
The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

Before the main text begins, I will show you a picture and let you experience it for yourself;

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

By the way, the game is still in the "development phase"!

Epics beneath the surface

Before uncle monsters introduced the game "Adventure Diary" to everyone in general, but under the appearance of the placement game, its hidden "synthesis" is the core gameplay.

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

It is not difficult to see from the props and equipment in the game that the author is obviously a "car ten thousand people" (Oriental kitchen), and in addition to the oriental characters of the demon dream, there are elements that pay tribute to Gundam, Pokémon, LOL and other works.

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

I used to think that Adventure Diary was just a normal placement game with a lot of prop equipment, but when I found that the items in the game were related and could be combined according to a specific "recipe", I realized that this was enough to be nominated for the 2022 Best Indie Game of the Year.

In the game's "Endless Mode", Uncle Monster finally completed his first transfer and synthesized a lot of powerful props.

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

And, not only are items craftable, races and classes are equally unexpected, and players in both branches have the potential to unlock "hidden classes/races";

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

For example, the knight's "King Arthur", the tamer's "Dragon Messenger", the random race's "Angel", "Demon", "Slime", and the "Werewolf's Blood" obtained in the game can also make the player become a werewolf race.

Of course, although we know the recipe of the synthesis in the case of the picture book, many contents still have to be explored by ourselves;

For example, how to catch the "eight-foot bird", what tasks the elven dragon must complete to become a dark dragon, and so on.

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

So you don't look at it is only tens of M size, the actual content content and playability is far better than some games with several G sizes now.

And such a great game comes from an unknown Bear-Rabbit Alliance studio.

The ethics of the gamers

Another reason why Uncle Monster recommends this game is that there is almost no need to watch advertisements;

In the check-in function of the main interface of the game, the player can only receive one-third less diamond than watching the advertisement, and the author also prompts everyone to "suggest white piao".

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

Moreover, this "diamond" currency actually has little impact on the game, whether the game can be played well or depends on the reasonable allocation and synthesis of resources and props by the player, as well as "billions of points" luck.

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

At present, the completely free indie game on the market, either designing difficult levels or setting up necessary resource rewards to let you watch ads, in contrast, the game "Adventure Diary" is simply "generating electricity with love".

Therefore, Uncle Monster really does not want to see this kind of team with excellent technical level and high professional ethics missed by all players, and the return money has not been earned, the popularity has not been earned, but the mind has spent a lot, and anyone will be very lost.

Although the Bear Rabbit Alliance is still young from the perspective of game developers, from this game, I see gamers who do not want to be perfunctory, and I also see the infinite possibilities of indie games;

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

It's no exaggeration to say that even some established indie game studios can't do it that way, or "the purer it is, the better it is to make something"?

The last time I tweeted about the game, Uncle Monster didn't rate it, because I had a hunch at the time, a premonition that the game was definitely not simple, so it wasn't done as a review;

Sure enough, as I expected, it was not simple.

As we all know, since the review, only Harry Potter: Magical Awakening has made me tweet more than two, and Adventure Diary is the second;

And, for this game, I also have to give a score of 9.5 that I haven't given before, and based on the game content I've experienced so far, I think it definitely deserves this score.

At present, the 4399 game box has opened a trial version of "Adventure Diary", interested partners must, must, must not miss!

(In the follow-up, if you are interested, you can also leave a message in the comment area, and Uncle Monster will also give this game a special guide content)

The underrated mobile game of the year, this author is really more liver than the player!

Uncle Monster has something to say

Follow 4399 Monster Uncle! Take you to explore more game circles that can't be found on the Internet!

That's all for this article! If you have any views on this article, you are welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! Of course, if you can give your uncle a thumbs up, it's even more spicy

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