
Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

There is a private message from my mother, saying that her daughter is 10 years old, and recently she always likes to pinch her legs, and anytime and anywhere regardless of the occasion, clamp hard, and her face is red, which makes her feel very embarrassed.

Because of this incident, she also beat her daughter once, but a few days later, her daughter began to pinch her legs again, and she didn't know what to do, so she came to me for help. If your daughter also has this situation, please read this article carefully.

Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

Why do girls like to pinch their legs?

In fact, this situation is very common in girls, especially in the kindergarten stage and primary school stage, but some children hide more deeply, and some children are not noticed by their parents. Of course, there are also some girls who have hardly ever clamped their legs.

The girl suddenly likes to clamp her legs because at a certain moment, she inadvertently feels the stimulation brought by the leg clamping, and after many attempts, she finds it very interesting, so she will develop a habit.

Some parents find that their children have leg clamps, and immediately reprimand their children, because the child is introverted, the next time they clamp their legs, they will hide and not let their parents see.

Some children have had the phenomenon of leg clamping, but soon forget, mainly because of family education, the impact of the living environment, but also related to the child's personality, parents do not need targeted education.

Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

Three tips for girls to break their bad habit of pinching their legs!

1. Do not criticize and avoid reinforcing behavior

After seeing the child's leg clamp, do not criticize loudly, saying to the child that this behavior is shameful, because the child does not understand. Such a big child, she is just feeling the comfort of physical friction, she is experiencing a kind of growth.

At this time, the harsh criticism of parents will strengthen this behavior of the child. Because the child has a lot of rebelliousness, the more you don't let her do anything, the more she wants to do something, which will reinforce this behavior.

Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

2. Wear loose clothes

I am very unsubjected to wear tights for girls, although it is very good-looking, but such clothes may affect the development of children. It is recommended to wear loose underwear and loose outer pants for children, like that kind of tight leggings, tight jeans are best not to wear.

The purpose of this is to keep the child's sensitive parts from being stimulated and her body to be well relaxed.

Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

3, let the child exercise more

Children's leg clamps will generally appear when they are bored, or when the body has energy. If parents have time, they can accompany their children to read, play games together, and play toys together; if parents have less time, they can take their children to exercise.

Whether it is jumping rope, running, or playing ball, as long as it is a sport with a relatively large amount of activity, insist on exercising for more than 30 minutes, so that children have a sense of fatigue. In this way, the child feels very tired and has no heart to pinch his legs.

Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

Not recommended for scares!

A mother shared her experience, saying that her daughter always pinched her legs, and then she let her daughter eat red heart dragon fruit, the child's urine and stool became red, she told her daughter that it was caused by leg clamping, and the scared daughter no longer dared.

Although this method is very clever, we never advocate the fearful way to educate children. Although there will be some effect in the short term, in the long run, it may cause a kind of damage to the child's psychology.

Finally, correct your child's sitting posture!

When your child is writing homework, be sure to correct her sitting posture and do not let her use a sitting posture that may stimulate her. One is to develop a good sitting habit, and the other is to avoid the formation of leg clamping habits.

Daughter always likes to clip legs, mom feels very embarrassed, give you three suggestions, please collect spare!

One of the core problems is that parents should maintain a relaxed attitude, because the matter of leg clamping, from the perspective of children, is a kind of greed, and from the perspective of adults, it is a shame.

Parents keep a good attitude, use the right way to guide, the process will be able to pass quickly, no need to tangle, no need to be embarrassed!

Pay attention to the "Xin MaMa Parenting Sutra", if you have any questions about mother and baby parenting, you can consult me!

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