
Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

author:Popular Film Critics Network

The vampire is a famous monster in the Western world, and the reason why it is called a demon is because he is in an embarrassing situation: neither god nor devil, nor man. It's like being abandoned by God, but that doesn't stop it from becoming the most seductive, mysterious, romantic legendary figure, because it has all the incredible charm in it: young, beautiful, immortal.....

Vampires are an eternal topic in fantasy literature and an excellent subject for film directors.

Edward – The Twilight Zone

Played by Robert Pattinson

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Edward Cullen Is not so much like this ancient race from the Middle Ages compared to many of the classical vampires on the screen. He is pale and young, not afraid of the sun, his skin can glow "like a diamond" in the sun, and he can even have children with a heroine who is a human... Perhaps because of these controversies, Twilight is actually more like an "idol drama" than a vampire drama.

Banabas – Dark Shadows

Played by Johnny Depp

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Very handsome, is the hairstyle is a bit strange! However, Uncle Pu's strange shape, I believe fans are used to it, and will scream for it every time. This strange Shu Huang is definitely a god-like existence in the uncle's control heart. Uncle Pu's version of the vampire, the eyes are a little dark. However, the title of the film is called Black Shadow~

Damon – The Vampire Diaries

Played by Ian Summerhead Ian Some

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Lester – "Night Interview with the Vampire"

Played by: Tom Cruise

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Atango of "Beautiful Boyhood" played the glamorous "Lester" in "Night Interview with the Vampire", and some people even likened Leicester to "Marilyn Monroe in the vampire world", as Lester himself said: No one can refuse me, including you, Louis. Played by Tom Cruse It is said that the author of the book, Anne Rice, also strongly opposed the role of Tom Cruise when casting, because she felt that the temperament did not match. However, it turned out that there was no more vampire-like vampire vampire than Atango's "Lester".

Caius – The Twilight Zone

Played by Jamie Campbell Bower

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

"Caius" Caius is one of the three elders of the Volturi family, the most aggressive member of the volturi family, but is afraid of werewolves.

Henry Fitzroy – "Blood Bondage"

Played by Kyle Schmid

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Henry Fitzroy, the vampire in Blood Bondage, is ostensibly a playboy, who looks like he has lived for almost 500 years in his 20s, and he has everything that is worthy of human envy, status, wealth, looks and youth, but also has eternal loneliness.

Carlisle – The Twilight Zone

Played by Peter Facinelli

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

"Carlisle Cullen" This smiling and charming "cute uncle" Dr. Cullen is actually more handsome than his sons, and is definitely the most handsome vampire in Twilight.

Angel – "Buffy the Vampire Hunter"

Played by David Boreanaz

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

He is a vampire called an angel (Angle). In this classic TV series, David Bernards plays a vampire with a soul, as a demon, he will appear in most colleges and universities, he is tall, evil, handsome, he is the standard of a bad boyfriend, bringing you the most KB nightmare.

Alex – The Vampire Legend

Played by Julian Sanders

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

The only highlight of this low-profile film is Alex the vampire played by Julian Sanders.

Louis – "Night Interview with the Vampire"

Played by Brad Pitt

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

It can be called the most pleasing movie, in the minds of many people, only the vampire appearances of Atango and Brad Pitt in their youth are called real vampires, and as for the later popular "Twilight" and "Legend of the Night", it is difficult to reach in some ways.

Dracula – "Four Hundred Years of Thrills"

Played by Gary Oldman

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

In this film, "Dracula" is a sad and melancholy man full of hatred, resentment, KB, cruel vampire, and at the same time a sad and melancholy man who misses his wife and cannot be blinded. Gary Oldman expresses the viciousness, weirdness, and KB of the vampire "Dracula", the longing and love for his deceased wife, and the noble elegance of the nobility to the fullest and most touching. And his appearance in the play is quite similar to Depp,But also makes up for the regret that Depp did not play a vampire in many people's hearts.

Armand – "Night Interview with the Vampire"

Played by Antonio Banderas

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

In this most classic vampire movie, there is also an actor who cannot be ignored, Antonio Banderas, who plays the leader of a group of vampires in the basement of the Paris Theater.

Stephen - American drama "The Vampire Diaries"

Played by Paul Wesley

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Stefan is tormented by his vampire identity and Katherine's death, and it is not until he meets Elena (Nina Dubov) and falls in love with her that he begins to believe that he can be redeemed. This good vampire with an evil past but has "turned right" is a bit boring and has been robbed of the limelight by his brother Damon.

Bill - American drama "True Love Is Like Blood"

Played by Stephen Moyer

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

HBO's American drama about southern vampires, "True Love Like Blood", is known for its heavy taste, usually young girls who are fans of "Twilight" will not like this drama, it does not have so much romantic atmosphere, and only has ** and blood, murder and politics throughout.

Eric - American drama "True Love Like Blood"

Played by Alexander Skarsgrd

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

"If there really are vampires in the world, the most beautiful thing is Eric." Alexander Skarsgaard in True Love Like Blood is indeed breathtakingly beautiful, but he is as brutal as a beast, cold to the South Pole. This tall, evil and calm and elegant ancient Viking vampire has won the favor of many viewers and accumulated a huge fan base for him.

Jasper Hal – The Twilight Zone

Played by Jackson Rathbone

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

As alice in the Twilight series' most popular "Future Foreknowledge Elf", Jasper is a dangerous vampire who cannot coexist peacefully with humans like other members of the Cullen family. Although he respects the Cullen family's "vegetarian" way of eating, everything he does is for Alice.

Emmett Cullen – The Twilight Zone

Played by: Kellan Luts

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Emmett is the big vampire of the Cullen family, a guy with the size of a rugby player who associates with the beautiful Rosalie. There is nothing more attractive about him in the film than his agile hands and strong physique.

James – The Twilight Zone

Played by Cam Gigandet

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

James is the main villain in the Twilight series, and he has no mercy, leading two retinues in the role of a ruthless killer vampire. Usually he hunts down humans and animals just to pass the time.

Riley – The Twilight Zone

Played by Xavier Samuel

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

When the card division promotional photos before the release of "Twilight 3: Lunar Eclipse" were just exposed, people looked at the huge vampire army that had just arrived, and suddenly found this unusually handsome face, so Xavier Samuel had been widely praised by countless fans before the release of the film, and was known as the most handsome of the "Twilight type men".

Elijah – The Vampire Diaries

Played by Daniel Gillies

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

As one of the powerful vampire ancestors, daniel Gillis's "Elijah", although he appears as a villain, is actually selfless and kind, and is the absolute "aura emperor" in "The Vampire Diaries". (Yuki thinks that this cargo looks like Jay Chou!) There is wood, there is wood there is ah kiss~!)

Dracula – Van Helsing

Played by: Richard Roxburgh

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

"Wolverine" Hugh Jackman plays "Vampire Hunter Van Helsing" in this film, dressed like a Western cowboy, using a crossbow and a flywheel as a deadly weapon, stealing a lot of eyeballs, but Richard? Rosberg's "Dracula the Vampire" is no less impressive.

Vampire King Victor – Tales of the Night series

Played by Bill Nighy

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Perhaps you were deeply struck by the cold temperament of Victor, the vampire king in Tales of the Night, that deep, with endless evil eyes, overshadowed the fangs of all vampires, the claws of the werewolves, the tragic light of the full moon, and even the beauty of Kate Beckinsale. Bill Nye comes alive to represent a vampire elder who has lived for thousands of years.

Kraven – Tales of the Night

Played by Shane Brolly

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

Kraven in the movie Tales of the Night is a spy of the werewolves and has been trying to prevent the vampire from hindering the werewolf's plans, but his love for Shi Lian is sincere. Kraven, who wears a silk shirt, has a stunning and flavorful look in "Dark Legends", which can be said to be a modern Gothic style that combines fashion sense.

Lestat "Vampire Queen"

Played by Stuart Townsend

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

The legendary vampire Lestat, who awoke from a slumber for more than a decade, decided to step out of the darkness into the world of sunshine, so he molded himself into the closest thing to God on Earth: a rock star, and used his music to awaken the vampire queen who had been sleeping in the ice cellar for nearly 6,000 years. (Hmm, far worse than Ayu ~)

Edward Dalton – Bloodthirsty Dawn

Played by Ethan Hawke

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

This sci-fi, action-packed vampire film tells the story of a plague that turned the vast majority of humans into vampires in 2017, and the amount of human blood that can be sucked by these vampires is decreasing. In order to survive, vampires capture the surviving humans and raise them; On the other hand, there is constant research to find alternatives to blood. The results of the study were not fruitful, but a group of vampires who secretly studied discovered the power to save humanity...

Blade Blade Warrior series

Played by Wesley Snipes

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

The most fascinating thing about the Blade Warrior series is that it abandons the european white aristocratic bloodline that the vampire image has always had, and creates another black "new blood culture". However, Wesley Snipps plays the "Blade Warrior" who is only half a vampire, and in order to avenge his mother, he transforms into a vampire hunter.

Mick - American drama "Blood Moonlight"

Played by Alex O'Loughlin

Vampire movies never lack audiences Take stock of the vampire image in movies

60 years ago, Mick was bitten by his own bride and has since possessed an immortal body, he will always be young, handsome and charismatic, but Mick is full of disgust for the world of vampires, and he believes that these evil creatures use humans as a source of food and do not know how to respect the value of life. So, this different vampire detective, Mick St. John, began to use his extraordinary ability to solve difficult cases and help victims... Instead of sucking their blood.

Australian actor Alex O'Lorin has experience in performing Chekov and Tolstoy plays, and officially appeared on the screen at the age of 29, representing works such as the American drama "Blood Moonlight", the movie "Snow Blindness" and "Backup Plan".

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