
【Banquan Primary and Secondary School, Home-School Co-education】 Mental health knowledge

Nurture growth starts with the "heart"

Elementary school is a critical period for the rapid development of one's behavior, character, and intellect. At this stage, due to the rapid physical and mental changes, coupled with the lack of cultural knowledge and social experience, primary school students are prone to unhealthy psychology, leading to psychological problems or mental illness. It is the unshirkable responsibility of schools, families and society to eliminate obstacles in their cognition, emotion, will, etc., exercise their will quality, optimize their quality of knowledge, affection, intention, and behavior, and enable them to form a good character and healthy psychology.

A sign of mental health for elementary school students

【Banquan Primary and Secondary School, Home-School Co-education】 Mental health knowledge

1. Normal intelligence.

2. Emotional stability and a pleasant mood.

3. Respond appropriately and act in an orderly manner.

4. Willing to communicate, interpersonal relationships are harmonious.

5. Good self-awareness, healthy personality quality.

6. Good social adaptability.

In short, mental health is a mental state without mental illness and with aggressive development.

The main manifestations of psychological problems in primary school students

【Banquan Primary and Secondary School, Home-School Co-education】 Mental health knowledge

Jealousy: When others are better than themselves, they show unnaturalness, discomfort and even hostility, and even use blows and slander to vent their inner jealousy.

Narrow-minded: that is, calculating, too narrow-minded, unable to tolerate people and do not understand others, but also grumpy about small things, love to drill the horns of the horns.

Sensitivity: that is, nervousness, suspiciousness, often take other people's unintentional words, irrelevant actions as contempt or ridicule of themselves, and for this reason, moody, emotional changes are great.

Loss: Elementary school students have many illusions and hope to turn them into reality, and they will make all kinds of efforts and even deliberate pursuits, and when this need continues to be unmet or partially satisfied, a sense of failure arises.

Inferiority: Lack of confidence in oneself, thinking that they are inferior to others in all aspects, whether it is studying or in life, always regard themselves as inferior, this inferiority seriously affects their emotions.

Rebellion: Elementary school students are in a transitional period of growth, with a growing sense of independence and self-awareness, and are eager to get rid of the guardianship of adults. At the same time, in order to show that you are different, it is easy to be critical of anything.

Triggers for mental health problems in elementary school students

【Banquan Primary and Secondary School, Home-School Co-education】 Mental health knowledge

These psychological problems of primary school students have both their own growth factors and external environmental factors, which are the result of the comprehensive action of "internal factors" and "external factors", which boil down to the following reasons:

1. Imbalance of physical and mental growth.

2. Misunderstandings of family education.

3. Misunderstandings in school education.

4. Impact of the social environment.

What should I do if I have mental health problems?

【Banquan Primary and Secondary School, Home-School Co-education】 Mental health knowledge

Students can do this

1. Know yourself, accept yourself, and affirm yourself.

2. Take responsibility for your own life.

3. Have a great dream and set clear life goals.

4. Learn self-control, overcome temptations, and live in reality.

5. Learn to soothe and relieve anger, depression, melancholy, and tired emotions.

6. Always encourage yourself and enhance your self-confidence.

7. Establish good interpersonal relationships.

8. Pay attention to exercise and show vitality.

9. Learn to think and develop a positive and enterprising attitude towards learning and life.

10. Purify your mind and pursue a peaceful state of mind.

Parents can do this

Create a harmonious family atmosphere

A good relationship between husband and wife will allow children to better learn the strengths of their parents, feel a stable and safe family atmosphere, and improve their confidence in facing problems. The harmonious relationship between parents also has a positive impact on the child to establish his own interpersonal relationships, especially the future intimate relationship, which helps to improve the happiness index of the child's future life.

Listen to your child

The family should be the place where the child speaks from the heart, parents often chat with the child, leave more opportunities to speak to the child, let the child open his heart, express himself freely, and do not make too much judgment. In particular, fathers should have a useful exchange of ideas with their children, and they should not be absent from their children's growth because they are busy. When children speak, parents listen to the most beautiful and warm.

Tolerance and restraint are important

Parents should treat their children equally, and give them the necessary restraints while tolerating them. Excessive tolerance leads to coddling, and excessive strictness undermines the parent-child relationship. The child's happy personality will not be cultivated in the reprimand, tolerance of the child and the restraint of the child's bad behavior is not contradictory, laying the foundation for the child's happy happiness starts from encouragement and praise.

There are ways to encourage praise

Children's self-esteem is often very strong, if parents only because the child has achieved good results and praise the child, will make the child feel that achieving good results is a good child, and good results are often not completely controllable by the child's efforts, so the child will be more likely to be uneasy. If parents can see their child's efforts and praise him for the process of doing things, they will often make the children more motivated to continue to work hard.

Get close to nature and integrate into social life

Family education should encourage children to contact nature and society. After school, let children stretch their bodies and minds in an open space, and let children bask in the sun under the blue sky and on the grass on the rest day, close to nature. Encourage children to participate in social welfare activities, cultivate children's behavior and love for others, experience different school roles, family roles, social roles, and experience the colorful life, which is conducive to cultivating children's perfect personality.

| Planning | New Media Center of Banquan Town Center Elementary School

| Edit | Lin Meixia

| Review | Yan Jing

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