
Against Apple, Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone is coming! The iPhone was left behind

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Another head mobile phone brand entered the folding screen mobile phone track.

On the evening of April 11, Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone vivo X Fold was released, priced from 8999 yuan.

With the launch of vivo folding screen mobile phones, the head mobile phone brand is only Apple has not launched a folding screen mobile phone. Industry analysts said that Android manufacturers are facing huge pressure in the high-end mobile phone market, and folding screen mobile phones will help domestic mobile phone brands to develop the high-end mobile phone market.

Against Apple, Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone is coming! The iPhone was left behind

Source: vivo

Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone was released

It is reported that Vivo began to develop folding screen mobile phones in 2018. "We began to study folding screen technology four years ago, and many people have been urging us for four years to hurry up and produce products, don't get up early, and finally catch a late set." Huang Tao, vice president of vivo products, said: "Most folding screen users may be a flagship phone on a mobile phone, and when they change to a folding screen, we must try our best to ensure that they continue to enjoy the flagship product experience without discounting." ”

On the chip, the vivo X Fold is equipped with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. Vivo said that the vivo X Fold is the world's first folding screen mobile phone equipped with a dual-screen fingerprint.

Against Apple, Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone is coming! The iPhone was left behind

Source: vivo

Vivo said that vivo X Fold also has in-depth cooperation with 6 financial APPS such as Oriental Fortune, Flush, and Futu Niuniu, and users can not only view multiple screens, chat while trading, but also achieve professional line drawing functions.

Against Apple, Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone is coming! The iPhone was left behind

Source: Screenshots of the live stream

According to market research institute Strategy Analytics, vivo shipments in 2021 ranked fifth in the global mobile phone market and first in the Chinese mobile phone market.

With the release of vivo's first folding screen mobile phone, among the world's top mobile phone brands, only Apple has not yet launched a folding screen mobile phone.

Against Apple, Vivo's first folding screen mobile phone is coming! The iPhone was left behind

Source: Strategy Analytics

Mobile phone industry analyst Guo Mingxi recently said that Apple is testing a 9-inch OLED folding screen, Apple's folding screen development is initially focused on medium and larger screen devices, and finally extended to small screen devices such as the iPhone. Apple's first foldable device could be a hybrid of the iPhone and iPad, or it could be a folding-screen iPad, but neither will be launched until 2025.

Shipment growth supply chain benefits

Canalys released a report that Android manufacturers are facing huge pressure in the high-end mobile phone market, with Android smartphone shipments of more than $800 in 2021 down 18% compared with 2019, and Apple increased by 68% in the same price segment. Android manufacturers must increase investment in differentiated hardware and user experience to continue to attract and retain high-end mobile phone users.

Xiangcai Securities analysis said that due to the high technical content of folding screen mobile phones, large upgrades, and high prices, it is expected to become the mainstream of high-end machines, so folding screen mobile phones carry the hope of Android machine manufacturers to compete with Apple mobile phones.

Pacific Securities believes that folding screen mobile phones may have been regarded by Android brands as one of the reliances on seizing high-end market share. With the continuous stabilization of the process technology of the new links in the industrial chain, the continuous improvement of user experience, and the decline in the price of the whole machine, the shipment of folding machines is indeed growing rapidly, according to Omdia statistics, in 2021, the global folding screen mobile phone sales reached 9 million, an increase of 309% year-on-year, especially in the second half of last year, sales were as high as 8 million. In the long run, the growth of folding screens will bring clear incremental opportunities to some industrial chains.

Guosen Securities said that folding screen mobile phones will become an important starting point for the Android camp to push up the pricing range of products and promote the high-end of the brand. Under the catalysis of the frequent occurrence of new folding screen machines, we continue to recommend relevant companies in the industrial chain such as Jingyan Technology, Kesen Technology, and Changxin Technology.

CITIC Securities analysis said that Samsung, Huawei, Millet and other will continue to iterate folding screen mobile phones, it is expected that the global folding screen mobile phone shipments are expected to reach 15 million in 2022, doubling year-on-year. It is recommended to pay attention to the screen field BOE A, TCL Technology, Shen tianma, Visionox, etc., the protection cover field Changxin Technology, etc., the hinge field Changying Precision and so on.

Visionox said on the interactive platform that the company's folding screen products have been supplied to head brand customers.

Source: Interactive Easy

TCL Technology said that the company's T4 production line deep layout folding screen, under-screen camera and other differentiated high-end technologies, product competitiveness and customer structure continue to improve.

Source: Interactive Easy

Xinwei Communications said that the company is optimistic about the development of folding screen mobile phones, and can provide MIM (metal injection molding), antennas, wireless charging and other products. MIM parts is the key parts of the folding screen hinge, the company attaches importance to and optimistic about the development of the business, has been for the domestic well-known mobile phone manufacturers to supply MIM components for the folding screen hinge.

Jingyan Technology said that at present, the company has the research and development and mass production capabilities of folding screen mobile phone hinges (hinges), and has been developing, specimens and production of folding screen mobile phone hinges for some major customers, and is actively expanding in the direction of hinge components.

Edit: Yu Hongbo

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