
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

On March 17, 2022, the urban emotional drama "Heart Residence" was broadcast on Oriental Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV.

The response of the drama after broadcast was very good, and it was inseparable from the efforts of actors such as Haiqing, Feng Shaofeng, Tong Yao, Zhang Songwen and so on.

In the play, Gu Qingyu, played by Tong Yao, is a confident and successful woman who has not experienced setbacks, and the marriage is in a mess.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

In real life, Tong Yao is the opposite of the role, a person with a double harvest of career and love.

She can have today's success because she has experienced many setbacks, which have made her realize her goals and become stronger.

The gap between the front and back is huge, as if it is two Tong Yao. And all this starts with her entering the middle play.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

In 2002, Tong Yao and her classmates were preparing for the college entrance examination. When her classmates were worried about what school to take and what major to apply for, she already had a goal, to go to art school to study acting.

Her parents are also very supportive of their daughter and cheer for her daughter.

To prevent falling off the list, Tong Yao applied for the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama at the same time, and both scored well.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

After careful consideration, she decided to go to the Chinese opera with the first result in the professional course.

Before the school started, Tong Yao was already famous in the school, not only because of her grades, but also because of her looks, much like Zhang Ziyi.

In the future, as long as she studies well, her development in the circle will not be bad, and she will definitely become an excellent actress.

Tong Yao is also very confident in herself, but unfortunately, after the school started, she found that excellent people abounded and wanted to be more prominent in performance.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Although she studied seriously with her teachers, her learning ability was limited, and she wanted to know more about the process of filming.

There happened to be a friend who was a photographer in the crew, so he invited her to visit the crew.

Tong Yao was very happy, and after class, she immediately took the car to the crew to find friends.

When she came to the crew, her eyes lit up, and she found that performing here is completely different from in the classroom, which is the real test of ability.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

And she moved her heart to shoot the scene, but she has not yet found the scene to shoot but harvest love.

When Tong Yao was chatting with her friends, a person in the distance was staring at her.

This person is Zhang Mo, who also happens to be in this crew, took the initiative to come forward to talk and said a few words to Tong Yao.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Tong Yao did not take it seriously at all, but Zhang Mo felt that he was very close to this person, or his own school sister, and the inner fawn was messing around.

He began to inquire about Tong Yao and asked for contact information.

After returning to school, Zhang Mo began to pursue Tong Yao, accompanied her to class, and gave her a warm greeting and courtesy.

And Tong Yao has no thoughts in her heart, and she doesn't want to fall in love now.

The most important thing is that Tong Yao and Zhang Mo have only known each other for a few months, and neither side knows him very well and rejects his confession.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Zhang Mo became more and more frustrated and courageous, he was very confident, believing that one day Tong Yao would be taken down by himself.

This time he pursued it even more wildly, and when he was fine, he followed Tong Yao's ass all day and took care of all kinds of things for her.

Because Zhang Mo's infatuation with Tong Yao was still spreading on campus, Tong Yao received attention from her classmates and enjoyed an unprecedented gaze.

And her heart was a little moved, with Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo is zhang Guoguo's son, has such a good father, how many girls want to climb the tall branch.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

After being together, Zhang Mo wanted to be with Tong Yao all the time, wanting to know all about her. And Tong Yao is not a love brain, although in love, but also did not forget their identity.

She wants to be a good actress, to go out and shoot, and she has always been on this goal.

Zhang Mo also once told her that after being with him, she did not have to worry about the resources of filming, and there would be opportunities in the future.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Unfortunately, Zhang Mo only talked about it and never did it. And because of his father Zhang Guoguo, there are many scripts that throw olive branches to him.

Tong Yao did not want to be left behind, and tried to make a scene. And the school does not allow freshmen to shoot movies, even if they are very famous.

But she left the school rules behind, if you want to shoot a scene, you must shoot, there is nothing to stop.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

In her freshman year, Tong Yao secretly gave her own photos to the "Lin Hai Xueyuan" crew, and the director was very satisfied after seeing it and invited her to audition.

Tong Yao, who received the news, was very happy, carefully prepared for the interview, did not expect to pass, and she also showed off to her classmates.

Classmates told her she couldn't shoot, but she said it was okay and that the head of the department had agreed to sign it. The students were very strange that in previous years, there was no exception.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

It turned out that Tong Yao went to the head of the department to talk about this matter, and at first she was rejected, but she and the head of the department agreed to something.

When Tong Yao got the opportunity to go out to shoot, she took a few months off, and she didn't tell Zhang Mo about these things.

Zhang Mo did not suspect it, thinking that his girlfriend was simply filming and occasionally visiting the class.

However, in these months, Tong Yao's reputation in school has changed. When she returned to school, her classmates cast a strange look.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

It turned out that the students were speculating about her relationship with the head of the department, how she took leave to shoot a drama, and she must be inseparable from the teacher.

All kinds of gossip, Tong Yao does not care at all, because filming is her ultimate goal. But these voices reached Zhang Mo's ears.

A boy heard that his girlfriend had an affair with someone else, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Zhang Mo couldn't believe it and angrily went to ask Tong Yao. And she didn't want to meet, Zhang Mo squatted her at the door of the dormitory.

Seeing Tong Yao come out, he quickly went forward to ask if it was true, and then there was a big quarrel, and Tong Yao wanted to leave. Zhang Mo was even more angry, and beat Tong Yao in public, and it was quite serious, and he was beaten into the hospital.

The classmates wanted to pull away and couldn't pull away, until Tong Yao couldn't get up on the ground, and Zhang Mo let go.

This matter is very serious, not only in school, but also in the entertainment industry is well known.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Subsequently, Tong Yao told Zhang Mo that he was forced to move the hand of the head of the department first.

Zhang Mo believed the people who followed her to deal with the head of the department, but the head of the department did not admit it at all, and said that Tong Yao took the initiative.

Zhang Mo wanted to sue the head of the department and prove his innocence for Tong Yao.

As a result, Tong Yao said that she was voluntary and did not force this statement. For a while, Zhang Mo was confused, and only then did he realize what kind of person Tong Yao was.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

The outside world has said that Tong Yao is unscrupulous for the sake of ascending to the throne, desperate for his own development. A first-year student has such a mind, and it is conceivable that it will not develop in the entertainment industry.

When such a thing happened, Tong Yao and Zhang Mo parted ways. Zhang Mo was expelled from school for beating people, and although Zhang Guoli took his son to shoot a movie, he did not obey at all.

Zhang Mo did some wrong things, Zhang Guoli also apologized for his son, won the public forgiveness, but committed another crime, causing him to disappear in the eyes of the public.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Zhang Guoli is more than half a hundred years old, and he also has to earn money to support his family for filming.

And Tong Yao, although she was not expelled from school, but the reputation declined all the way, even if she went out to shoot, the director also had to consider one or two, she was not suitable for this play.

The truth is that no one looked for her to shoot at all, and 4 years of college were honestly spent in school.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

After graduation, her classmates all had drama shooting, and Tong Yao did not even have a small role, and her ability could not be played.

She began to rethink her future life, did not want to give up acting, and used her own strength to prove to everyone that Tong Yao was an excellent actor.

Since then, Tong Yao has known that he must improve his personal ability and study performance.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

It was not until 2007 that Tong Yao got the opportunity to shoot.

After several years of tempering, her acting ability has improved, there is no place to play, there is no good platform.

At that time, Zhang Mo had no accidents, because he had a good father and developed very well in the show business circle. Tong Yao's heart was not a taste after seeing it, just because he did not have any connections, he was treated like this.

She realizes the importance of network resources, and it is not enough to have the ability, but to expand her network.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Tong Yao began to contact the big guys in the circle and met many characters with heads and faces, including Wang Ran.

Wang Ran is the founder of Yikai Capital Co., Ltd., with strong assets, very famous in the circle, and has invested in many good works.

There are many actors in the circle who want to build this relationship, but unfortunately he can't see any of them until he meets Tong Yao.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Although he also knew what happened before Tong Yao, he was more distressed about this girl and felt very hard, and such a person should be seen by more people.

Under the pretext of work, Wang Ran often asked Tong Yao and took the initiative to introduce her to the scene. Tong Yao is very grateful, in order to seize this opportunity, he worked very the scene of filming.

Seeing such a Tong Yao, Wang Ran was even more moved and began to confide in her.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Because she has been hurt in love, Tong Yao is still cautious. Wang Ran did not force her, and introduced more resources to her.

Tong Yao did not refuse, and her ability was also recognized by the director, and even some active people came to her door to cooperate with her.

Wang Ran took the opportunity to send his own concern in life, and Tong Yao fell.

As a developing actor, Tong Yao did not want to disclose her relationship, and Wang Ran agreed to any of her requests.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

In 2013, Tong Yao and Wang Ran dated when they were fine, very low-key, but still did not escape the media, and they were photographed drinking coffee together.

Tong Yao and Wang Ran did not respond, and the two remained very low-key.

After being together, Wang Ran was even better to Tong Yao, and the two worked together at work.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

When Wang Ran encounters good works, she will introduce Tong Yao, and she also knows how to seize the opportunity to climb up, the resources are getting better and better, and she has also made her own reputation.

The work of "Great Rivers and Great Rivers" is because of Wang Ran's reasons, Tong Yao can get this role.

In order to shoot a good effect, she was particularly serious about each shot, repeatedly studying the performance, and finally achieved good results and won the recognition of insiders.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Tong Yao also won the "Strength Actress Award" with this drama, and she finally proved her ability with strength, and her strength is beyond doubt.

Wang Ran was very relieved to see this scene, and his girlfriend finally stayed up and wanted to marry her home.

As early as before, he had such an idea, but Tong Yao focused on development and had been dragging this matter.

Maybe at that time, she probably didn't believe in Wang Ran's ability to make her popular.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Now Tong Yao don't have to worry, Wang Ran is indeed good to her, good resources are left to her, such a man who can not love it, marry him will be better.

In 2019, Wang Ran and Tong Yao ended their love affair for more than 6 years, entered the marriage hall together, and held a romantic wedding in an ancient castle in Italy.

Wang Ran finally married the woman he loved home and was very happy with Tong Yao.

After marriage, Wang Ran was even better to Tong Yao, at home she said one or the other, Wang Ran was also very obedient, meeting all the requirements of his wife, and making her happy every day.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten
There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Marrying someone like Wang Ran, even if you don't work in the second half of your life, you don't have to worry about food and clothing.

And Tong Yao's goal has always been to become an excellent actor, and she is about to achieve her goal, and she does not want to give up, and she will continue to develop her career after marriage.

Wang Ran supports her and is willing to help his wife. After all, they are a husband and wife who are just bright, and there is nothing wrong with personally holding their wives.

Tong Yao plays the works invested by her husband, the outside world will not say anything, and finding a powerful wife can also save money.

She is such a good actor, the showbiz is not easy to find, and the effect of husband and wife collocation is unexpected.

"Thirty Only" This drama was not looking for Tong Yao at the beginning, because the original actor gave up this role, and Wang Ran's lead was given to Tong Yao.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

She does not pick any role, whether it is a starring role or a supporting role, she takes it seriously, so she can have excellent works.

She won the Magnolia Award for Best Actress with the role of "Gu Jia", and was finally seen by the public.

Wang Ran is also very happy, having such an excellent wife, the relationship between the two is very good.

Married for so many years, they all have their own goals to work towards. The only pity is that the two do not have children, and this kind of thing is never rushed.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Wang Ran is very eager to have a child, and Tong Yao wants to focus on her career, so she doesn't want it, just listen to her words, and this kind of thing is not in a hurry.

Even if there are no children, it does not affect the relationship between the two people, or go with the flow.

Now Tong Yao is completely different from when she was in college, and her career life is getting better and better.

Looking back at the first half of Tong Yao's life, it was very bumpy, but now she has a successful career, a happy and happy family, and Wang Ran is spoiled into a treasure.

Tong Yao should thank Zhang Mo, if she had not beaten her, then it is very likely that she would have gone astray and would not have achieved today.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Because after the things she experienced with Zhang Mo, she rethinked the development of the show business, relying on ability is important, and the network is finally.

Then the network is there, and in the improvement of strength, then it is one step away from success.

After separating from Zhang Mo, Tong Yao has been running towards this goal of development, met Wang Ran, has power and power in the circle, and it is difficult for her to play in the circle without fire.

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

Zhang Mo did not realize this, and only then did he fall to this point today. After the inspection, Tong Yao was sure that his heart was married to Wang Ran.

Tong Yao is both lucky and unfortunate, but this can make her successful and more aware of what she wants.

Everyone's life will go through many things, and there may be some things you don't understand, but looking back, if it weren't for this happening, life would most likely take a turn.

Whether it is good or bad, it is the best experience on the road of life!

There is a kind of "counterattack" called Tong Yao being beaten, achieving nothing before being beaten, and gaining fame and fortune after being beaten

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