
Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

author:Purple Mu Fish

"I used to play Female Number One in any drama."

"Now almost no one is looking for me to act, and there is a mess on the stall, which is disgraceful." Ma Su stood on the stage and said to everyone with grievances, and tears swirled in his eyes as he spoke.

This is the scene in October 2020 when Masu participated in "Actors Please Take Place 2".

Her crying is not exaggerated at all, you know, Ma Su was once a well-known screen goddess in the entertainment industry, and many people once named her "Ma Pretty".

After her debut, in the TV series starring Ma Su, she played the female number one, and once took the Golden Eagle Award, the Feitian Award, and the Huading Award after the three sciences, which can be said to be quite a popular figure in the entertainment industry.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

In 2017, Ma Su not only made his career plummet because of a sentence, but also known as the "old bustard of the entertainment industry", and his reputation also fell to the lowest point, causing his life to fall to the bottom, why is all this?

Today, I want to talk about how Ma Su "changed herself from a first-line female star into" an unknown eighteen-line actor.


The name Masu sounds very unique, when he was born, his father pondered for half a day, combining his name with his wife's name, to take such a nice name.

It shows how loving Masu's parents are.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Ma Su was born in Harbin, so her bones are the boldness of Harbin, and her appearance and temperament are quite exquisite and beautiful.

One day, Ma Su watched a TV series broadcast on TV, called "List of Fengshen Gods".

The woman inside was beautiful and charming, dancing gracefully, not only to the charm of the king of Qiu, but also to See Ma Su in front of the TV set.

Since then, Ma Su has twisted and twisted with the dance on the TV series from time to time.

Ma Su's parents saw it, not only not angry, but also very happy, they decided to send Ma Su to learn dance.

At the age of 12, his parents sold their house in their hometown and collected some money, and Ma Su took this money to Beijing to enter the dance department of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

But at this time, Ma Su did not belong to the official students of the school, and whenever she met a formal student, whether it was a meal or a class, she would bow her head and give up her position.

At that time, Ma Su's heart was full of inferiority.

In 1998, Ma Su had just graduated, and Ma Su had been longing to enter the cultural and industrial corps of the army.

Unexpectedly, at that time, it happened to encounter disarmament, and Ma Su was unemployed after graduation, and could only find another opportunity.

For the dream in her heart, she planned to make a big deal, so she ran to Beijing, rented a small basement, and started a North Drifter.

At that time, Ma Su was a fledgling, and every day, she tried to find some places where dancers were needed, but almost nothing.

Later, in order to survive, Ma Su had to take a little advertisement to shoot, and in the process, she gradually liked acting, so she decided to enter the Beijing Film Academy.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Maybe the heavens want to tease Ma Su, and Ma Su, who is preparing for the first exam, was brushed off,

Ma Su did not give up, and after another year of revision at home, the next year, he was finally admitted to the university.

Perhaps these ups and downs are all to test her, and Ma Su's non-giving up soon ushered in the favor of the god of luck.


In 2002, Ma Su got an opportunity to participate in the filming of "Datang FeiGe", but he did not expect that because of the popularity of this drama, Ma Su became popular at once, and was also nominated by CCTV.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Since then, Masu has received an olive branch from major drama crews and become the heroine of major hit dramas.

MaSu's good fortune soon arrived, not only her career rose steadily, but the god of love also came to her.

Once at dinner, Ma Su met the "Prince of Table Tennis" Kong Linghui, Kong Linghui was very fond of Ma Su as soon as he saw him, coupled with Ma Su's cheerfulness and unpretentiousness, which soon made Kong Linghui very fond of it.

Kong Linghui decided to take the initiative to pursue Ma Su, so he often asked Ma Su to eat or watch movies together.

Ma Su also had a good feeling for the handsome Kong Linghui, and as the two continued to contact, they quickly walked together.

At the beginning, their lives were very sweet, two people you and me, life is very comfortable.

However, after a long time, the problem gradually became exposed, and the two quarreled from time to time.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

The quarrel was originally a normal event between lovers, but when it came to Masu, it was a little different.

Once when the two people quarreled, Kong Linghui yelled at Ma Su on the head of the gas, "You roll me." ”

Masu ran out of the house crying and ran outside, standing in the cold winter wind, she felt cold and shivering, and looked down, wearing only a pair of slippers on her feet.

Ma Su looked around and thought about it for half a day, but there was no place to go, so he had to go back again.

Since then, Masu has decided to buy a house of his own so that he will not feel like sending people to the fence in the future.

Later Ma Su did it, she was the female number one in countless popular dramas,

And also with "Beijing Youth", "Women Like Flowers" and other popular dramas won countless awards, becoming a female star sitting on the three post-TV awards, for a time can be described as a bald head.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

As Ma Su himself said, for a long time, Ma Su was almost the female number one in the play, earning 30 million yuan a year, such a life made many people envious.

At this time, Ma Su and Kong Linghui also experienced several years of love and long-distance running, and just when everyone thought they were about to get married, they announced that they had broken up.

This really made many people unbelievable, and later Ma Su revealed in an interview why she broke up with Kong Linghui, Kong Linghui hoped that his other half could take care of the family at home, and Ma Su was not such a person.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Her career is moving forward, people are becoming more and more independent, there are countless friends in the show business circle, and there are frequent scandals with many well-known male stars, so her breakup with Kong Linghui is also foreseeable.

After breaking up with Kong Linghui, Ma Su's life has not changed, and she continues to be her own actress, filming her own TV series and having fun with a group of friends in the entertainment industry.

Later, Ma Su went to see a freestyle battle game, in which there was a young man, the stage name was Pi Ji 1, and his real name was Wang Hao.

As soon as Ma Su saw his performance, he instantly transformed into a fan sister and shouted his name excitedly along with Pi Ji 1's fans on the stage.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

At this time, Ma Su must not have thought that he would embark on the road of ruining his career.


Just after Ma Su became a fan of Pi Ji 1, she was not willing to be hilarious by herself, and often took Li Xiaolu to do pi Ji 1's assistance.

During that time, they were often together frequently, and Li Xiaolu's style was also changing visible to the naked eye.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Until December 29, 2017, that night, Jia Nailiang was still doing live broadcasting in business, but he did not see Li Xiaolu's figure, and netizens asked Jia Nailiang: "Why did your daughter-in-law go?" ”

Jia Nailiang said, "My daughter-in-law, she's going to do her hair." ”

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

The next day, after the photos of Li Xiaolu and Pi Ji who did not return home for 1 night were exposed, everyone was suddenly in shock.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ma Su ran out, while testifying to Jia Nailiang that he was with Li Xiaolu that night, he also tried to prove his statement in front of netizens.

However, Ma Su's remarks were quite weak, and they were quickly refuted by netizens and came up with more evidence that Ma Su was not present at the time.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Apparently, Masu lied, and her reputation instantly fell to the bottom.

After this incident, Ma Su's wind evaluation became worse and worse, and words such as "entertainment industry matchmaker" and "old bustard" have become Ma Su's endorsements.

Since then, Masu has lost its former glory, and its resources have been reduced a lot.

That's not the lowest point, though.

A year later, the Internet actually circulated a sweet video of Li Xiaolu and Pi Ji1 shooting in the hotel, which really hit Ma Su's previous cover.

I don't know, what kind of mood she had to testify with Jia Nailiang, in short, in the face of such a situation, she could only say: "My face really hurts, I deserve it." ”

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Masu once said in a show that his personality is the kind of person who is grinning and doesn't pay much attention to his speech. Obviously, she really proved this with strength that she had said.

Sometimes, lies are white, and everyone will be grateful for it, but more often, lies are lies, and in the face of the truth, they are often vulnerable.

Ma Su: From being a popular frontline to being anonymous, what has she experienced over the years?

Ma Su's facial features are very exquisite, indeed very suitable for being an actor, being an actor is the biggest dream she once had, but after becoming popular, she did not improve her acting skills with her heart, but lost in glitz.

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