
Li Qi: Participated in the implementation of a number of hydrogen energy projects, covering three major areas of hydrogen production, storage and transportation, and application

author:Energy Development and Policy
Li Qi: Participated in the implementation of a number of hydrogen energy projects, covering three major areas of hydrogen production, storage and transportation, and application

On October 26, the "China-Latin America New Energy Cooperation Forum" hosted by the National Energy Administration of China was held in Beijing. More than 120 units and more than 300 representatives from relevant national energy authorities, enterprises, financial institutions, industry associations and some international energy enterprises and financial institutions from China and Latin America attended the meeting online.

Li Qi, deputy general manager of China Energy Construction Group Zhejiang Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Energy Construction Zhejiang Institute"), said at the meeting that the key technologies of hydrogen energy utilization cover all aspects of hydrogen production, storage, transportation and application, hydrogen production technology gradually from gray hydrogen to blue hydrogen, and then to green hydrogen, the use of wind, light and other renewable energy generated by green electricity to produce green hydrogen to achieve real zero emissions.

Li Qi introduced, hydrogen energy as a green environmental protection of secondary energy, is currently in a stage of vigorous development, hydrogen energy in China's terminal energy consumption will increase to 10%, the development of hydrogen energy comprehensive utilization for carbon emission reduction has great potential, by 2050 can make the global carbon dioxide cumulative reduction of 60 billion tons.

Li Qi focused on the analysis of hydrogen production and storage links, "Due to the different transportation distances and resource endowments, high-pressure gaseous storage and transportation, liquid storage and transportation and pipeline transportation will develop in parallel. Gaseous storage and transportation need to improve the hydrogen storage pressure to reduce costs; liquid storage and transportation need to solve the problems of cleanliness, low efficiency, large investment; pipeline storage and transportation in the early stage of investment is large, need to stabilize hydrogen demand, improve pipeline utilization. He pointed out that hydrogen energy applications involve transportation, energy, industry and civilian fields.

Li Qi pointed out that China Energy Construction Zhejiang Institute is committed to the research work related to the whole industrial chain of hydrogen energy utilization, and the research focus includes the capacity allocation of hydrogen production system, the integration and engineering application of hydrogen liquefaction system, and the hydrogen-electric coupling support for new power systems. He further introduced, "China Energy Construction Zhejiang Institute has participated in the implementation of a number of hydrogen energy projects, covering three aspects: hydrogen production, storage and transportation, and application. Completed the design of the first domestically produced green hydrogen plant and the ePC work of 7 hydrogen refueling stations in China, including the first liquid hydrogen refueling station in China. At the same time, it is participating in the construction of two hydrogen-electric coupling projects to realize hydrogen energy support for new power systems and green transportation systems with new energy as the main body. ”

"Latin American countries have abundant clean energy resources, and China can work with Latin American countries to invest in the construction of clean energy hydrogen production integration projects, which will be transported to China and other countries that need hydrogen energy through liquefaction and ocean transportation to form a green hydrogen industry chain." Li Qi said that China Energy Construction Zhejiang Institute will actively explore cooperation models in the field of hydrogen energy with Latin American counterparts and contribute to the global green and low-carbon development.

Source: Hydrogen Energy Branch of China Industry Development Promotion Association

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