
Because of hello, so mom is good - the beginning of the story of "Three Days of Vacation" is that the deceased Fuzi gets a chance to return to the sun to visit relatives for 3 days. Fukuko who just learned the news

author:One entertainment and three points

Because of Hello, That's Why Mom Is Good - "Three Days of Vacation"

At the beginning of the story, the deceased Fukuko gets a chance to return to the sun to visit relatives for 3 days.

Fuzi, who had just learned the news, happily prepared to see her daughter Pearl's current life, but unfortunately, something unexpected happened to her!

Before her death, her daughter was already a professor at an American university, but now her daughter lives in her hometown in South Korea.

Fuzi couldn't understand why his daughter, who had a bright future, would give up the fruits of her past efforts?

Because of the 3-day holiday, Fuzi can always be by her daughter's side.

She watched her daughter learn to cook at home, watched her use the stove she used to use, and watched her talk to her former friends.

Finally, when Pearl went to see a psychiatrist, Fukuko learned the reason why Pearl stayed at home - it turned out that her daughter was suffering from depression!

Listening to the communication between Pearl and the doctor, Fukuko also remembered her past with her daughter.

Because Fukuko is a single mother, she has been living alone with her daughter for so many years.

For the sake of her daughter's future, she sent her child to her younger brother's house, who had studied in college, and at the same time paid all her salary.

From her mother's point of view, Fuzi made the best choice within her ability, but her daughter was unhappy with such a change.

And from Pearl's story, she grew up, but the situation did not get better, because her mother married again!

Fuzi is a veritable nanny in her new home, and the salary paid by her husband is her daughter's future tuition, which is why Fuzi has always insisted.

Taking advantage of the new husband's family to travel, Fuzi dared to call her daughter to the house, cooking and asking for warmth.

However, the husband's family came back unexpectedly and said a few disrespectful words to Pearl, and Pearl ran out of the door.

Fuzi hurriedly packed the food and chased it out, and Pearl thought about her mother's treatment in this family, so she spoke her heart.

She doesn't actually want to go to college, she wants to be with her mother, and the two of them can earn money together and always support each other.

However, Fuzi can't accept such a thing, she doesn't want her daughter to be like her in the future, doing hard physical labor, and can only send people under the fence.

Fukuko rejected Pearl's suggestion, which was the second time that her mother abandoned herself in the little Pearl's heart.

Because of a burger joint on the side of the road, Pearl's memories came closer to time.

That was after Pearl worked in the United States, and it made the mother and daughter even more unaware of how to get close to each other.

Fuzi came to the United States to see her daughter with cooked meals, but her daughter was furious, venting her dissatisfaction with her mother's abandonment for many years, and bluntly saying that they were not ordinary close mothers and daughters.

Fuzi was confused by her daughter's words and left her daughter's house.

Fukuko, who had nowhere else to go, ordered the cheapest ice cream at a burger joint, sent her daughter the news of her departure, and sat down all night.

However, what Fukuko didn't know was that Pearl was looking at her mother from the window, but years of alienation made her not know what to say.

Fukuko now watched her daughter sit on the edge of the bed with ice cream, and then she realized that her daughter had always known about the events of that night.

Followed his daughter back home again, Fuzi watched her daughter take out the diary she wrote before her death, crying while reading, looking remorseful, Fuzi muttered, "Are you reluctant to leave because of these?" ”

Fuzi is still the mother who does everything for her daughter's good, since her daughter is not doing well after that, then she can't sit still!

Fuzi found the messenger of the underworld, hoping that he could meet his daughter again.

Fukuko's wish can be fulfilled, but the price is a bit painful, and all the memories of her daughter in her mind will be deleted one by one.

This means that even if her daughter comes to the underworld in the future, Fuzi can no longer recognize her daughter.

After thinking about it, Fuzi still decided to meet her daughter, and she still hoped that her daughter could live this life happily!

Pearl meets her mother, who she has been away from for a long time, and happily cooks a table of dishes for her mother to celebrate her birthday.

Fuzi solemnly told Pearl: "I never thought of abandoning you!" ”

Pearl laughed so hard that tears came out, she admitted to her mother that she was careful, she expressed to her mother that she was grateful for herself, and she was willing to live life well.

The mother and daughter, who hadn't slept together for many years, finally hugged each other again and fell asleep.

At this moment, they are as happy as other ordinary mothers and daughters, but this happiness came a little late.

Finally, Fukuko's memories of pearls are also being erased one by one!

Mother is the one who has done a lot for you, but is still afraid of holding you back.

The audience also saw a lot of familiar mother's shadows in this film, so they burst into tears!

Because of hello, so mom is good - the beginning of the story of "Three Days of Vacation" is that the deceased Fuzi gets a chance to return to the sun to visit relatives for 3 days. Fukuko who just learned the news
Because of hello, so mom is good - the beginning of the story of "Three Days of Vacation" is that the deceased Fuzi gets a chance to return to the sun to visit relatives for 3 days. Fukuko who just learned the news
Because of hello, so mom is good - the beginning of the story of "Three Days of Vacation" is that the deceased Fuzi gets a chance to return to the sun to visit relatives for 3 days. Fukuko who just learned the news

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