
"Tianlu Bay": The great changes in the mountains and countryside behind the grapes planted in Jiangnan

On the morning of April 9, the seminar on the famous writer Chen Yingsong's long new work "Tianlu Bay" was held in Hubei Publishing culture city in the form of a combination of online and offline.

"Tianlu Bay": The great changes in the mountains and countryside behind the grapes planted in Jiangnan

"Tianlu Bay" seminar Hubei Publishing Culture City venue

"Tianlu Bay", published by the Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, takes the 40 years of reform and opening up as the background of the times, lyrically writes the long and arduous entrepreneurial history of the peasants in the Jianghan Plain to achieve poverty alleviation and prosperity through struggle, and reproduces the great process of change in China's contemporary countryside.

In the novel, in Tianluwan Village on the south bank of the Jingzhou Changjiang River, the village secretary Hong Jiasheng father and son and the village talent Jin Mancang father and daughter, the two families and two generations of people through joint efforts, overcame many difficulties, created a miracle of planting grapes in the Jiangnan region, and vigorously developed the grape industry, leading the villagers to win the battle against poverty.

"Tianlu Bay": The great changes in the mountains and countryside behind the grapes planted in Jiangnan

Chen Yingsong talked about his original intention of creation: "'Tianlu Bay' is a hometown book of mine, a story about my hometown and land. The inspiration of this novel comes from my hometown and also from life, and I just want to write about a group of farmers, about two generations of farmers, about their feelings for the land, about their songs and tears about their struggle for a better life. ”

"Tianlu Bay": The great changes in the mountains and countryside behind the grapes planted in Jiangnan

Chen Yingsong

He Shaojun, vice president of the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association, believes that there are two "new" in TianluWan. The first "new" is to write about the great changes in the mountains and countryside, and to put the creative labor of the peasants in the hometown in the context of the development of reform and opening up; the second "new" is to shape the image of the rural newcomers in the era of reform and opening up, and the two generations in the novel represent the two periods before and after the era of reform and opening up, with a progressive and inheritance relationship.

Bai Ye, a researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the novel writes about the profound evolution of contemporary Chinese rural areas from poverty to food and clothing, from food and clothing to prosperity. The depiction of the profound influence of the "Southern Conversation" in the novel gives this work a spiritual charm and a height of thought.

Li Jingze, vice chairman of the China Writers Association, commented that the transformation of "Tianlu Bay" from Shennongjia to the Jianghan Plain is the result of Chen Yingsong's position in his own subject, from "high degree of artistic coding" to "self-decoding" and "artistic decoding". For Chen Yingsong, "Tianlu Bay" is "re-hometownization" - to return to his hometown and re-understand his hometown. Chen Yingsong depicts the great changes in the countryside from a literary, emotional and rational perspective and in an appropriate way, infiltrated by the perspective of sociology and anthropology.

Chen Yingsong, graduated from the Department of Chinese of Wuhan University, has published novels such as "Forest Silence", "Returning the Soul", "Hunter Peak", "Harvesting in the Sky", "The Soul Is Not Guarded", "The Village of Aphasia", more than 100 novels, essays, poetry collections, etc., 40 volumes of Chen Yingsong's Collected Works, 3 volumes of Chen Yingsong Shennongjia Series of Novels, and has won the Lu Xun Literature Award and the Chinese Novel Society Award.

Source: China Youth Daily client

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