
Mental Health | Your face is the accumulation of your emotions

author:Central Plains Railway Police Online

Lincoln: A person's face before the age of forty is determined by the parents, but the face after the age of forty is determined by the parents. A person is responsible for how he looks after the age of forty.

A person's face can't deceive people, and no amount of expensive cosmetics can hide it.

A person's daily emotions are presented on the face most profoundly, before and deeper than all kinds of disguises.

As the saying goes, looking at Mengjiao, "the spring breeze is proud, and you can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day", and Guandaiyu "360 days a year, the wind, frost, rain and snow are strictly pressing".

Mental Health | Your face is the accumulation of your emotions

Children are usually very sensitive and natural judges of whether a person is good-looking or not.

This is also the first ignorant but accurate stage of emotional judgment in our growth.

When I was studying, I once took a group of people to teach. Those friends were meeting the children for the first time. Just by introducing themselves, there is a clear difference in everyone's popularity.

One of the male classmates, who was nothing special, was very popular with the children, and soon got along with everyone. Even children who don't usually like to talk much have become much more lively. And some handsome men and women who have always been obedient in the same industry, although they can sing and dance, they are still neglected.

I was curious, and privately asked a few children why they liked the boy so much. A few of the children tilted their heads, thought for a while, and actually answered me because he was very good-looking. I was amazed at how cautiously the children used their words.

That male classmate is ordinary-looking, and has nothing to do with being handsome, but his temperament is really good, and his popularity among his classmates is also very good. No matter what happens, he is always very open-minded.

Therefore, what attracts children is the "aura" that he has accumulated for a long time. The children's judgment criteria are the simple and good-looking faces around them. These immature faces, without the accumulation of bad emotions for a long time, are as pure and beautiful as white paper.

Therefore, they can always find the same kind of person who is as "good-looking" as themselves from the pile of adults at a glance.

If you observe carefully, you will find that many people who are not good-hearted and have been miserable for a long time, even if they put on a smiling face to a child, the child will subconsciously hide, even if the child is plain and cheerful and outgoing.

When we grow up, we will have a stage where we hover between simple and complex, and we will have trance and uncertainty about good and evil, good and bad.

We will lose our childlike judgment in stages. We ignore whether it is "good-looking" or not, and focus on whether it is beautiful or not.

Mental Health | Your face is the accumulation of your emotions

However, when a person has a certain amount of experience, he will still slowly return to his childhood and be able to easily make judgments about others. The other party's past emotions will become clear at a glance. At this stage, we gradually grow into the best and most accurate "judge people by appearance".

There is a well-known and vivid case of "judging people by their appearance".

Once, President Lincoln interviewed a new employee, but he didn't admit the applicant. When asked why, he said, "I don't like the way he looks!" The questioner did not understand and asked, "Is it also the fault of a man who is not good-looking to be born with him?" ”

Lincoln replied, "A person's face before the age of forty is determined by his parents, but the face after the age of forty is determined by himself." A person is responsible for how he looks after the age of forty. ”

At that plausible age of youth, I read this story and had the same doubts. As a president, he should be rational and beyond ordinary people, why is he so "willful"? However, as I grew older and more experienced, I gradually realized the connotation of "judging people by their appearance". This is not an unfounded personal dislike.

It has been mentioned in emotional psychology that emotions have explicit functions, and facial expressions are one of the manifestations of emotional explicitness. Emotions are revealed through the person's face.

In the same way, by looking at the faces of others, we can infer the emotions of other people for a time and a lifetime. This is precisely why so many great celebrities have left so many famous sayings and aphorisms of "judging people by their appearance".

Schiller once said, "A cheerful man has a cheerful face." ”

Coincidentally, Balzac said, "The mind reflects life, and the face reflects the mind." ”

The last thing people can deceive themselves about is their emotions.

Emotions always come out of the heart and climb up the face.

Those who are hideous in their hearts and immersed in negativity all year round cannot find a calm and plain beauty on their faces. The intensity of emotions for a while can be suppressed and overcome by self-control, making it seem less cold. However, over time, the embodiment of emotions on the face will gradually and secretly appear.

Therefore, many fortune tellers who look at physiognomy are actually not "charlatans" who do not know how to learn. How can there be so many guesses for no reason, and they can just guess correctly. They just read countless people and are well versed in all kinds of emotions. Your emotions for a while, you have written them on your face, and he can understand it and guess correctly.

That's all, it's not profound, but it's not simple.

Mental Health | Your face is the accumulation of your emotions

Although, God only throws dice once on a person's appearance, and from the moment of birth determines whether you are a beautiful person or not. However, you can still decide whether you want to be a good-looking person for the rest of your life.

Once, there was a very popular article about Wendi Deng.

The main thrust of the article is that Wendi Deng is no longer good-looking. The presentation of Wendi Deng's photos is like a microcosm of past emotions. Behind the years, Wendi Deng is still beautiful among his peers, but he is no longer good-looking.

Those photos will touch your heart a lot, because the contrast is so obvious.

What is revealed between this face and eyebrows is undisguised resentment, coldness and unhappiness, full of hideous and all kinds of emotions that only care about winning and losing. No makeup can cover up. A discerning person can see at a glance that she should have been very unhappy all these years, and her heart is full of uncontrollable bad emotions.

When interacting with people, many people unconsciously choose those who have bright-looking faces. That kind of clarity and beauty can instantly light up other people's emotions. People with good hearts will not become hideous and gloomy, even in the face of various competitions and pressures in life.

Stress should never be a reason for a person to become unsightly. Even when it comes into contact with strangers, we tend to choose those who are "good-looking".

For example, when buying breakfast, the owner of the shop with a cheerful face will make you feel in a good mood and have a good appetite throughout the day.

For example, the taxi, the master who is full of love for life between his eyebrows, he will not be so prone to road rage, and he will also tell you about his parents' shortcomings and very nicely.

In addition to the jealousy in your heart, those who make you feel uncomfortable and unsightly, staying away is the most foolproof way.

Some people, who can't be provoked, can still afford to hide. Not challenging those who have been surrounded by negativity for a long time is a love for yourself.

A person who cannot make himself good-looking is a person who is irresponsible and incompetent to himself.

He can't channel his inner emotions well and can't make emotional transitions, which is one of his incompetences.

He is unable to improve the situation that brings him bad emotions and it is difficult to give himself a good and positive attitude at the root, which is the second incompetence

Even if you are born beautiful, you can't be fearless. If you can't cultivate yourself well and be an excellent emotional controller, your delicate facial features will still become distorted.

Being a good-looking person is far better than being a beautiful but hideous person. A good-looking person can have a truly beautiful and frank life. When you are able to create an open space for yourself, your heart will usher in spring blossoms.

When you are so good-looking, you have already won yourself, what are you afraid of?

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