
The EU "slashed" tariffs on electric vehicles to "show" goodwill? The Chinese side is smiling at the situation with a tooth for a tooth

author:Strategize and point troops

In the turbulent international trade arena, the game between the EU and China has never stopped. Recently, Western media have reported that the European Commission seems to have fine-tuned the trade war strategy of China's electric vehicles, reducing the countervailing temporary tariff rate from the original 48.1% to 47.6%. This subtle change is like a well-choreographed "goodwill show", trying to create a false impression in international public opinion that "the EU has released goodwill".

The EU "slashed" tariffs on electric vehicles to "show" goodwill? The Chinese side is smiling at the situation with a tooth for a tooth

However, in this chess game of trade game, China has long seen through the EU's "micro-expression". The 0.5% reduction is like a drop of water in the desert, insignificant, but it exposes the European Commission's still hostile attitude towards the Chinese market. They try to disguise the nature of their trade protectionism with this small concession, but it is difficult to hide the suppression and containment of China's electric vehicle industry behind it.

The EU "slashed" tariffs on electric vehicles to "show" goodwill? The Chinese side is smiling at the situation with a tooth for a tooth

At the same time as the European Commission staged this "show of goodwill", China also showed its counter-sword without showing weakness. In its announcement on June 27, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) made it clear that after an in-depth investigation, China has determined that toluidine products from the EU have been dumped and decided to impose anti-dumping duties of up to 36.9% on toluidine products imported from the EU. This decision is not only a severe punishment for the EU's dumping behavior, but also a firm position of China to safeguard its own interests in the international trade arena.

This wonderful trade confrontation reminds people of the old proverb: "Treat others as they would have them." "In this war without gunpowder, China has responded to the EU's provocations with the same protectionist means. Now it seems that the EU's "show of goodwill" is nothing more than self-inflicted humiliation, and while they wield the big stick of trade protectionism, they are also doomed to suffer the bitterness of backlash.

The EU "slashed" tariffs on electric vehicles to "show" goodwill? The Chinese side is smiling at the situation with a tooth for a tooth

In the arena of international trade, there are no eternal enemies or eternal friends, only eternal interests. This trade game between China and Europe is not only a contest of strength between the two sides, but also a contest of wisdom. In this game, China will continue to strengthen its position and safeguard its own interests, and at the same time look forward to establishing a fairer and more equitable trade relationship with the EU. After all, in the context of globalization, only win-win cooperation is the ultimate way out.

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