
2022.04.03Reading notes



Found a good book, "THEALMANACK OF NAVAL RAVIKANT", unfortunately only in english original, try to translate and understand.

The following is a part of THEALMANACK OF NAVAL RAVIKANT.

What about the modernworld steers us away from the way humans are meant to live?

How does the modern world steer us away from the way humans should live?

There are many, manythings.

There are many, many things.

There are a number onthe physical side. We have diets we are not evolved to eat.

A correct diet shouldprobably look closer to a paleo diet, mostly eating vegetables with a smallamount of meat and berries.

There is a number in the physical aspect. Our diet is not evolved to eat.

The correct diet should be closer to the ancient diet, mainly eating vegetables and small amounts of meat and berries.

In terms of exercise,we’re probably meant to play instead of running on a treadmill.

We’re probably evolvedto use all of our five senses equally as opposed to favoring the visual cortex.

In modern society,almost all of our inputs and communication are visual. We’re not meant to walkin shoes. A lot of back and foot problems come from shoes.

We’re not meant tohave clothes keep us warm all of the time. We’re meant to have some cold exposure. It kickstarts your immune system.

2022.04.03Reading notes

As far as exercise is concerned, we may be doing it to play rather than running on a treadmill.

We may have evolved to use all five of our senses equally, rather than favoring the visual cortex.

In modern society, almost all of our input and communication is visual. We should not walk in shoes. A lot of back and foot problems come from shoes.

We shouldn't keep our clothes warm all the time. We should have some cold exposure. It will turn on your immune system.

We’re not evolved tolive in a perfectly sterile and clean environment. It leads to allergies and anuntrained immune system.

This is known as thehygiene hypothesis. We’re evolved to live in much smaller tribes and to havemore family around us.

I partially grew up inIndia, and in India, everybody is in your business.

There’s a cousin, anaunt, an uncle who is in your face, which makes it hard to be depressed,because you are never alone.

(I’m not referring topeople with chemical depression. I’m talking more about the existential angstand malaise teenagers seem to go through.)

But on the other hand,you have no privacy, so you can’t be free. There are trade-offs.

We didn't evolve to live in a completely sterile and clean environment. It can cause allergies and an untrained immune system.

This is called the hygiene hypothesis. We evolved to live in smaller tribes with more families around us.

I grew up in India, where everyone is doing your thing.

Having a cousin, an aunt, an uncle in front of you makes it hard for you to be depressed because you're never alone.

(I'm not referring to people with chemical depression.) I'm referring more to the existential anxiety and discomfort that teens seem to experience. )

But on the other hand, you don't have privacy, so you can't be free. It's a trade-off.

2022.04.03Reading notes

We’re not meant tocheck our phone every five minutes.

The constant moodswings of getting a “like” then an angry comment makes us into anxiouscreatures.

We evolved forscarcity but live in abundance. There’s a constant struggle to say no when yourgenes always want to say yes.

Yes to sugar. Yes tostaying in this relationship. Yes to alcohol. Yes to drugs. Yes, yes, yes. Ourbodies don’t know how to say no.

We shouldn't check the phone every five minutes.

A "like" followed by an angry comment, this constant mood swing turns us into anxious animals.

The reason we evolved was scarcity, but we lived abundantly. When your genes always want to say yes, saying "no" is a constant struggle.

Yes, sugar. Yes, I'm willing to continue this relationship. Yes, no drinking. Yes, drugs. Yes, yes, yes. Our bodies don't know how to say no.

When everyone is sick,we no longer consider it a disease.

When everyone is sick, we no longer think of it as a disease.

Here are today's reading notes*******

One word comes to mind: sunk costs. The older I get, the more I realize that effort is something that everyone can do, but not everyone is doing it when they take the time to think.

The road is chosen by yourself, there is no win or loss, only the value is not worth it, anything that has been experienced, either get or learn.

2022.04.03Reading notes

Many people think that when they mention the practice, it is very far, very difficult, very high.

In fact, the practice is: do yourself well, do a good job in the 200 meters in front of you, repair yourself, do not add trouble to the world, and at the same time be able to rejoice in yourself, not affected by anyone and everything outside, eat well, eat poorly without good, love with good people, love without good people, fall in love with everything around you, do important things well, and sleep well without important things.

In short, you have to get yourself done and self-consistent. There is the joy of bathing when bathing, the affection of feeding cats when feeding cats, the idleness of being in a daze, the unshirkable determination to solve problems, even when there is nothing, there must be unlimited hope in the heart.

You can't even eat well, you can't sleep well, your mood is upside down, you say you practice, how is it possible? So eating well, sleeping well, and having fun is the greatest practice.

Time management is a core competency, and nothing can be discussed without time.

Time is one of the most important resources in life for everyone. Time management has three cores, one is autonomy, the second is optimization, and the third is planning.

The fairness of life is that if you choose to eat some suffering, you can avoid eating other sufferings. And you will never know, because of your bravery and honesty, when the gifts of fate will come.

Zeng Jun in the group came to tell me a story, small people make people smaller, big people make people bigger, we meet friends who are better than us, we must ask ourselves, how can I cooperate with him, generate links.

Friends who do not generate links are not iron friends.

In reality, there are not a few people who are very ambitious, these people have no interest in the difficult process, but they have a very high goal in life, while doing ordinary work, they are extremely amplified by the difficulties at work, and they complain all day long; it must be a good thing to have a goal, but if this goal is too unrealistic, their own ability is not enough, but it will lead to failure and then lose confidence in the future.

We have to do what we are good at.

Inner peace and tranquility are the goals of many people's practice, but the mind obtained by suppressing inner feelings and needs is like stopping water, rather than a pool of stagnant water. Or, on the surface, the wind and waves are calm, but deep inside there is a fierce emotional volcano.

End **********Continue tomorrow********

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