
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

author:Green Qingpu
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

This afternoon (June 29), the fourth area activity of "Four Directions and Four Seasons" in Qingpu District and the theme activity of Zhujiajiao Town to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China were held in the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone (Shanghai) Financial Industrial Park of Zhujiajiao Town, praising the glorious history of the party, focusing on the regional linkage and common progress of the Yangtze River Delta region, and working together with the five towns in the pilot start-up area to depict the development of the new era. Zhang Quanquan, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chen Jianguo, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Li Fangming, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, Tao Xiafang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Zhou Liang, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the event.

Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

In his speech, Zhang Quanquan pointed out that in recent years, Qingpu District has always put the party's leadership throughout the whole process of economic and social development, focused on enhancing the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations, accelerated the deep integration of grassroots party building and serving the national strategy and building a hub portal, deepened the implementation of the "1+2" document on party building in the demonstration zone, and implemented regionalized party building platforms such as "Quartet and Four Times", so as to gather strength and add vitality to the high-quality development of the region. Relying on the integrated development platform of the Yangtze River Delta, the three places and five towns in the demonstration area have actively built brand activities and brand projects of grassroots party building such as "Five 'Xin' Grassroots Governance Community", "Golden Charge", "Wugen Yuejiao" and "Urban Circle", which have fully released the demonstration and driving effect of grassroots party building.

He hoped that we should be at the forefront of ideological construction cohesion, party building to lead and promote development, and cross-domain co-governance to improve the level, continue to study and implement the spirit of the general secretary's important instructions on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, enhance the sense of integration, adhere to the idea of a game of chess, and make full use of the mechanism of "joint group learning, joint research, joint rectification, and joint promotion of development" and regional party building platforms such as "four parties and four times" and "double pairing and double reporting", continue to promote cross-domain party building mechanisms such as the "Wuxin" grassroots governance community, and deepen the "beautiful community". and pioneer action", better play the role of the pioneer start-up area in exploration, leading demonstration, and radiation, and effectively promote the transformation of the party's political and organizational advantages into cross-domain collaborative governance advantages, and form more replicable and generalizable typical models of co-governance in demonstration areas.

The Party Committee and Government of Zhujiajiao Town extended a warm welcome to the guests who participated in this event, and expressed heartfelt thanks to the party building pairs and co-construction units that supported the work of Zhujiajiao Town, the member units of the fourth district of the "Four Directions and Four Hours" and the brother units of the demonstration area. As an important member of the demonstration zone, Zhujiajiao Town has the responsibility and obligation to take the initiative and forge ahead, drive the high-quality development of the region with the linkage advantage of "integration", and strive to "win glory for one region and add color to the whole region". In the future, it is hoped that the three regions and five towns can continue to work together and move forward side by side, demonstrate their greater determination to serve and promote the national strategy with pragmatic and efficient measures and tangible results, and celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with excellent answers.

Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

This activity is divided into three chapters: "Pursuing the Light of Role Models", "Exploring the Way Ahead" and "Gathering the Wisdom of Development". The first chapter, "Pursuing the Light of Example", commended the advanced grassroots party organizations, outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding party workers in Zhujiajiao Town, and encouraged morale, demonstrated progress and guided the direction with the power of example. Chen Jianguo, Li Fangming, Tao Xiafang, Zhou Liang and others presented awards to representatives of advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding communist party members, and outstanding party workers, respectively, to further establish a red benchmark, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grass-roots party organizations, and strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the majority of party members.

Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

In the second chapter "Exploring the Road to the First", the promotional video for the first anniversary of the "Wuxin" grassroots governance community was released, showing the strong synergy of the five towns in the first start-up area to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to the new era and the achievements and effectiveness of the "Wuxin" grassroots governance innovation model. The party committees of Qingpu in Shanghai, Wujiang in Jiangsu and Jiashan in Zhejiang participated in the interaction and released the second round of implementation projects of the "Wuxin" grassroots governance community, namely the five new actions of the "Pioneer Action for a Better Community"; The deputy secretaries of the Party committees and organization members of the five towns of the pilot start-up area awarded plaques to the five demonstration sites of the new round of "Wuxin" grassroots governance community, which further amplified the leading effect of the demonstration area.

Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

In the third chapter, "The Wisdom of Gathering Development", 10 secretaries of party organizations from villages, institutions, enterprises and institutions in Zhujiajiao Town came to the stage to explain the "Ten Methods of Secretary Project" for grassroots party building, and a series of innovative grassroots party building and community governance methods presented vivid scenarios and beneficial explorations of high-quality innovation and development of grassroots party building. Under the leadership of the secretaries, the students of the second round of "cornerstone project" in Zhujiajiao Town swore that they would write a new history of struggle with their youth and a new history of the party with struggle.

The event also included the characteristic party building exhibition of the fourth district of Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Hours" and the first anniversary achievement exhibition of the "Wuxin" grassroots governance community. Through visiting the exhibition boards, the participants learned in detail about the advanced experience and practices of the party organizations of various units in the fourth district of the "Four Directions and Four Hours" in party building, brand building, cadre training, and rural revitalization; It comprehensively shows the "two districts and one county" of the demonstration area with the "Wuxin" grassroots governance community as the carrier, summarizes and refines a series of grassroots governance highlights, and creates a strong atmosphere of striving for progress and demonstration and leadership.

Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

Relevant comrades of the Executive Committee of the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone, leaders of the Party Committee of the "Two Districts and One County" of the Demonstration Zone, five towns in the Pilot Start Zone, member units of the fourth district of the "Four Directions and Four Hours" of the district, 14 paired co-construction units and other relevant leaders attended the event, and more than 200 representatives of party members and cadres participated in the event.

Reporter: Gu Shunli (Distinguished Chief)

Photographer: Gu Shunli (Distinguished Chief)

Source: Zhujiajiao Town Branch Center of Rong Media

Editor: Lv Bin

Editor in charge: Zhang Qiang

Final review: Pan Hugang

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today
Qingpu District's "Four Directions and Four Seasons" Fourth District Activity and the Theme Activity to Celebrate the 103rd Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China was held today

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