
Li Qi, | of the Special Issue of China Road and Theory (22): The people's city is built by the people, and the people's city is for the people

People's cities are built by the people, and people's cities are for the people

Li Qi, | of the Special Issue of China Road and Theory (22): The people's city is built by the people, and the people's city is for the people

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has summed up and expounded the truth of "why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good" in his systematic analysis of the fundamental characteristics, great achievements and superiority of socialism with Chinese characteristics, emphasizing the need to deeply understand that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental achievement of the party and the people in long-term practice, and the banner of unity, progress and victory of the party and the people.

The road determines destiny. The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only way to realize China's socialist modernization and the only way to create a better life for the people. At present, the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and our party has led Chinese people to adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, base themselves on the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism, take economic construction as the center, adhere to the four cardinal principles, persist in reform and opening up, liberate and develop social productive forces, consolidate and improve the socialist system, and promote the construction of the "five-in-one" socialist market economy, democratic politics, advanced culture, harmonious society and ecological civilization. Accelerate the construction of a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern country. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core conforms to the people's yearning for a better life, insists on taking the realization of the people's happiness as the starting point and destination of all work in the socialist modernization construction with Chinese characteristics, and continuously enhances the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

In November 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping first put forward the important concept of "people's city built by the people, people's city for the people" in Yangpu Binjiang during his inspection of Shanghai, profoundly revealing that the city belongs to the people, urban development is for the people, urban construction and governance rely on the people's people's nature, profoundly expounding the value orientation, governance subject, goal orientation, strategic pattern and method path of socialist city work with Chinese characteristics, and developing governance for promoting the construction of Chinese cities in the new era. It is necessary to improve the governance capacity of the socialist modern international metropolis. In November 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping further clearly proposed to "improve the level of modernization of urban governance and create a new situation in the construction of people's cities" in his important speech at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening up, and made a profound exposition of Pudong and Shanghai's efforts to create a new situation and a new realm of people's urban construction and development governance in the new historical orientation of obeying and serving the two overall situations and new development patterns of "the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world in a hundred years", and further elaborated" Why is socialism with Chinese characteristics good" and explore the road of the construction and development of the super-large-scale people's city with Chinese characteristics in the new era of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics provide fundamental guidelines.

Adhere to the people's dominant position in the development of urban construction, and create a new situation of "people's cities built by the people, and people's cities for the people"

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must adhere to the main position of the broad masses of the people in urban construction and development, and explore the development path of megacities with Chinese characteristics, reflecting the characteristics of the times, and highlighting the advantages of China's socialist system." This is a profound revelation of the main body, direction, source of strength and fundamental path of China's urban construction and development in the new era, and a clear embodiment of our party's consistent adherence to the materialist historical concept of "the masses of the people creating history".

"Historical activity is the cause of the masses" and "the masses are the main driving force for social progress" are the basic principles and core essences of historical materialism. Comrade Mao Zedong said: "The people, and only the people, are the driving force for creating world history." Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized: "The masses of the people are the creators of history and a basic principle of Marxism." "The masses of the people are the main force of historical development and social progress. In the historical process of promoting modernization and urbanization in our country, we must consciously respect and adhere to the people's dominant position and vigorously give play to the initiative of the masses. Marx once discussed the complexity of the city: "The simple existence of the city itself is different from just a multitude of independent families. Here, the whole is not composed of its parts, it is an independent organism. It is precisely because the city is a complex social mega system of an "independent organism" that all countries and governments in the world must respond to the basic questions of what their cities are, what kind of cities to build, how to build cities, etc., and thus different urban development concepts and urban governance models have emerged in their respective practices. Proceeding from the grand practical process of urbanization development in contemporary China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has clearly proposed to "adhere to the dominant position of the broad masses of the people" as the fundamental premise for the urban development of socialist China, so as to explore the road of construction and development of socialist super-large-scale people's cities with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The important concept of "people's cities built by the people, people's cities for the people" profoundly expounds the fundamental attributes of Chinese cities - that is, the "people's nature" of cities belonging to the people, urban development for the people, and urban governance relying on the people. At present, our party is closely relying on and uniting to lead the masses of the people to forge ahead in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. To practice and implement well the important concept of the people's city under the new situation, the first is to require our party to always adhere to the people-centered development thinking, respect the people's dominant position in the construction of modern cities, and conform to the new requirements of the new development pattern in the new development stage and the new expectations of the people. China's cities, in the final analysis, are people's cities, and the people's yearning for a better life is the direction of urban construction and governance, and it is also the starting point, foothold and fundamental position of our urban work. The second is to require our party to further give play to the initiative of the masses and closely rely on and organize the broad masses of the people to work together to create a super-large-scale people's city with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The people are the masters of the city, but also the main body of urban construction, development and governance. Urban construction depends on the hard work of the broad masses of the people, urban development depends on the joint efforts of the broad masses of the people, and urban governance depends on the common action of the broad masses of the people. It is necessary to respect the masses' right to know, participate in, and supervise urban planning decisions, encourage the masses to participate in the construction and management of cities through various means, so that the people need to be asked, the people are asked, and the results are asked, the enthusiasm and initiative of the masses are mobilized, and the magnificent forces of co-governance and co-management, joint construction and sharing of beautiful cities, and a new situation of exploration and development on the road of socialist modernization and mega-city development in the new era.

Coordinate the three major layouts of production and life ecology, and create a new situation in the construction of a modern high-quality people's city with "three lives integrated and four suitable"

"Cities are places where people live in concentration, and urban construction must put making people livable and safe in the first place, and leave the best resources to the people." This important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping in his important speech at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening up clearly responds to the fundamental issue of "for whom, who to rely on, and how to build" in the urban construction and development governance in the new era, truly embodies our party's "people-centered" development thinking, the value concept and original mission of "people first", and fully demonstrates our party's principle that "all urban work should focus on the needs of the people, close to the people's lives, and serve the interests of the people." As the purpose and policy of all urban work.

In November 2019, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the construction of the ecological shoreline and the transformation of the "industrial rust belt" into a "life show belt" after the Yangpu Riverside in Shanghai, he particularly emphasized the repair of facilities that are convenient for the people and the construction of public spaces, which is an important measure to seek happiness for the people. Whether it is urban planning or urban construction, whether it is the construction of new urban areas or the transformation of old towns, we must "adhere to the people-centered, focus on the needs of the people, rationally arrange production, life and ecological space, take the connotative, intensive and green high-quality development path, and strive to create a good environment suitable for work, livability, pleasure and travel, so that the people have more sense of gain and create a happier and better life for the people." To do a good job in urban work in the new era, we must implement the new development concept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing", adhere to the systematic viewpoint, implement the spirit of the principle of systematicness and coordination into the construction, development and governance of the city, and promote the modernization process of harmonious coexistence between man and nature; we must put the protection of the urban ecological environment in a more prominent position, scientifically and rationally plan and deal with the dialectical relationship between all material activities, spiritual activities and natural environment in urban society, and persist in creating a suitable, livable, livable, and happy. The urban environment suitable for travel is the goal, coordinate the three major layouts of production, life and ecology, grasp the internal connection of the "three major spaces", realize the intensive and efficient production space, the livable and moderate living space, and the beautiful ecological space, which not only improves the quality of economic development, but also improves the quality of people's life, and creates a new situation of modern high-quality urban construction of "three-life integration and four suitable".

In the new journey, we will adhere to the organic unity of the "purpose", "method" and "focus" of urban governance, and create a new situation in the modernization of people's urban governance

Urban governance is an important part of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Promoting the modernization of China's urban governance in the new era is not only a major issue of the times, but also an important historical mission. In his important speech at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening up, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound analysis of the modernization of people's urban governance in the process of comprehensively building a socialist modern country from the three levels of "teleology", "methodology" and "key theory".

The first is the fundamental purpose. "The fundamental purpose of promoting urban governance is to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security." From the teleological level, it is clarified that improving the urban governance system, improving the capacity of urban governance and accelerating the modernization of urban governance, and continuously improving the level of balance and quality of public services are aimed at "focusing on solving the most direct and realistic interest problems that the people are most concerned about" and "enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness and security".

The second is system integration. From the methodological level, it is clarified that it is necessary to use the system integration method to integrate and innovate the urban governance model methods and means. General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Pudong and Shanghai to focus on deep-seated institutional obstacles and "take the lead in experimenting and producing experience in the integration and coordination of reform systems." To further enhance the level of modernization of the urban governance system and governance capabilities, we must vigorously promote the systematic integration of reform and innovation in the field of urban governance. (1) Promote the combination of governance means, governance models, and governance concepts, and shanghai uses "multi-pronged" methods such as system governance, scientific and technological empowerment, shifting the center of gravity, and establishing rules and regulations in the process of promoting the construction and development of people's cities, and effectively exerts the integration effect of the two networks of government services "one network communication office" and urban operation "one network unified management"; (2) Promote the deep integration and application of modern scientific and technological means such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing in urban governance activities, and strengthen scientific and technological empowerment and intelligent governance." Accelerate the construction of smart cities ";(3) Promote the organic connection between economic governance, social governance and urban governance under the leadership of the Party. At the level of economic governance, we should innovate and integrate systems, systems, and mechanisms, at the level of administrative governance, we should achieve innovation and integration of decentralization, management, and services, and at the level of social governance, we should achieve innovation and integration of social coordination, public participation, and rule of law guarantees. On this basis, we will further strengthen the system integration of system governance, governance according to law, comprehensive governance, and source governance, and build a super-large-scale people's city overall governance system that integrates "three governances".

The third is an important link. From the level of key theory, the "top priority" of improving urban governance capabilities, effectively serving the efficient operation of cities and effectively preventing and resolving major risks is clarified. "It is necessary to run the whole life cycle management concept through all aspects of the whole process of urban planning, construction and management, and take the improvement of the public health emergency management system as an important part of improving governance capabilities." Strive to improve the system and mechanism of major epidemic prevention and control, unswervingly grasp the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, strengthen the legal protection of public health, reform and improve the disease prevention and control system and the major epidemic prevention and control treatment system, improve the medical insurance and rescue system for major diseases, improve the unified emergency material security system, continuously improve the scientific, refined and intelligent level of the whole life cycle management and governance of the people's city, and comprehensively guarantee the people's life and health, so that the broad masses of the people can consciously implement the important concept of the people's city. In the process of accelerating the construction of the people's city, we can truly feel and understand the truth that "socialism with Chinese characteristics is good".

Author: Li Qi, Professor of the Party School of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Distinguished Researcher of Shanghai Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era

Editor: Chen Yu

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