
Fat Donglai rolling dough incident whistleblower: After deducting taxes, he got 80,000 yuan, and his job is gone, but he doesn't regret it

author:Ōban Eggplant

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Recently, a food safety incident involving freshly rolled dough has attracted the attention of all sectors of society, and the protagonist of this matter is the well-known supermarket chain located in Xinxiang, Henan Province - Fat Donglai.

The party to the incident, Fat Donglai Supermarket, also showed great sincerity in handling the matter, announcing that it would issue a "peace of mind subsidy" of 1,000 yuan to each customer who bought rolling dough for 7 consecutive days from June 29 to July 5, and reward the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan to close the store involved.

However, while the public affirmed this, someone stood up, saying that the store they reported was their old employer, and they were also infamous as "unemployed" for this matter.

What kind of person is he? Why do you value food safety more than your livelihood?


Recently, Fat Donglai Supermarket has frequently appeared on the hot search list because of food safety issues, and also issued an announcement that it will issue a "peace of mind subsidy" of 1,000 yuan to every customer who buys rolling dough.

This approach has been affirmed by the majority of netizens, who believe that Fat Donglai reflects the responsibility of a large enterprise in this matter.

However, while the public affirmed this, someone stood up, saying that the store they reported was their old employer, and they were also infamous as "unemployed" for this matter.

What kind of person is he? Why do you value food safety more than your livelihood?

The name Xiao Jin may not be unfamiliar to everyone, he is an important party in this incident and the initiator of this turmoil.

On the afternoon of the 28th, he was interviewed by the media.

In the interview, Xiao Jin said that the store he complained about was the old employer he used to work for.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident whistleblower: After deducting taxes, he got 80,000 yuan, and his job is gone, but he doesn't regret it

Although he lost his job because of the complaint, he still has no regrets about what he did.

According to Xiao Jin, he is 30 years old this year and has been working hard in the catering industry before that.

Later, he quit his previous job for various reasons, and while looking for a job, he met a boss by chance, who introduced him to work in Fat Donglai's store.

Xiao Jin thought he had found a good job opportunity, but he didn't expect to lose his job again because of this incident.

It is because of his experience as a driver in the store that he is no stranger to some of the operations in the store.

He suddenly found that the store was actually using multiple ingredients to make dough rolling, which shocked him, who already attached great importance to food safety.

After much hesitation, he decided to stand up and expose the hidden shady scenes within the industry.

He then posted a video and reported the situation.

After receiving the report, the local market supervision and administration bureau quickly launched an investigation, and sealed the store involved and opened a case for investigation.

This incident not only aroused heated discussions among netizens, but also made other operators feel deeply vigilant.

They have said that they will further strengthen the management of the store, and will take 7 days to carry out a comprehensive rectification, and issued a message to thank all those who care about this matter.

Misunderstanding cleared.

Now that the complainant has come forward to make it clear, it is difficult to ride the tiger.

So who is this sincere but misunderstood company?

They are Fat Donglai Supermarket.

It is reported that Xinxiang Fat Donglai supermarket chain is located in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, which is a supermarket chain that integrates various elements such as food and daily necessities.

Although it is famous for its "Fat Donglai" brand, it is not a local enterprise in Henan.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident whistleblower: After deducting taxes, he got 80,000 yuan, and his job is gone, but he doesn't regret it

Headquartered in Tangbian Town, Shantou City, Guangdong, it has attracted many consumers and entrepreneurs due to its large scale of stores and diverse product variety.

In recent years, Fat Donglai Supermarket has also actively responded to national policies, implemented poverty alleviation projects, opened stores in many places across the country, and adopted a joint operation model to help local farmers and poor households.

The food safety incident occurred at one of its joint stores in Xinxiang City.

According to reports, the store has received food safety training and strictly abides by the company's relevant regulations to carry out operations.

The dough is loved by local residents for its unique production process and delicious taste.

However, when the store was closed due to illegal operations, some complainants stood up and said that it was difficult to ride the tiger.

Fat Donglai, who has great influence, has naturally become the focus of public opinion.

Now that the incident has passed, what is the attitude of Fat Donglai Supermarket?

Fight back!

From the initial exposure of the food safety incident, Fat Donglai Supermarket actively responded and quickly issued an announcement announcing a "peace of mind subsidy" of 1,000 yuan for all customers who purchased rolling dough.

In addition, he also said that he would reward 100,000 yuan to thank the whistleblower and close down the store involved to make further progress in public opinion.

However, just when everyone thought that Fat Donglai Supermarket was doing well in handling the matter, someone suddenly stood up and said that Fat Donglai Supermarket was not "flawless" at all.

It is reported that after the incident was exposed, some media conducted an in-depth investigation and found that after the store involved was closed, not only the supervisor and quality controller were dismissed, but even all the employees of the store were dismissed.

This news has caused heated discussions and controversy.

Some of them believe that Fat Donglai Supermarket's tough approach to this matter will only harm the interests of more innocent people, and it is not a responsible and responsible attitude;

While others think that Fat Donglai Supermarket is decisive and straightforward.

Fat Donglai rolling dough incident whistleblower: After deducting taxes, he got 80,000 yuan, and his job is gone, but he doesn't regret it

We are not in a position to comment on either view.

But it is worth noting that Fat Donglai Supermarket has never given up on its commitment to apologize and compensate consumers.

This also allows us to see the integrity and responsibility that an enterprise should have.

Write at the end

As the classic line says: "Everyone collects firewood and the flame is high, and helping others is the foundation of happiness", we should learn from Fat Donglai Supermarket to provide help and lessons to other catering companies, and jointly promote food safety work to a higher level.


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