
Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Yunfu release
Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

On the afternoon of August 17, Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a commendation meeting for security and stability maintenance work celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, comprehensively summarizing the results of the county public security organs' work in the first half of the year, especially in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, deploying the next stage of public security work, and commending the advanced collectives and advanced individuals who had outstanding performance in the security and stability maintenance work some time ago, especially in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. Wang Wei, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech. Chen Zhejiang, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Chen Chengqing, chairman of the standing committee of the county people's congress, and Liang Guohua, chairman of the county CPPCC committee, attended the meeting. Tan Cheng, deputy county magistrate and director of the county public security bureau, presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, on behalf of the county party committee and the county government, Wang Wei expressed his heartfelt thanks and lofty respect for the hard work of the vast number of public security cadres and policemen throughout the county who worked day and night and fought continuously, and expressed warm congratulations to the advanced collectives and advanced individuals who were commended. It is hoped that the police auxiliary personnel of the county's public security organs will take the advanced as an example, forge ahead, work tenaciously, and do solid work, and promote the public security work in Xinxing County to a new level.

Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

Wang Wei, secretary of the Xinxing County CPC Committee, attended the commendation meeting and delivered a speech

Wang Wei pointed out that in accordance with the arrangements of the county party committee, the county government, and the public security organs at higher levels, the public security organs throughout the county have carried out in-depth party history study education and education and rectification of the political and legal contingent, regarded the celebration of the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the party as the main theme of the work throughout the year, solidly carried out the work of "cracking down on prevention and control uniforms," successfully achieved the work goals of "five strict prevention" and "three guarantees," and the county's work of celebrating the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the party has achieved complete success in security and stability maintenance. Practice has proved that the xinxing county public security contingent is a contingent that is particularly capable of enduring hardships, fighting, and dedication; it is a contingent that can be pulled out, topped, and won at crucial moments; and it is a contingent that the party and the people can completely trust.

On promoting the high-quality development of public security work in the county, Wang Wei stressed: First, we must deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's rule of law thought and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, and always maintain the loyal nature of listening to the party and following the party. It is necessary to transform the enthusiasm for loving the party and the country and the people radiated by the study and education of party history into a powerful driving force for doing a good job in public security work, escort the political stability, social harmony, and economic prosperity of the whole county, and make public security contributions to the exploration and construction of a high-quality development demonstration county in Rongwan For Xinxing County, and highlight the responsibility of public security. Second, we must fully perform the duties of public security work in the new era, and firmly shoulder the political responsibility of ensuring the safety of one side and promoting the development of one side. It is necessary to accurately grasp the characteristics and requirements of the new development stage, focus on work responsibilities and key tasks, pay close attention to public security work, promote the continuous new progress and new results of safe and new construction, and create a safe and stable social environment for the county's economic and social development. Third, we must adhere to high standards and strictly manage the party and the police, and build a public security iron army that the party and the people can trust, rely on, and rest assured. It is necessary to strengthen political construction, cultivate a fine work style, cultivate excellent skills, forge an iron army of public security in the new era, and provide a strong guarantee for pushing the county's public security work to a new level.

At the meeting, Tan Cheng summed up the public security work since the beginning of this year and deployed the next stage of public security work.

Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

Tan Cheng, deputy county magistrate and director of the county public security bureau, summed up the public security work since the beginning of this year and deployed the next stage of public security work

During the meeting, a summary video with the theme of "Highlighting the Main Business of Cracking Down on Prevention, Control, and Controlling, and Making All-Out Efforts to Maintain Social Stability" was also played at the meeting, and awards were given to the advanced collectives and advanced individual representatives who emerged in the work of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC.

Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party
Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party
Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

Commended outstanding units and outstanding people's police

Since the beginning of this year, in strict accordance with the deployment requirements of the county party committee, the county government, and the public security organs at higher levels, the public security organs in Xinxing County have transformed the political enthusiasm gathered by the study and education of party history and the enthusiasm for performing their duties stimulated by the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent into the driving force for hard work and dedication, taking the "eight special actions" as the starting point, starting high-level services in the echelon, organizing and promoting the deployment of the highest position, guarding the bottom line of stability with the greatest joint efforts, taking the most practical measures to maintain social peace, eliminating potential safety hazards with the strictest standards, and supervising and implementing the implementation with the strongest intensity. Go all out to do a good job in security work to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party. Xinxing County Public Security Bureau has been rated as the province's excellent public security bureau, the province's law enforcement quality evaluation excellent county-level public security organs, in 2019 and 2020 for two consecutive years of excellent law enforcement quality evaluation of outstanding county-level public security organs (the only one in the city), the overall evaluation results of the political and legal team education and rectification reached the excellent grade.

Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

Group photo

Profiles of advanced figures

★ "The heroic model of political science and law around me" - Wang Ping

Wang Ping, female, born in November 1981, is a member of the Communist Party of China and is currently the fourth-level supervisor of police technology of xinxing county public security bureau, engaged in forensic work. Since joining the public security work in April 2009, she has always adhered to the front line of criminal technology work, with ingenuity to the original intention, ten years as a day engaged in forensic appraisal work, presided over and participated in more than 2,000 forensic appraisals, more than 1,000 cases of various cases, more than 600 live examinations and appraisals, more than 300 autopsy, issued more than 500 various types of inspection and appraisal, more than 500 reports, assisted in solving more than 200 cases, and successively won the third class merit twice, and was awarded by the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions in 2018" Nanyue Jiangong Liye Female Expert".

In April 2020, in the investigation of the "2005.10.07" intentional homicide case, Wang Ping made full use of the latest technical means, continuously optimized the inspection plan, and jointly used multiple system resources to cross-check and compare, successfully locked the criminal suspect, provided key evidence for the case detection, and finally arrested 4 criminal suspects, so that the unsolved 15-year homicide case was successfully solved. Since Wang Ping presided over the DNA identification work in April 2019, there have been more than 180 cases of inspection, more than 560 pieces of physical evidence, 207 cases of review, 25 suspects directly compared to the middle school, and 22 cases in the middle of the test. Since 2014, Wang Ping has participated in the research and development of innovative projects as the main creator. The "Case Scene Fragments and Physical Evidence Restoration Inspection Method" was recommended to participate in the "First Guangdong Police Innovation Competition" of the Provincial Public Security Department in 2015 and won the bronze award, and in 2016, in the "Second Guangdong Police Innovation Competition", the "Standardized Footprint Survey Toolkit" she participated in the research and development won the silver award. The two achievements have filled the gap in China and provided front-line technicians with "practical methods" and "actual combat equipment". Using innovative project technology methods, she helped crack more than 40 burglary and burglary cases in Xinxing County from 2015 to 2016, involving a value of more than 700,000 yuan.

★ "Model of Love and Dedication" - Liang Xiaoling

Liang Xiaoling, a member of the Communist Party of China, a first-class police chief, is currently an instructor at the command center of the Xinxing County Public Security Bureau. With her loyalty to the party and her persistent pursuit of the cause of public security, she regarded "doing one line, loving one line; drilling one line, refining one line" as her motto, working diligently, working hard and bearing grudges, with a solid work style, excellent writing eloquence, capable work ability and selfless dedication spirit, fully displaying the style of female policemen, fully affirmed and recognized by leaders at all levels, and also won wide praise from grass-roots police and the broad masses, zeng Rongli personal second-class merit 1 time, personal third-class merit 5 times, personal commendation 6 times, For many consecutive years, the civil servant appraisal has been rated as excellent.

As the "head goose" of the command center, Liang Xiaoling firmly grasped the word "deep and realistic", always adhered to the principle of attaching equal importance to strict management and care, grasped the construction of the command center team from a deep and down-to-earth manner, and promoted the continuous improvement of the overall quality of the emerging public security team. With her continuous efforts, the overall cohesion and combat effectiveness of the emerging public security have been continuously strengthened, the efficiency of escorting economic development and serving people's livelihood has been continuously highlighted, and the number of police reports of illegal crimes in the county in the first half of 2021 has dropped by 21.85% year-on-year, the criminal police situation of telecommunications network fraud has dropped by 13.87% year-on-year, and the number of criminal detention, arrest, transfer for prosecution, and arrest of fugitives has increased by 4 year-on-year. Highlight the word "fine and fine", and carefully cultivate the operation of emerging public security service organizations. Through the meticulous arrangement of service organizations and the meticulous implementation of service measures, it has played a prominent role in winning major security battles. Personally follow up the setting of the joint logistics command for major security work such as "Spring Festival", "May Day", "College Entrance Examination" and "July 1st", do a good job of research, analysis, upload and issuance of daily security information, and ensure the smooth flow of police orders. Pursue the word "fast and accurate" and do a solid job in the comprehensive command of "July 1st" security. Closely following the development and changes of the situation and the key tasks of the weekly video dispatch meeting of the provincial department, the decision-making and deployment of the party committee of the municipal bureau and the party committee of the county bureau, actively acting as a staff assistant, drafting 116 copies of the key work deployment speeches, report drafts, emergency response plans, research materials and other 116 copies of more than 300,000 words, which made outstanding contributions to the county's public security organs to do a solid job in the "July 1st" security and stability maintenance work.

★ "Southern Guangdong Criminal Investigation Star in the New Era" - Pan Xincai

Pan Xincai, male, 49 years old, a member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the squadron leader of the third squadron of the criminal investigation brigade of the Xinxing County Public Security Bureau, and is the backbone of forensic technology in the bureau. Since joining the police, he has always adhered to the forensic post, faithfully performed his duties, conscientiously, sought truth and pragmatism, and made correct and scientific appraisal conclusions in a timely manner for the forensic examination and appraisal he undertook, providing a scientific basis for case detection, criminal proceedings, and handling civil disputes, and making due contributions to the construction of the bureau's forensic science and technology work and the construction of Ping An Xinxing. In the past 28 years since he was a police officer, he has participated in more than 2,000 autopsy examinations of various cases, more than 6,000 live examinations, and independently or participated in the issuance of more than 4,000 forensic identifications. Due to his outstanding work performance, he was awarded the third class merit twice. In January this year, it was rated as the first "Southern Guangdong Criminal Investigation Star in the New Era" by the Provincial Public Security Department, and only two criminal police officers in our city were elected.

As the person in charge of the criminal technology team, Pan Xincai led by example everywhere in his work, had the courage to take responsibility, led the technical squadron to work together, deeply cultivated the scene, focused on improving the effective extraction rate of physical evidence from the scene, strengthened communication and coordination with various case-handling units, and completed the landing work in the technical ratio, showing the fighting spirit of "being particularly able to fight and dare to gnaw hard bones". For example, in 2017, the technical squadron detected 12 cases of Li ×'s main series of burglaries through technical collusion and bizhong; 16 cases of burglary in the series of window-cutting gates of Xiao × hua and Xiao × Qiu's gangs; 24 cases of burglary in the series× of window-cutting grilles of the technical string and × Bin gangs in the technical string merger and bizhong detection area, and detected a number of series of theft cases with bad impact, and the technical squadron provided technical support for the detection of the case and provided evidence support for the litigation of the case. Pan Xincai led the team, gathered strength, and made effects, and the construction of the new mechanism of "one long, four must be in the middle" that he was responsible for promoting has always been at the forefront of the province.

★ "Southern Guangdong Auxiliary Police Star" - Deng Yongqiang

Deng Yongqiang, male, born in July 1982, joined the work in January 2014, the auxiliary police of the fourth squadron of the criminal investigation brigade of the Xinxing County Public Security Bureau, under the leadership of the brigade police, mainly assisted in the video tracking, analysis and judgment and arrest of the case. In the past 7 years of participating in public security work, Comrade Deng Yongqiang has faithfully practiced the general requirements of "loyalty to the party, service to the people, fairness in law enforcement, and strict discipline", scrupulously fulfilled his duties, and made many achievements with the responsibility of pragmatic dedication, making his due contribution to the new construction of Ping An. For his outstanding work, he was named The Assistant Police Officer of the Year in 2016, 2018 and 2019. In January 2021, it was rated as the "Star of The Auxiliary Police of Southern Guangdong" by the Provincial Public Security Department, and only two auxiliary police officers in the city were awarded the honor.

Deng Yongqiang worked conscientiously and responsibly, always day and night, under the careful guidance of the people's police, with his excellent professional ability and extremely strong sense of responsibility for work, he repeatedly made meritorious achievements in various special operations carried out by his superiors. In January 2018, he actively participated in the anti-fraud work, participated in combing and analyzing the whereabouts of the defrauded funds, found a large number of effective clues, assisted in the arrest of more than 30 fraud suspects, and destroyed 3 evil gangs. During the epidemic in 2020, he conducted an investigation of the flow of funds in He Mousheng's fraud case through the anti-fraud platform, and assisted in the arrest of 3 fraud criminals, who used the sale of masks, disinfectant water and medical equipment to defraud a total of more than 1 million yuan. The analysis and judgment of intelligence information affects the direction of investigation of the entire case, but at present, the informationization of the intelligence system is not advanced enough, and the collection of intelligence information mainly relies on manual collection and investigation. Deng Yongqiang often said that public security intelligence work should not be sloppy in the slightest, carefully and conscientiously sorted out police information every day, checked clues, carried out visual investigation work, and assisted in the production of more than 200 various visual investigation research and judgment reports throughout the year, providing strong support for Xinxing County to detect various cases.

August 20, 2021 Yunfu Daily special edition

Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party
Presenting the centennial birthday丨Xinxing County held a public security work conference and a security commendation meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party

Source: Yunfu Daily

Draft/Reporter: Guo Yunguang You Siming Correspondent: Liang Weijiang Li Min

Editor-in-charge: Lai Xiumei

Duty Director: Zhao Jun eel

Chief Editor-in-Chief: Lullivan


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