
In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

author:Puffs on the third floor
In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

In 2014, a bizarre car accident shocked the whole society, and a couple who went to the prenatal checkup suddenly suffered a tragedy, and fate ruthlessly took them away from the world forever.

In that shocking moment, a miracle appeared! Who would have thought that the fetus in the womb would be squeezed out of the mother's body alive and fly several meters away, but it would babble to the ground and pick up a precious life


Tragic car accident

In Xiamen in March 2014, Zhao Yanyuan drove the old motorcycle that had been with him for many years, and his wife Duan Lirong was about to reach the end of her pregnancy in September.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

Before going out, Zhao Yanyuan carefully prepared simple luggage, properly settled his wife in the car, although the family is poor, but the young couple is full of expectations for the third child who is about to come to the world, after all, they have been parents for a while, knowing that the arrival of a new life means that the family will add vitality and joy.

Along the way, Zhao Yanyuan drove cautiously, looking back from time to time to check the situation of his wife behind him, Duan Lirong looked okay, but from time to time he pressed his pregnant belly that was about to bulge to catch his breath, they were secretly looking forward to everything going smoothly, waiting for the safe birth of this new life.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

Just as she was approaching the hospital, when the car came to a bend, Duan Lirong suddenly felt a sharp pain, almost tearing her whole body apart, and in a moment of cold sweat, it seemed that the child was already difficult to settle down, and he couldn't help but be born earlier.

Zhao Yanyuan was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly increased his horsepower, but at this critical moment, a large truck driving oncoming suddenly turned around, and he didn't notice the couple in front of him at all! The ironclad behemoth slammed into their motorcycle, a loud crack, a cloud of smoke, and everything at the snap of a finger.

The two warm bodies of Zhao Yanyuan and his wife lost their lives in an instant under the powerful momentum, and the red blood quickly spread on the road, unrecognizable, and the tragic scene made everyone who saw it shudder.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

In this tragedy, when everyone thought that the young couple and their wife, who was nine months pregnant, would be buried here forever, a cry suddenly came, which made people's hearts tremble, as if calling and rebelling against fate.

At that thrilling moment, the little life in Duan Lirong's womb was squeezed out violently and separated from the mother's body, and the baby, along with the umbilical cord and placenta, fell to the ground seven or eight meters away from the mother.

The medical staff hurriedly rescued this rare life carefully into the ambulance, and after examination and rescue, fortunately the life was maintained.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

For the next half month, the child needed to continue to be accompanied and observed in the hospital, and although he was covered with hideous scars, the examination found no fatal trauma, and it seems that the mother and amniotic fluid provided him with the last refuge and brought him back to life at a life-and-death moment.

It was not until the sixth day after giving birth that the baby's condition finally stabilized, so the relatives gave him a blessed name - Ping'an, these two warm words just fit everyone's ardent expectation for the safe birth of a new life.


Million indemnity

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

This thrilling experience suddenly caused a sensation, people were impressed by the encounter of this "miracle baby", some people shed tears for it, some people reciprocated with respect and love, and the Internet was full of attention and blessings to him.

More caring people came directly to visit the hospital in the hope of bringing help to the child.

As a result, social welfare organizations in various places spontaneously organized fundraising for the "miracle baby", and donations poured in like a tide, eventually reaching more than 130 yuan.

This money is not only enough to pay for the child's long-term treatment, but also a warm current, bringing the warmth of a social family to the child who has lost both parents.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

The driver who caused the accident, Guo Jiancai, also paid a heavy price for his fault, and when he was too late to brake, he knew he was done when he watched the couple being swept under the tires of his truck.

After the accident, Guo Jiancai held a trace of luck, hoping for a miracle, when he learned that the baby miraculously survived, his guilt was slightly reduced, but he still went bankrupt and only compensated more than 100,000 yuan, and the remaining expenses were solved by donations from insurance companies and enthusiastic people.

Guo Jiancai's two daughters even came to the door in person to apologize to the "miracle baby". After continuous communication between the two families, the Zhao family finally became magnanimous and gave Guo Jiancai's family a new way to start.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

As the incident became widely reported, people across the country expressed concern about "Peace: Peace." Some people donated money to him, some came to visit, and many more offered their blessings online. For a time, the "miracle baby" became the focus of attention.

Grandma Xiao Xingxing and uncle Zhao Tingchao are responsible for raising his sister and Xiao Ping'an, his brother is divided into the care of his grandfather, and the compensation is also distributed to two families, it is conceivable that in such a poor family, it will be a big test to provide him with sufficient living and educational conditions, lack of resources and opportunities, he is likely to face all kinds of unfair treatment in the future.


Miserable life

In order to get better treatment for the child, grandma Xiao Kaixing and uncle Zhao Tingchao took him to a hospital in Beijing, although the operation was ultimately successful, but after all, he was still young, and Ping An left a bunch of sequelae.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

The most serious of these is that his mental development may be affected, and the doctor suggested that Ping An need to return to the hospital regularly for re-examinations to ensure that the sequelae are treated in time, but since then, Ping An has not been to the hospital again.

It wasn't until four years later, in 2018, that a reporter finally found Ping'an's home in a remote village in Sichuan, where Ping'an and his sister lived in a dilapidated thatched house with four walls and mottled earthen walls that had been blackened by smoke.

Seeing the reporter's visit, Xiao Kaixing cried loudly, she blamed everything on her second son Zhao Tingchao, accusing him of taking away all the compensation, but Zhao Tingchao said in turn that all the money was squandered by the old lady herself!

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

It turned out that after receiving more than 1.3 million compensation, the mother and son kept it together: Xiao Kaixing kept the passbook, and Zhao Tingchao kept the password. After that, Ping An's treatment in Beijing was relatively economical, but when it came to the issue of re-examination, the mother and son had a disagreement.

Xiao Kaixing thought that Ping An had recovered and there was no need to "waste" money on the examination, but Zhao Tingchao insisted that the re-examination was necessary, because Ping An's intellectual development was probably not completely normal, and the contradiction intensified, and the two sides broke up unhappily.

Sure enough, Ping An's intellectual problems did appear later, and Zhao Tingchao thought that it was caused by her mother's being too stingy with her children, and asked her to invest more money to make the children's lives better.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

But Xiao Kaixing felt that this money must be held in his hands first and left to the children in the future, and if he can save it, his son just wants to covet this money under the guise of children.

The mother-son turned against each other more and more, and in the end, Zhao Tingchao really couldn't tell the old lady all the passwords, and signed an agreement. His original wish was very simple, just hoping that the children could live a better life, but the result was good, the old lady insisted on going her own way, and she lost the 730,000 yuan!

Xiao Kaixing asked his niece to take care of the money, but the niece actually bought all the money for insurance, and in the blink of an eye, there was nothing, and in this way, the family fell into the abyss of poverty again, and life was even more miserable and helpless than before.

In 2014, a pregnant woman died in a car accident on the way to prenatal checkup, and the child in her womb was miraculously born, what happened now?

The most pitiful thing is Xiao Ping'an, because of his grandmother's complacency, his brain sequelae have been neglected since then, and they are getting worse day by day. Zhao Ping'an, who will be ten years old in 2024, is still stupid, with a score of only 20 or 30 points, and he can drink water casually, and he can't tell whether it is dirty or not.

This "miracle baby" is covered in filth, and his words are not very smooth, he originally used to have a complete family, but he didn't expect to be ruined by a tragedy, he could have had a healthy body, but he was delayed by his grandmother's ignorance, which is really embarrassing.


[1] North Evening Online: On March 19, 2021, the "miracle baby" in the Xiamen car accident turned 7 years old: the review in Beijing was stopped, and the grandmother bought insurance with 600,000 compensation

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