
Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

With the promotion of new energy vehicles, I believe that many car owners have started their own electric vehicles, but as a new thing, it is still very different from fuel vehicles, such as brake systems.


How are the brakes different for electric cars?

The composition is different

The braking system of fuel vehicles is mainly composed of brake pedals, brake pads and other components. Electric vehicles are also basically composed of these components, but they will have one more vacuum pump and vacuum gas storage tank than fuel vehicles.

Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

The principle is different

Fuel vehicles use the friction of the brake pads to brake the car. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, use energy recovery braking, that is, the braking force of the electric motor to help the vehicle brake.

Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

In addition, in the form of vehicle braking, many electric vehicles now have a special single pedal mode, that is, only one accelerator pedal, you can complete the start, acceleration and deceleration, taxiing and other operations, press the pedal, the vehicle will drive, the deeper the step, the faster the acceleration, release to decelerate, until completely stationary.

Of course, in the event of an emergency, the owner still needs to use the brake pedal to better ensure driving safety.


What are the advantages of braking for electric vehicles?

Make the range longer

The kinetic energy wasted by the brakes of the fuel vehicle is generated by the motor of the energy recovery braking system, and the electrical energy is re-converted into electrical energy stored in the battery, which can naturally extend the mileage of the vehicle.

Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

Greater driving comfort

For vehicles with single pedal mode, because there is no need to switch frequently between the two pedals of acceleration and braking, it can well alleviate the fatigue caused by driving, so as to make driving more comfortable.


What should I do if I suddenly encounter a brake failure?

Stay calm

When encountering brake failure, the first thing to do is to stay calm, turn on the danger warning light in time, stabilize the steering wheel, and do not cause greater losses due to panic and misoperation.

Reduce the speed as much as possible

As the saying goes, "nine times out of ten accidents are fast", the maximum strength of the kinetic energy recovery system is used to minimize the driving speed as much as possible, and the vehicle continues to move in a straight line until it slowly stops.

Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

Use mechanical handbrakes with caution

Vehicles equipped with mechanical handbrakes should not be pulled directly to the end when using, but should be pulled and released frequently, otherwise it is easy to cause dangers such as side slip and overturning.

Use electronic handbrakes well

If the brakes fail and the electronic handbrake/P gear is held, the vehicle will determine that you are operating in an emergency, and the electronic handbrake will start to immediately slow down until it stops.

Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

Collision forced brake

Try not to stop the vehicle by this impact, if you have to, you should also try to use the side of the body to scratch the way to reduce the damage to the owner himself.


How to maintain the braking system of an electric vehicle?

New cars should pay attention to running-in

Don't think that electric vehicles don't need to run in, its run-in period is about 3000 kilometers or 3 months. During the run-in period, the vehicle should be started slowly, remember to start suddenly, accelerate or slam on the brakes, so that it will cause damage to the motor, electronic control, brake system and other components.

Check the brake pads regularly

Check the thickness of the brake pads regularly to prevent excessive wear of the brake pads, which can cause the braking system to malfunction. At the time of the autumn and winter seasons, due to the low temperature in many areas, sometimes it will cause the brake pads to freeze, affecting the braking effect, and when parking daily, try to avoid parking the car outdoors.

Don't look and don't know! It turns out that the brakes of electric cars are so high-tech

Brake side wheels are adjusted in time

When the vehicle brakes, the car has a significant deviation to the left or right, which is caused by the front wheel brakes not being synchronized, which is very easy to make the vehicle deviate from the original lane and collide with the rear or opposite car. Therefore, once you find this situation, please go to the regular store immediately for brake adjustment.

Replace the brake fluid

Regularly observe the liquid level state and height ratio of the brake fluid, if the liquid level is too low, it is necessary to add the brake fluid in time, it is best to add the original product. At the same time, pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness of the brake fluid, whether it is within a reasonable range, you can regularly go to the regular store to conduct safety tests on the car.

Although many car owners have doubts about the efficacy of the braking system of electric vehicles, but everything is practiced, as long as we study the relevant knowledge with our hearts, and keep traffic safety in mind, do not speed, do not grab the road at will, then whether you drive an electric car or a fuel vehicle, you can drive well on the road.

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