
Who will play the rhythm of Chunjiao, happy to move the flowers of the Yanchuan River - Notes "Yun Yang Fei Shui" (Chen Chao's poetry collection)

Who will play the rhythm of Chunjiao, happy to move the flowers of the Yanchuan River - Notes "Yun Yang Fei Shui" (Chen Chao's poetry collection)

When I calmed down and read the book "Yun Yang Fei Shui", I came to the world of "the poetry country is warm and bright, the short rhymes and long songs are thousands of scenery", and I have the joy of life of "familiar reading three hundred Tang poems, not doing poetry and chanting", I read interestingly. "Listening to the art garden ming Qingfeng, dare to hold the Jiaoqin and play a good sound" (Chen Chao's poem), I read it with taste. In January 2022, Beijing Publishing House published the "Collected Works of Yu Chuan" edited by Qiao Yu, and included "Yun Yang Fei Shui" with the aesthetics of life into the collection.

"Painstaking reading of the scriptures of the past sages, blood and sweat through the years of fruitful and sweet, willing to make the silk and bamboo rhyme, only then will the rules help the square circle", this is the author's experience in the creation of words and sentences. Born in November 1945 in Dongguan, Yanqing, Beijing, Chen Chao loved traditional Chinese poetry since he was a child. "Walk all over the mountains and rivers to seek beauty and rhyme, accompanied by rain and snow to do bitter chanting." During the "Cultural Revolution" during the university, I participated in intensive training during the day and lay in bed at night, and my mind was still thinking of "ping ping and ping". After graduation, Chen Chao returned to Yanqing Sihai Middle School to teach, and the natural scenery nourished his artistic spirituality, during which his poems were seen in his graduation messages to students, and students received his distinctive parting words. For the next 30 years, no matter how busy he was at work, he had to associate with poetry and yang. There are nearly 700 poems (including groups of poems) in "Rhymes and Waters", with a large time span, from 1964 to 2021 for fifty years. "Twenty years of sketching through dreams, one side of the hot land is embarrassed. There is no end to all things in the world, may the iron shoes be broken to find a thousand peaks." In 1995, Chen Chao joined the Beijing Yuelian Society and the China Yuelian Society, and was elected as a director of the China Yuelian Society and the vice president of the Beijing Yuelian Society. After that, he successively participated in the editing of books such as "Selected Couplets Used inside and Outside Badaling", "Selected Poems of Yanqing", "Selected Poems of Yanqing", etc., and successively became a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a director of the Beijing Poetry Society, the vice president of the Beijing Yuelian Society, the honorary vice chairman of the Yanqing Literary Association, the vice president and president of the Yanqing Poetry Society.

"Yun Yang Fei Shui" is divided into eight parts according to the content, such as zhuanghuai fierce, splendid Shenzhou, flowers full of Jinghua, painting exhibition home, mountain and river memories, past glances, Hongyan affection, sending lyrics, you can see his communication with poets and friends, as well as the trajectory of activities in decades of career.

"The green dyeing hillside is beautifully dyed, and the vegetable river is cheerful and clear. The mountain flowers are fragrant and colorful, and the aroma is mixed with mist. How many Qiongzhi stand kingfishers, dense sweet rain paintings of the building. Zhuang Hu dares to adjust the beauty of the world, regardless of winter, summer and spring and autumn" (Chen Chao Qilu Yong Hua Hai). When I carefully read this book, I found that there are more than a hundred poems about Yonghua in the book, and the objects depicted are varied and unique, including Begonia, Peach Blossom, Peony, Orchid, Lotus, Apricot, Chrysanthemum... Not only did I enjoy the beauty, but I also took notes on these colorful poems. This article is the main point of my excerpt from reading "Yun Yang Fei Shui" and the experience of writing. "Or learn and gain, or think and gain, and remember it" (Qing WangJun). In ancient times, Xiaomu Jian was called Za, and the article was recorded in Za, so it was called Zaji. Let's enjoy the author's swimming flower poems.

I. Rhythmic Poetry - Hugh Dao Tang Lai has no magic pen, and Li Yuanxin's words are absolutely silent

Traditional poetry reflects a long history and profound cultural heritage, Mr. Chen Chao believes that classical poetry creation is a work of art in modern people's lives, it tastes the beauty of life, and makes this beauty exist forever. Classical poetry has a unique advantage in grasping the beauty of human life. It creates rhythms, rhythms, imagery, etc. through artistic means such as rhyme, duality, flatness, syllables, etc., often setting off a beautiful artistic conception.

The author's "Seven Laws of Wild Duck Lake Summer" sets off the beautiful picture of Yanqing Wild Duck Lake: "The water and grass are lush and distant mountains, and the reed forest is dense as smoke." The ink color is even bright with clouds, and the sweet song is closed to the rhyme bird. The natural scenery is pristine, and there are many kinds of living beauty paradise. A thunderstorm spans a rainbow, and the wildflower world is fresh. ”

Summer at Wild Duck Lake is a seven-word poem referred to as the Seven Laws, and the poem is eight sentences. The seven-word sentence refers to a poem of four sentences and seven words per sentence. The poem originated in the southern dynasty era of paying attention to sound rhythm and duality, and was fixed in the early Tang Dynasty during the Shen Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, also known as the Shen Song Law, and matured in the hands of Du Fu of the Sheng Tang Dynasty. Wang Wei, Gao Shi and other seven laws, many of which are wrong and unbondy, while Cui Hao and Li Bai have works of mixed and mixed, half ancient and half law, and Du Fu's seven-word poems show the highest artistic realm.

Rhythmic poems can be divided into five laws, seven laws and row laws, most of Mr. Chen Chao's poems are seven laws, each eight sentences, each sentence seven words, a total of fifty-six words, generally even sentences rhyme flat (the first sentence can be pledged or not), one rhyme to the end, there is no change of rhyme. For example, the author's "Seven Laws of The Late Spring of the Concubine River": "The hundredth flower falls in Jinfei, and the green clouds in the mountains of the Yanchuan River are urged." The reed buds are old and the apricots are flying through the beads. How many crystal sheds are hidden in the enterprise, and the old and new Wuyan sing reincarnation. The building is like a fence that does not block the moon, only surrounds the new rong. "Yu Chuan Twilight Spring ends with 8 sentences, every 2 sentences into a couplet, counting four links, customarily called the first link as a broken topic, the second link is the jaw link, the third link is the neck link, the fourth link is the knot sentence (tail link), and the upper and lower sentences of the second and third couplets (that is, the jaw link and the neck link) of each song must be dual sentences. The poem rhymes with one rhyme, the second, fourth, sixth, and eighth sentences rhyme, and the first sentence may or may not be rhymed.

In the process of stereotyping the Tang Dynasty Vinaya poems, there were variations, and some Vinaya poems were not written in exactly according to the format, such as Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower", that is, the first half was an ancient style, and the second half was in harmony. This irregular rhythmic poem is called a bad body. There are two Gelu poems of the Tang Dynasty that are unique to ancient and modern.

The first is Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower": "The people of the past have gone by the Yellow Crane, and the Yellow Crane Tower is empty here." The yellow crane is gone, and the white clouds are long in the air. Harukawa calendar Hanyang tree, yerba buena parrot island. Where is Nippori Pass? The Smoke Wave River is sad. In the face of Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower", the poet Li Bai sighed: "There is a scene in front of you, and Cui Hao's inscription poem is on the top." It can be seen that Cui Hao's talent is unparalleled.

The second is Du Fu's "Ascending to the Heights": "The wind is fast, the apes are roaring, and the white birds of Nagisa Qingsha fly back." Boundless falling wood, the Endless Yangtze River rolling in. Wanli Is often a guest in the autumn and has been sick for more than a hundred years. Hardship hated the frost sideburns, and poured out the newly stopped cloudy wine glass. "In comparison, "Ascending" is more strict and disciplined than "Yellow Crane Tower". The first, third, and fourth sentences in "The Yellow Crane Tower" are not in line with the level, and they are not a model of rhythmic poetry. And "Ascending" is complete in style, the neck joint and the tail joint are even sentences, "one three five, two four six clear", the battle work is neat and stable, strictly abide by the rules of the flat, Du Fu's poetry model is also.

Mr. Chen Chao taught Fa Shisheng, "Seven Laws , When the Apricot Blossoms in the Xiangying Garden" borrowed flowers to refer to people, and there was pity: "The apricot blossoms are like beans dotting red lips, and the ten mile ladder slope falls purple clouds." Take advantage of the bee butterfly to compete for the early bud, flirt with the warbler swallow to send incense. Cold branches can stay in the ink, and the shadow is the most lovely. Not for kitsch should be hyped, Fanghua with the same three springs. This poem compares the apricot blossom to a red-lipped beauty, giving the apricot blossom a vivid vitality with an anthropomorphic technique and a light teasing. In the poet's pen, there are bees and butterflies that come by the pleasure, and there are warblers and swallows that send incense, as if they all have personalities and become spirits between heaven and earth. Fanghua is beautiful with the three springs, expressing the poet's deep affection for cherishing the spring light.

The author shows a special preference for flowers, and the style of the yonghua poems based on natural scenery is unique, and the writing is easy and natural, he wrote in the "Appreciation of Cao Guanying Thousand Mu Chrysanthemum Garden": "The clouds in the west are falling on the farmland, and the village forest nets are dyed bright and fresh." Clusters of thin fat extremely distant eyes, xiangfei high and far qingyuan Qinglan. Bees and butterflies are profitable near the water, and guests are the first to smell the wind. I would like to ask Tao Gongdong fence, can there be a corner of this? "In the author's poems, flowers and trees are endowed with human spirituality, and the clusters of thin and fat can fly high; the pottery under the eastern fence of the chrysanthemum will have a unique and fresh aesthetic feeling when he arrives here."

"It seems that the ancestors laughed, and the spirit was passed down through the ages" (Chen Chao), many poems in "Yun Yang Fei Shui" flash the feelings of the ancestors. On August 8, 2015, the author You Mengjiang Female Temple sighed, "Li Yuan, who forgot the country? The people's plague has never been greater than the sky." Worrying about state affairs, listening to the voices of the bottom, and speaking out for conscience are the concepts practiced by Teacher Chen Chao as a poet with an independent personality. Do not rejoice in things, do not grieve with yourself. If you live in the temple, you are worried about the people, and if you are far away, you are worried about the king. This kind of humanistic care in "Yueyang LouJi" flashes in the following two Chen Chao's Seven Laws ——

Seven Laws to Hanshou Huai Quyuan (March 22, 2009)

Chu Ci ancient national style, fishing drum dragon Yang Zhuang Taiping. The canggang wind groaned and whistled, and the snow peaks and clouds stood up to look up.

Rhymes turn over the rain millennium show, dream of the sunrise hundred industry xing. The boyong cave court is like snow, and it is suspected that it is sung in harmony with Qu Zi.

Seven Laws of Denten (May 21, 2009)

If you want to meet with the fairy moon, go straight up to the Hongge Pavilion to break through the clouds. The golden roof is wide in autumn, and the carved beam color rolls down xiaming.

Pillar support Qing Shi Lian grand event, Zhong Cunhua rhymes and ming. Hugh Dao Tang Lai did not have a clever pen, and Li Yuan's heart was silent.

Second, the ancient style - often with the atmosphere to chase the three Li, occasionally make wild roars and play nine songs

"Yun Yang Fei Shui" has "Seven Laws and Poets' Festival Lyrics": "Since ancient times, poets have been xu guo, such as soldiers holding ge in their hands." Often with the atmosphere chasing three Li, occasionally screaming wildly and playing nine songs. The sound of the dragon boat is far and near, and the shadow of the flying Ai Shu is shaky. The heart of the tide rhymes and eternity, want to rise the heavens and rivers to report tuotuo. The "chasing three Li" mentioned in it is Li Bai, Li Shangyin, and Li He. In addition, later generations also discuss Tang poetry as "three Du": Du Fu, Du Mu, and Du Xunhe; there are also "three kings": Wang Wei, Wang Bo, Wang Changling. These inaccuracies, like my notes in this one, are just personal experiences of reading poetry.

"Li Baidou wine hundred poems", imagination is strange and rich, feelings are unrestrained and heroic, it seems that Li Bai wrote with a pen and came casually. When you read Li Bai's poems, you will find that the whole poem is patiently deliberated, the words are precise, and the sentences are standardized. Many of the poems in "Yun Yang Fei Shui" have done the ultimate in exercising kung fu, just like Li Shi's language is fresh and bright, and the style is flowing and natural: "People chase the color of the country to the famous garden, and I do the immortal to the wild field." Hundreds of acres of qi opened the aura, and thousands of beautiful branches fell into the clouds. The windward lotus arrow warbler is gentle, and the painting of the jade dish is colorful. Can you move the capital flower news? Tianfang will not do the night Tan" "You Fei Zhou Peony Garden".

Now some of the so-called "old cadre bodies" of the Five Absolute And Seven Laws have no disease and groaning, piled up sentences, no realms, no literary and historical communication, and good sentences? Reading the poems of "Yun Yang Fei Shui", it can be seen from it that the author is well-read and well-read, and the literature and history are similar. The integration of literature and history is the basic requirement for writing poetry and composition. Hundreds of sons, four books and five classics, read through and copied, but also understand Western history, philosophy, literature, in order to be a full of learning.

In recent years, I have attended many meetings of the Writers' Association with Mr. Chen Chao, and I have seen him casually chant and write into chapters. His poems are close, pen is close, words are close, and three are close: "Raise your eyes to Guanshan and low-eyed lake, begonia flowers and sea tulips." The door opens to paint the wild wind knocking, and the bed shows the clouds and the moon breaks through. The ancient road is extended to the thousand mile horse, and the official hall dreams with five cars of books. The group buildings are messy again, comparable to the poetry shed stacking shelves? "Emerald City Visiting Poets (Rhymes)".

Yan Chuan Chen Chao into a vein, the article ancient wind swaying Haituo. I prefer the ancient style to the Vinaya. The Tang Dynasty poet Li He (790~816), who died young, was known as the "poet ghost". His poems are novel and strange, and his imagination is rich: "Looking for chapters and excerpts from old carving insects, Xiaoyue hangs a jade bow when the curtain is hung." Don't see the Liao Sea every year, where does the article cry autumn wind?" The first two sentences describe the arduous life of the book, and the first sentence says that the poet's good youth is spent on the carving of the insects in this chapter-picking sentence, which is intriguing. The last two sentences are vigorous and sad, writing that the poet has talent but cannot be used in world affairs.

The four masters of the early Tang Dynasty were also masters of ancient style (ancient style), Li Bai's poetry was more than half of the ancient style, and Du Fu was also many. Sheng Tang Dynasty, because of the establishment of the imperial court system, stipulated the law of ping, and used it to take the title, and the scribes tended to be like carp. Gelu was especially important in the Song Dynasty, so Song poetry was not as good as Tang poetry. Traditional poetry is divided into two categories: ancient and near. Now that there is no examination, is there any stupidity in the body? I saw that there are many ancient poems in "YunYang Fei Shui", and I read them with joy, feeling that the poet loves nature and pursues the poetic style of freedom and individuality.

The more than 100 poems in "Rhymes with Concubines" remind me of Guo Moruo's 1958 poem "A Hundred Flowers Blooming" in order to publicize the policy of "a hundred flowers blooming". Guo Lao wrote that daffodils "live only with a spoonful of water and a few stones", and linked to the slogan of "how fast and better to save" of the "general line", saying that this is the "promotion faction" of "living provincially, living well, and living more". This collection of poems is expressed as a formula of "image description, political concept", which is lackluster. In 1959, in a letter to Chen Mingyuan, Guo Lao made a sincere self-criticism of this: "My "A Hundred Flowers Blooming" is a big failure! Despite some superficial praise, I am deeply sorry. He also said: "Although 'A Hundred Flowers Bloom' has won a great reputation after its publication, I have not been confused to the point of losing self-knowledge. Such a monotonous and stereotyped form of two sections and eight lines, the same size used in successive 101 capitals, is indeed cut enough, rather like a square, flat and stable flower pot shelf, installed in the botanical garden, barely inserted with a uniform label. "Now that I've reread it myself, I'm ashamed, and I regret that I shouldn't have rushed this fashion with my scalp in the first place."

In the middle and late period of the last century, the literary and art circles once circulated such a slip of the tongue: "Guo Lao, Guo Lao, how bad poetry is." Changed the name, can't publish! This is the sadness of Elder Guo, and it is also the sadness of the times. In 1921, Guo Lao published his first new collection of poems, "Goddess", which began with the myth and legend of Nüwa supplementing the heavens, expressing the beautiful yearning and nostalgia for the freedom of life. "Goddess" is the foundation of Chinese new poetry, and Guo Moruo has thus become one of the important founders of Chinese new poetry.

The plum blossoms are three degrees of brilliant light, and the rhymes of the concubine river send a strange fragrance. After reading Chen Chao's "Yun Yang Fei Shui", I also made up a smooth slip: "Chen Lao, Chen Lao, poetry is good." Don't change the name, just publish it! This is the joy of the poet, but also the confidence and pride of Yuchuan literature.

Third, the new word of the network - not to mu the prince and not to mu xian, to let go of the mountains and wild songs homeland

"The purple in front of the door is stuffed into the clouds, and the peach blossoms on the slope are full of fragrant eyes." Mountain savages play a little cool, and the cliffs shine in the spring light. In mid-April 2003, the poet went to Huairou Jiankou Great Wall to photograph the style and wrote this poem "Huairou Jiankou Great Wall Photography Style".

"Who will play the rhythm of the spring jiao, happy to move the flowers of the river to win the tide." An zi does not need to stand up comedy, and the post can also be emoji. The painting scene around me changes every day, and the fluorescent light in the heart flutters everywhere. Ren is eating melon Mo shake hands, body shaping wings into the clouds. On February 3, 2019, the poet "He Yanqing Poetry Association Annual Meeting" wrote this "new word on the Internet". Here the use of "talk show", "follow-up", "memes", "eat melons" and "body shaping", the more stereotyped, serious activities become vivid, giving people a refreshing feeling.

A web language is a form of language that is different from traditional media. Because of its simplicity and vividness, it has been favored by netizens. The online language is biased towards digitization, alphabetization, and symbolization, which has also aroused controversy while being sought after by netizens. The "keyboard man" chat on the Internet is arbitrary, fragmented and not standardized, and is not suitable for entering the formal writing system. It is necessary to avoid some profanity and foul language, resulting in the vulgarization of language and the decline of cultural taste.

The written expression system of contemporary Chinese was derived from the two vernacular literary movements of the late Qing Dynasty and the "May Fourth", and "all vernacular can be included in poetry", which proved to be impassable. Folk life terms must be selected, infiltrated and refined to be suitable for written expression. There are no rules and no squares, and online language writing needs to be cautious!

The ancient chinese wind condenses the giant treasure, and the river rhythms and makes new sounds. Profound learning is studied, and the high mountain peaks are led to climbing. "Yun Yang Fei Shui" network language into the writing system, is through a strict screening: "I do fans long standing, still when the lights are full of lights" "Yu Chuan Small Scene is a common thing, do not use vibrato deliberately boast" "Packaged and sold to the East, the fragrance stays in my farmhouse" "Near noon Chaojia mobile phone point, mountain vegetable refreshing whole plate" "Keyboard typing although convenient, the national rejuvenation of the vertical and horizontal"... These new words on the web read cutely and believable, interesting and interesting.

Mr. Chen Chao wrote in the "Wa" of the book "Yun Yang Fei Shui": Through years of writing, exchange practice, and this collection and publication, I still have the following feelings: First, writing is valuable in persistence and perseverance. I can write as much as possible, I set myself the goal of writing 2 songs a month, not much to listen to, but a year is 24 songs, 30 years is 720 songs, can become a thick collection. The second is to participate in more activities, especially the collection of styles. Staying at home, of course, can also produce works, but it is relatively limited and it is more difficult to write good things. Some places are far away, or are limited by objectives, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the original materials, or look up them on the Internet. Third, when writing lattice poems, we must try to follow the law as much as possible. Participation in the event must be in accordance with the law, otherwise it is easy to be taken down. In ordinary writing, in the case of law, in order to prevent the meaning of words, there can be individual places to make laws. Fourth, after writing, meditate on the revision. When time permits, there is no rush to publish, first cold, and then modify. You can use the "verse check" and "lexical check" in the network to test it.

Mr. Chen Chao has been the leader of the Poetry Association since 1990, and after retiring in 2005, he served as the leader of the Yanqing Old Church Association for 8 years, and retired in 2015. In July 2021, he retired from the leadership of the society, and he was very good! He wrote that he had a feeling of retiring from the leadership of the society: "The moon has a full circle and the fruit is ripe, and the retirement is twice and then rested." Shayuan is often stabbed by camels, and Yun Hai is struggling to find Parrot Island. The Banner of the Lucky King raised the tiger's qi, and the distant geese array went up to the star tower. Lian Po Mo Dao could only eat and face the pestle head of the mountain. (Note: pestle head, refers to the fist)". The upper is not ashamed of the sky, the lower is not ashamed of the earth, and the middle is not ashamed of people, showing the calmness and open-mindedness of life.

After old age, how long the eyes, you can collect the wind and avoid danger. Only the truth is lost in elegance, and the old temperament is loose. Retired, the environment has changed, the content of activities has changed, and the pace of life has changed, so the poet wrote "Seven Laws • Retirement Photo": "Leaving the post and sitting at home is not a writer, and the light body is still accompanied by the morning sun." The screen cable wears cold and summer, and the books and newspapers are like cakes under wine and tea. If you want to make your leisure heart insert strong feathers, it is difficult to turn old dreams into sand. Occasionally gathered in the poems of teachers and friends, piled up frost and smiled as flowers. "Leaving the post to sit at home, instead of signing a writer, will be able to see through the daily life at once." This sentence became the mantra of his wife's laughter and giggle, who wanted to ask Chen Chao what he was doing at home, and his wife said that he was "a non-writer who left his post and sat at home." Knowing the cause and knowing the effect is auspicious, and the heart has compassion to add blessings and longevity. Planting melons to get melons, planting beans to get beans, there is nothing happening in the world for no reason. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates believed that the law of cause and effect was the fundamental law of the universe, and he famously said: "What kind of cause is planted, what kind of effect will be there, this is the law of eternity." "There must be good results for planting good causes, and there will be evil consequences for planting evil causes." Like Mr. Chen Chao, say more good things, do more good deeds, and send more good ideas. Sow the seeds of conscience and reap the fruits of fulfillment.

In 2003, the poet wrote "Gifting Peasant Poet Tian Jihai": "Don't mu the prince and don't mu xian, let go of the mountains and wild songs home." Chun Ya stepped on the poetry ridge, and the moon cub lifted up a painting boat. Often into the high and deep to find clever, rare rustic and fresh. It seems that the five willows have been moaning for a long time, and they have seen the family legend in the Yu River. Teacher Tian Jihai is a peasant poet in Zhangshanying Village, Yanqing, Beijing, and has authored "Haituo Double Cultivation Collection". On December 21 of that year, a reporter from Beijing Daily went to the Beijing Poetry Society for an interview and published an interview entitled "Placing Our Hearts in Poetry" and published the poem. This poem "Spring Ya, Moon Cub" is a new word created by the poet, the little girl in the spring, barefoot in the field stepped out of a ridge of verses, the moon that just appeared like a little boy, holding up a boat of rural style paintings, but also said that Teacher Tian Jihai conceived and created in the field and at night. This poem was written by the calligrapher Li Zixing and given to Teacher Tian Jihai as a permanent souvenir.

Deep understanding of the great righteousness, deep understanding of the subsections. From the poem "Gift to the Peasant Poet Tian Jihai", it can be seen that Mr. Chen Chao befriends people who are kind to people and live simply; people who are not arrogant or impatient, who do not argue or grab; who are willing to suffer losses and can bear hardships; who do not catch up with the fashion, think independently, and have a diversified life.

Upside-down banknotes are local tycoons, and the drummers are elegant. We must cherish the lush wood on the ridge, and regret that we will not leave our descendants. Kindness is generous, kindness is kindness, kindness is good, and kindness is good. Chen Chao's poetry collection enlightened me: What contemporary society needs to establish is a new humanities that can not only meet the needs of the times, but also benefit the future society of mankind. Its basic principles: 1. In line with the sound development of human nature, "the pieces fell into the Yingpu invitation card, invited Baihui xi ronggui". 2. Suitable for the modern life of the Chinese people, "invited Li Du red house gathering, thin wine and coarse tea to tell a good sound." 3. In line with the long-term interests of ethnic groups and human groups, "Yaji Library listens to good stories, and does not have to lightly smoke and fall to the Five Hous". 4. Taking the excellent Chinese culture as the source, "the evening apricot snow chases the plum early, and the corner lingfeng xiacai flies". 5. The cultural spirit with broad, open and life renewal ability, that is, the integration of ancient and modern human reason at home and abroad, "the mountain gate has a road to the world, highlighting the Chinese world".

The enlightenment of "YunYangFei Shui" to me: the contemporary humanistic spirit and modern ethics need to be constructed and recognized by the Chinese people together, and it will become a spiritual homeland and cultural bond, and while having a rich material life, it will also have a rich and bright spiritual life, and can walk towards the future with confidence.

Read "Yun Yang Fei Shui". My last note is: See the world with a pure heart, live with joy, have a normal heart, and remove obstacles with a soft heart. The past has passed, not trapped in the past; the future sun and moon are not afraid, do not have to measure. Only today is the day new, and the plums are fragrant when they are ripe.

Note: "Yun Yang Fei Shui" (Chen Chao's poetry collection) is included in: Qiao Yu edited "The Collected Works of Fei Chuan", Beijing Publishing House, January 2022 edition.

On Sunday, March 27, 2022, Shi Zhongyuan wrote in Tampo Bay Bookstore in Yanqing, Beijing.

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