
The pinnacle of Chinese refereeing! For the first time, Ma Ning served as an AFC referee lecturer and taught to the AFC member associations

author:PP Sports

On August 26, Beijing time, according to the news of the referee circle, Ma Ning, an active international referee, taught for the AFC member association for the first time as a lecturer of AFC referees.

The pinnacle of Chinese refereeing! For the first time, Ma Ning served as an AFC referee lecturer and taught to the AFC member associations

In the first half of this year, the AFC began implementing a development plan called the AFC Refereeing STAR Programme, which is open to all AFC member associations and aims to promote the goal of achieving the high standards of AFC competition officials. It is a distance education program that provides competition officials with exclusive and customized course resources, offering a unique set of online courses that enable the AFC to enhance the implementation of its educational programs by embracing the latest technological advances, taught by a group of highly trained instructors including referee supervision, retired and active referees.

Ma Ning, an active international referee of the Chinese Football Association, and Qin Liang, an international referee of women's football, are members of the program, and they are also two teachers in China who are both active referees and AFC referee lecturers. A few days ago, Manin completed the program for the first time as an AFC referee lecturer to the AFC member associations.

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