
Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

author:Step into the ordinary

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment!

Vietnamese border guards succeeded in capturing four men who were trying to smuggle into Vietnam from China. It is understood that the four men came up with the idea of going to Vietnam to find employment opportunities because they could not find jobs in China. This incident not only affects the security of the border between the two countries, but also triggers a deep reflection on the domestic job market and the concept of employment for young people.

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

First, the course of the incident

The four men set out from the Chinese border and tried to enter Vietnam illegally. Border guards spotted the boat while patrolling and acted quickly to intercept it. After investigation, the four men were all Chinese nationals, aged between 35 and 19, two of whom were from Fujian and two from Hunan. They said that they had struggled their lives due to the lack of a suitable job in the country for a long time, so they decided to take the risk of smuggling into Vietnam in the hope of finding better employment opportunities there.

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

2. The reasons behind the smuggling

Behind this smuggling incident, it reflects the employment difficulties faced by some young people. In the current global economic situation, the domestic job market in China is becoming increasingly fierce, and many young people have encountered various setbacks in the process of finding a job. In some areas, due to the adjustment of industrial structure and unbalanced economic development, there are relatively few employment opportunities, which makes it difficult for some young people to find suitable jobs. In addition, there are also certain problems in the employment concept of some young people, who often pursue high salaries and stable jobs too much, and ignore their own actual situation and market demand.

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

3. Expectations for Vietnam's job market

The four men chose to smuggle themselves into Vietnam in search of work, partly because they had certain expectations for the country's job market. Vietnam's rapid economic development in recent years has attracted a large amount of foreign investment, while also creating a large number of jobs. However, do they really understand the job market and working environment in Vietnam? Will they be able to find a job and integrate into the local society in an unfamiliar country? These are all questions they need to consider.

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

4. Reflection and enlightenment

This smuggling incident has brought us a profound reflection. First of all, we should pay attention to the current situation and problems of the domestic employment market and actively take measures to promote the healthy development of the employment market. The government should increase its support for the job market and provide more employment opportunities and entrepreneurial support; At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen employment guidance and training for young people to help them establish a correct concept of employment and enhance their own competitiveness.

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

We should strengthen the management and monitoring of border security. Border areas are an important line of defense for national security, and any illegal entry or exit may pose a threat to national security. Therefore, we should strengthen patrols and monitoring in border areas to detect and intercept illegal entry and exit in a timely manner. At the same time, it is also necessary to intensify the crackdown on smugglers and maintain the security and stability of the country's borders.

Chinese men smuggled into Vietnam to find a job, and it has become difficult for young people to find employment! The reason is everyone's voice

We should also strengthen the education and guidance of young people. Young people are the future and hope of the country, and their growth and development are related to the future destiny of the country. We should strengthen the education and guidance of young people to help them establish correct values and outlook on life. At the same time, more opportunities and resources should be provided to support their growth and development, so that they can become the pillars of the country.


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