
Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

author:Old White talks about Longjiang

In the early years, I often went to my mother-in-law's house and went to my mother-in-law's house, Wanggang Town is the only way, whether it is by car or car, every time I go through the bustling Wanggang Street, over time I also have certain feelings for Wanggang.

In those years, Wanggang Town was not a big town, and it was far worse than Binxi Town in Bin County, and Zhoujia Town in Shuangcheng could not help but be, and I had been to these two towns in previous years.

In the early years, Wanggang Town was also a big tunzi, but the geographical location developed into a market town year by year, and the starting point of Hasshuang Middle Road was the terminal of Wanggang Street.

In the past, when there was no Hashuang South Road and Beijing-Harbin Expressway, to go to Shuangcheng or go south to Changchun, Shenyang, and Beijing, it was this road Yangmajiazi Yiwanggang Avenue and Ha Shuangzhong Road.

And Wanggang Town has a main street, Wanggang Street, the street name is quite large, but in the early years it was actually very narrow, the houses on both sides are also old and small, most of them are either office buildings or store houses. (Unfortunately, no photo was taken that year)

Wanggang Avenue East Entrance

In the past, every time I passed Wanggang Avenue, it was quite difficult, the street was narrow and there were many cars, there were no signal lights, there was no marking on the road, random parking, casual parking, any car, every day like catching a big set.

However, the geographical location of Wanggang Town is excellent, it is the first town in the south of Harbin, east of the Third Ring Bridge, north of Wanggang Railway Station, northwest of Taiping International Airport, that is, convenient transportation and very secluded.

Wanggang Railway Station

Harbin Municipal Government as early as more than ten years ago to prepare to develop Wanggang Town, according to the plan at that time is to move several universities to Wanggang Town, so that Wanggang Town into a university town, of course, the idea is very good, let Wanggang Town become a satellite city of Harbin, the city of elegance.

However, in the later period, in addition to the widening of Wanggang Street, there was no major action, but the main street successively developed some real estate, the reconstruction of the Thirty-Seventh Middle School, the upgrading of the Agricultural Machinery School, and the newly built town hospital.

Harbin No. 37 Middle School

Former Wanggang Agricultural Machinery School

In fact, according to the calculation of the ring road, Wanggang Town is close to the edge of the third ring road, and the people's livelihood in the west district of Qunli also has a fight, all outside the third ring road, but the people's livelihood has been developed for several years, and it has now run to the fourth ring road.

But Wanggang is outdated, planned earlier than the group, it is also very beautiful, so that the people of Wanggang Town are also happy for several years, but only see the map, not the object.

A few days ago, I went to visit my relatives' homes, went to Wanggang Town several times in a row, went to Wanggang's "rich area", and now have a deeper understanding of Wanggang Town.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

South entrance of Xingnong Avenue

Wanggang Street from east to west after 37 in the south side of a Xingnong Street, and Wanggang Street is a T-shaped road, the road surface is wide, there is a barrier belt, there are auxiliary roads, its grade and the current downtown Zhongshan Road is comparable, here is the rich area of Wanggang Town.

The high-rise buildings on both sides of the road are staggered, lined up one after another, and the nearly one-kilometer street has the shadow of a small city, and the architectural style is also innovative, and several communities have a red-hot feeling.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

High-rise residential building

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Small high-rise residential building

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

3+2 villa area

There are high-rise, small high-rise, multi-storey, villas, many residences, and few office buildings.

This development zone, which covers nearly a quarter of Wanggang Township, has a name, Junhe City. It is developed and built by Northeast Linda Science and Technology Park Development Co., Ltd. and Heilongjiang Yinghe Group Co., Ltd.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Nice underground garage

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Junhe Manor

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Junhe Rainforest

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Big scene of kindergarten

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Lemon Manor

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

A red-hot courtyard

This development zone from the first phase of the development of Northeast Forestry University Science and Technology Park, more than ten years have developed 7 + phase, the previous phases of the real estate have been sold, the sale price is higher than the second-hand houses in the first ring, the lowest is 10,000 +, it is also a myth.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Wanggang Town

Junhe billboard

The successful development and sales of these real estate projects have attracted a large number of people for Wanggang Town, driven the economic growth of Wanggang Town, and made a great contribution to the GDP of Wanggang Town.

It's just that the advertisement of Junhe City is very weird, "Haxi Junhe City". Hasi is Haxi, Wanggang is Wanggang, and The predecessor of Haxi is Yongfeng Village, which belongs to Wanggang Town.

Junhe City in addition to a slight shortage of greenery, other indicators also belong to the tall, it is said that Junhe City also has eight, nine phases, the planning is more beautiful, but everyone knows the reason, now press the pause button.

Today's Junhe City has set a model, how to build Wanggang Town tomorrow?

The author believes that first of all, at the entrance to the town, we must do a good job, and the rouge should be rubbed on the face, high, large, and up. Space is reserved for 5 years.

On the north side, as many layers as possible should be built, the building should have characteristics, the national building should be stronger, and several markets with ethnic flavors should be designed, such as a street with Manchu flavor, attracting folk artists and various generations of heritage to settle in, the market should not be high, two floors can be.

Now Wanggang also belongs to the fourth ring road, there is no heavy industry, light industry is also extending to the fourth ring, Wanggang town urban development focus is still to make a fuss about the tertiary industry.

If Wanggang Town is carefully planned, rationally developed, and scientifically managed, there is a Qunli New Area in the front and a characteristic town in Wanggang in the back, it is impossible to think of fire.

Wanggang will definitely become a characteristic new town in Harbin!

Attached: Wang Gang - In the early years, a family surnamed Wang from Shenyang came here and built a house at the highest post, so it was named Shenjia Wang Gang, and later renamed Wang Gang.

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