-term sales of ID.6 X

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

According to our understanding, most of the old owners who choose ID.6 X are old owners of the Volkswagen brand, as well as some owners who like traditional car companies, most of them are mainly middle-aged, buying pure electric SUVs on the one hand is hoping to catch the trend, on the other hand, they feel that pure electric cars are better to drive. Of course, more importantly, they still believe that in the field of pure trams, Volkswagen products can ensure quality.

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

The biggest advantage of volkswagen ID.6 X is that it is cheap and cost-effective, although it sounds strange, but compared to new domestic car-making forces, such as the ideal ONE, these are indeed its advantages. In addition, although the Volkswagen ID.6 X is not as intelligent as the new forces, but this also fits the needs of some users who do not understand the complex operation, in simple terms, they hope to get the pure tram technology experience, but the actual use is more like a fuel vehicle, obviously volkswagen ID.6 X is.

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

Of course, from the overall sales point of view, the number of users who buy Volkswagen ID.6 X is still relatively small, and most people are still more willing to choose the ideal ONE new power product, even if it is more expensive. However, after learning the news that volkswagen ID.6 X is about to increase in price in April, it did stimulate some hesitant friends, plus the current car offer is not bad, so if you buy ID.6 X at this time, it is also a good choice.

Finally, we summarize the car information of the two cars:

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

The maintenance cycle of Volkswagen ID.6 X is 5000km or 6 months, the small maintenance price is about 351 yuan, and the maintenance cost of 60000km for three years is about 4300 yuan, with an average annual maintenance cost of about 1400 yuan. However, at present, the first owner of the Volkswagen ID.6 X can enjoy "lifelong free vehicle maintenance", so after three years, the maintenance cost has saved nearly 3,000 yuan, which is very cost-effective.

Officially announced a price increase, 270,000 buy Volkswagen ID.6 X to grab? If you can't buy it, buy the ideal

According to the different environment of the car, the maintenance cycle of the ideal ONE is also different, about 10000-20000km maintenance once, the conventional maintenance cost is 599 yuan, and some other accessories replacement cycle and price will be different. The maintenance cost of 60,000km for three years is about 5,700 yuan.

In addition to the problem of car use, the vehicle residual value rate is also of great concern to everyone, but because the current market time of these two cars is not long, there are not many second-hand car sources, so the price of second-hand cars is not very referenced.


It can be seen that due to the official announcement that the Volkswagen ID.6 X will increase in price in April, coupled with the fact that the hot sales of this car are less than 270,000 can land, it has indeed increased the sales of the Volkswagen ID.6 X in the short term. At the same time, for users who want to spend 300,000 yuan in the short term to buy a joint venture big brand medium and large SUV, volkswagen ID.6 X is indeed a good choice, after all, the price is cheap, the configuration is rich, the volkswagen brand, and more importantly, the landing price of the hot sale of 270,000 yuan is at least 50,000 yuan cheaper than the ideal ONE. However, at present, the Volkswagen ID.6 X car source is insufficient, and the best car can be mentioned before the price increase, if it cannot be mentioned, it is recommended that you go to see other products.

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